Blak bart
Platinum Member
Theres money around there somwhere, I smell a cache. Go back as soon as possible. Slow down, search thoroughly, and be patient.
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Tuff to read. What I think I see here
Was Going to Shoot me with a 38??
So they Make me Stand a Log Coffin All day -
and if I did Not so they could see me shoot me at once
Rolland ???? in 1896 Milk Wagon yelling in road
he see about it
I had to go in there the next day all day So
View attachment 1486815
I totally agree with Blak Bart on this one. With all the action listed, I would totally expect to find a hidden cache somewhere near a log cabin around there. check old maps to see if any outlines for cabins are seen. Regardless if there is a cache or not, I am sure you will find something...maybe even that 38 revolver....the plot thickens!Theres money around there somwhere, I smell a cache. Go back as soon as possible. Slow down, searh thoroughly, and be patient.
page 7
he get to
?? it so
he be boss
the next day
he told them
se about it
Kindly Family
and way
there means
he killed me
if they could
not drove me
in there
the night before
me hid the
house so they
didnt catch
me and kill
View attachment 1486821
IMHO, it appears that the author of the notes was writing down things that happened as evidence.
there was a frank Rolland in 1907 Wisconsin
Wood County reporter. (Grand Rapids [i.e. Wisconsin Rapids], Wis.) 1857-1923, September 12, 1907, Image 3 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress
View attachment 1486864
Wood County reporter. (Grand Rapids [i.e. Wisconsin Rapids], Wis.), 12 Sept. 1907.