BOcare hits fire departments hard?


"Volunteer Firemen make their living somewhere else. They don't sit home drawing checks, foodstamps and welfare. THEY WORK!!!"

And you base that statement on...?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I happen to WORK at a company that has employed SEVERAL Volunteer Firemen. They are on call 24/7, but here in southeast Arkansas, the get NOTHING besides some assistance in buying their equipment.


Did you find the link to that site at The Daily Currant?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

What link? The page?

T'ain't real. Just wanted to make some folks slobber on their keyboards. Hope it wasn't too messy.


Spoiler Alert!

Neither is The Daily Currant - the "news"paper you linked to before.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Spoiler Alert!

Neither is The Daily Currant - the "news"paper you linked to before.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

MODS: Please check his fishing license. I don't think he has a license to be fishing here on the forum.

Went through EVERY post I made here, I don't have any "cited sources", so why are you making this up ... or is it just another effort to derail this thread.


You forgot the Obama free gas station in Detroit already?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

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Liar? Nope.

I do thank you for pointing out my error. I was wrong. And I do apologize for my mistake.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I started a thread a week or more ago about "free gas at Obama stations" but I was just fishing for trolls and it got shut down pretty fast. Maybe those of us who think the current President was a bad choice all "look alike" to you ?


Liar? Nope.

I do thank you for pointing out my error. I was wrong. And I do apologize for my mistake.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I take it then you are not to blame for the lie you told?

Maybe you're just not adult enough to admit it.


You're faster than anyone else on TN to whine "Lie!" and "Liar!" You've posted a remarkable amount of mis- and dis-information - such as the roster of claimed Obama Firsts that was riddled with errors. I don't recall ever seeing you admit that, after so many of the statements were debunked.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


You're faster than anyone else on TN to whine "Lie!" and "Liar!" You've posted a remarkable amount of mis- and dis-information - such as the roster of claimed Obama Firsts that was riddled with errors. I don't recall ever seeing you admit that, after so many of the statements were debunked.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Gentlemen end your personal war or I will....

We will NOT go quietly into the night!


You're faster than anyone else on TN to whine "Lie!" and "Liar!" You've posted a remarkable amount of mis- and dis-information - such as the roster of claimed Obama Firsts that was riddled with errors. I don't recall ever seeing you admit that, after so many of the statements were debunked.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
OB with all due respect are you saying that anyone who posts a link that may have a few discrepancies in it is a liar ? Simply for posting a link to someone else's opinion ? Are we expected to spend hours researching everything we read on the internet to verify every little detail before posting it ? You certainly don't. TH my apologies but this is a politely worded legitimate question that deserves an answer. We ALL post links to stories and other peoples opinions and suddenly OB seems to want to write his own rules for what should be allowed.

No issue with it or with disagreeing only with the baiting and insulting...

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

No, they were NOT debunked ... innuendos and propaganda were thrown at it, but no, not debunked.

Even the area where I have PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE, you and your "posse" were livid and accused me of lying.

Do not quote me again or attack

No, they were NOT debunked ... innuendos and propaganda were thrown at it, but no, not debunked.

Even the area where I have PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE, you and your "posse" were livid and accused me of lying.

Do not quote me again or attack
Once again OB picks and chooses what questions he feels like answering. This CRAP of stirring the pot and then refusing to respond is a huge part of the problem. It's what TROLLS do. Not that I'm calling anyone a troll because that's against the rules. OB if you're going to start crap at least man up and finish what you started.

I have asked many questions in this forum that were simply ignored because the answers did not promote the agenda of those being asked the question. If you think OB is the only person who engages in that here, I would have to disagree.

I have asked many questions in this forum that were simply ignored because the answers did not promote the agenda of those being asked the question. If you think OB is the only person who engages in that here, I would have to disagree.

Start a new thread, then. No answers because it has nothing to do with the subject.

I have asked many questions in this forum that were simply ignored because the answers did not promote the agenda of those being asked the question. If you think OB is the only person who engages in that here, I would have to disagree.
I simply asked him to clarify what constitutes a "lie" in his mind. It appears that if one of his opposition posts a link he dosn't like then we are "liars" meanwhile he does exactly the same and gets his knickers in a knot when he is called on it. Double standards anyone ?

Is this thread important enough that it shouldn't be derailed and shut down by bringing up different threads and baiting?

Put your money where your mouth is and respond to me, if you dare. BUT before you do take a VERY HARD and VERY LONG look at my avatar.

It's been 15+ years since I held that 7 month old child in my arms and I STILL get a Christmas card every year. It took 2 surgeries and 6 months before I could go back to work. And if I was given a choice, I would do it again in a heartbeat, no fear, no doubt, all in, balls out. OB, learn something, taking live is easy, having the cajones to walk through the gates of Hell to GIVE life, takes somebody special.

You want some, little boy, come get some.

My apologies to the group, but if OB want to insult those of us who have chosen to walk through the gates of Hell, WITHOUT getting paid, I WILL take a VERY serious issue with it.

M.M. Firefighters go to Hell just to regroup. Big tubes .

I'm out. Clearly there are some folks here who's only purpose is to stir the pot and argue day after day and make up their own rules with no repercussions and I need a break from it. Have fun guys

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