BLM turns into muscle for the greenies

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Silver Member
Feb 4, 2012
Prather CA
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This is a highly emotional confrontation between supporters of Cliven Bundy the Nevada rancher that has been fighting the BlM since 1993. They have his house surrounded including snipers, armoured vehicles, automatic weapons and body armour. It used to be that BlM and the forrest service who helped served the interests of ranching timber and mining, now they do all they can to keep the people off of their land, and make legal commerce a crime. This is being done by a Sue and Settle agreement with you guessed it, Center for Biodiversity, under the guise of critical habitat for the Desert Tortise. The second link below shows a sanctuary in LV has lost their funding and are going to close, and will euthanize around half of the 14,000 turtles in their inventory. Apparently if the greenies can't get money to save the endangered species, they just KILL THEM.

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i personnaly think that our gubermint is totally out of controll! and the ONLY way we are going to change that is at the election booth! Fire them all!

Now THIS, I can totally get behind! :occasion14:

i personnaly think that our gubermint is totally out of controll! and the ONLY way we are going to change that is at the election booth! Fire them all!
Yup, fire them all is great. Problem is that it doesn't matter who you vote for the result is always the same...

and to think that this is how these............gubermint socalled "representatives" of ours want to treat Americans! and our prez sits by and does nothing? all he wants to go on tv shows and smiles to Americans??? Americans need to watch all of this and really think about how they voted the last 2 times!Ill never vote for a democrat! and if we get the same from a republican ill vote for something else!

There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

You called me ignorant. That's OK though, I've got ex-wives that call me a lot worse! :occasion14:

Terry, you are ignorant. In the sense that you don't believe there is a civil war brewing, not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium, assuming we post to forums from trailer homes and that "at least I vote" implying the rest of us do not vote...:occasion14:

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Terry, you are ignorant. In the sense that you don't believe there is a civil war brewing, not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium, assuming we post to forums from trailer homes and that "at least I vote" implying the rest of us do not vote...:occasion14:

Well thank God we got that straightened out!

I agree...

well, i for one have a big azz headache now after watching/reading how Americans are being treated right here in America and our own prez hasnt done a thing to stop it or even comment about it! this entire thing could explode into a real bad problem like Ruby Ridge,the deal down in Texas, the border patroll putting their guys into jail for doing their job and haveing to return fire to some drugies that sneaked across the boarder carring drugs, and on and on! these socalled "representatives" of ours need tobe fired and in some cases jailed!

I think Terry went off the deep end once before and he was joking. Let's pray it's a late April's fools joke!

Gentlemen please, don't want to lock thread....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying"
to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer
homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING
except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

Terry, the site rules preclude me from actually saying what I think
of your attitude. The wife and I live in a beautiful manufactured
"trailer home", and it sits on a 1/2 acre slice of heaven located
on a designated "Wild and Scenic" river. I can catch salmon all
morning off our beach, and then have lunch out on the back deck
while a herd of 50-60 Elk browse the shrubs just across the

A lot of city folks would give their right arm to live here, but we
don't poke fun at them for living in a concrete jungle. Many of
them think that life is about how much money you have, when
up here we believe that life is about living it to the fullest.

There is a massive schism in this country, and while it's quite
possible that only one side is aware of it, don't doubt the other
sides patriotism one bit.

Might surprise you, but I'm an American, and I vote too. We've
elected a bunch of thieves to manage our country, and if it
means that good men and women rise up against an oppressive
government in order to get our country back on track, then so be it.

Let's hope it never comes to that.

Terry, the site rules preclude me from actually saying what I think
of your attitude. The wife and I live in a beautiful manufactured
"trailer home", and it sits on a 1/2 acre slice of heaven located
on a designated "Wild and Scenic" river. I can catch salmon all
morning off our beach, and then have lunch out on the back deck
while a herd of 50-60 Elk browse the shrubs just across the

A lot of city folks would give their right arm to live here, but we
don't poke fun at them for living in a concrete jungle. Many of
them think that life is about how much money you have, when
up here we believe that life is about living it to the fullest.

There is a massive schism in this country, and while it's quite
possible that only one side is aware of it, don't doubt the other
sides patriotism one bit.

Might surprise you, but I'm an American, and I vote too. We've
elected a bunch of thieves to manage our country, and if it
means that good men and women rise up against an oppressive
government in order to get our country back on track, then so be it.

Let's hope it never comes to that.

Dizzy I would love to live that life......

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

If your all going to bit*# at each other and get all hot & bothered why don't you redirect it to some of the Idiots that really have it coming, you know, like the sheriff that could put a stop to all this or BLM. Just my two cents worth.........

Gentlemen I asked politely to please stop.... Terry stop the insults or leave the thread...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Gentlemen I asked politely to please stop.... Terry stop the insults or leave the thread....

With all due respect, I believe I have caught the brunt of the insults flying through this thread.

I have a nice home in the city but prefer to sleep out in the dirt of the diggins, does this make me ignorant white trash too?
If so whatever.....

Terry you started the insults, end it or I will...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I'm still looking for the gold theme in this thread. Maybe it should be moved to the political forum?

... oh, that's right there is no political forum on TreasureNet ...


I wonder if there might not be other Forums on the internet where folks could post their opinions and insult each other with their political views without breaking forum rules?

I won't be visiting those either.

Good night ... oh and
Heavy Pans

With all due respect, I believe I have caught the brunt of the insults flying through this thread.

Which perhaps should have encouraged you to put your keyboard down, and ponder
why that is the case. Could it be that your peers are encouraging you to reconsider
your comments before posting them? (redundant question)

'Nuff said.

TH: There's a fully equipped (empty) RV lot next door that's also right
on the river. The fellow rents it at $300 mo., and come late Sept. those
salmon will be headed back up the river again. The elk rut is in Sept.
as well, and we get a front row seat view of the battles between bulls..:occasion14:

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