BLM turns into muscle for the greenies

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Feb 4, 2012
Prather CA
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This is a highly emotional confrontation between supporters of Cliven Bundy the Nevada rancher that has been fighting the BlM since 1993. They have his house surrounded including snipers, armoured vehicles, automatic weapons and body armour. It used to be that BlM and the forrest service who helped served the interests of ranching timber and mining, now they do all they can to keep the people off of their land, and make legal commerce a crime. This is being done by a Sue and Settle agreement with you guessed it, Center for Biodiversity, under the guise of critical habitat for the Desert Tortise. The second link below shows a sanctuary in LV has lost their funding and are going to close, and will euthanize around half of the 14,000 turtles in their inventory. Apparently if the greenies can't get money to save the endangered species, they just KILL THEM.

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Wow!! You can tell what types of homes people live in by what they type!!! Wow!! Your statement proves your ignorance...

For your information I do not live in a trailer, apartment, tent or anything else of the nature...Grow up...
sent from a potato...

I missed the trailer home insult.... I do not Iive in a trailer home either, but I have friends, coworkers and at least 1 family member that does. It is an insult to millions of Americans...... I am fully aware of what your implying. ..

Everyone should vote, only thing worse than not voting is voting for candidates who have no respect for our Constitution or re-electing those who violate the oath they took.......

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

You may want to check your math again......It's just getting interesting.
Militias Are On Route to Help Cliven Bundy - Face Off With Feds: Will this be the Start of the 2nd American Revolution? : Freedom Outpost

I wish i was closer to these socalled "American public servants" pulling this cr8p! id try to get about 1000 Americans to surround these jerks and have TV coverage to show their communistic ways of bulling us Americans into submission!and id get every socalled "representative" a invited to try to stop these nazis! if any of the "representatives" fail to show or refuse to try to stop this, it would get published in EVERY news paper in the world to show their contempt for the American people! DAM then jerks!

Ask & you will receive.


SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Arizona Legislature Sending an Official Delegation to the Bundy Ranch
Approximately 11:00a.m. this date, the Arizona Legislature passed a Resolution of Support to the Bundy family and against the heavy-handed tactics of the U.S. Government, especially the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the seizure of grazing land used by the Bundy’s since the late 1880’s in Clark County, Nevada. The resolution is signed by members of the Arizona House of Representatives standing against any and all violations of State sovereignty and violations of the U.S. Constitution by the Federal Government. This resolution is to be hand carried this weekend and delivered to members of the Nevada State Legislature in support of their right to protect State and local sovereignty.
Furthermore, an official delegation from the State of Arizona comprised of Arizona State Senators and members of the Arizona House of Representatives will be traveling to stand with legislators from other western states, citizens of various states, Oath Keepers and Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association at the Bunker Ranch in Clark County, Nevada. The President of the Arizona State Senate, the Hon. Andy Biggs, and the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, the Hon. Andy Tobin, both have endorsed the Arizona Delegation of Legislators and their journey to the Bundy Ranch to stand in support of all who choose to protect individual and personal property rights, and the inalienable rights granted to WE THE PEOPLE by our Forefathers and authors of the Constitution of the United States of America, as well as State sovereignty granted by the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Arizona Delegation of Legislators further recognizes the Constitutional authority and rights of the Sheriff in preserving the sovereignty of his county and the people under his jurisdiction, and stands with those Sheriffs who stand to enforce the Constitution against all assaults; including political.
It appears the Federal Government is so completely out of touch with the citizens to whom they are accountable to, that federal agencies cannot fathom they have awaken a Sleeping Giant – WE THE PEOPLE.

I would say the gooberment has him dead to rights without a "legal" leg to stand on. As far as the feds are concerned Bundy is a "freeloader" ripping off taxpayers to make a profit. This is a classic "He said, She said" case with the truth caught somewhere in the middle.

The whole point is; people need to "draw a line in the sand" and take a stand!

Are we going to support the people?

Or are we going to support a fascist government!

That's really what it boils down to.

No "fence sitting allowed". Our liberty and freedom is at stake!

Ask & you will receive.


SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Arizona Legislature Sending an Official Delegation to the Bundy Ranch
Approximately 11:00a.m. this date, the Arizona Legislature passed a Resolution of Support to the Bundy family and against the heavy-handed tactics of the U.S. Government, especially the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the seizure of grazing land used by the Bundy’s since the late 1880’s in Clark County, Nevada. The resolution is signed by members of the Arizona House of Representatives standing against any and all violations of State sovereignty and violations of the U.S. Constitution by the Federal Government. This resolution is to be hand carried this weekend and delivered to members of the Nevada State Legislature in support of their right to protect State and local sovereignty.
Furthermore, an official delegation from the State of Arizona comprised of Arizona State Senators and members of the Arizona House of Representatives will be traveling to stand with legislators from other western states, citizens of various states, Oath Keepers and Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association at the Bunker Ranch in Clark County, Nevada. The President of the Arizona State Senate, the Hon. Andy Biggs, and the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, the Hon. Andy Tobin, both have endorsed the Arizona Delegation of Legislators and their journey to the Bundy Ranch to stand in support of all who choose to protect individual and personal property rights, and the inalienable rights granted to WE THE PEOPLE by our Forefathers and authors of the Constitution of the United States of America, as well as State sovereignty granted by the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Arizona Delegation of Legislators further recognizes the Constitutional authority and rights of the Sheriff in preserving the sovereignty of his county and the people under his jurisdiction, and stands with those Sheriffs who stand to enforce the Constitution against all assaults; including political.
It appears the Federal Government is so completely out of touch with the citizens to whom they are accountable to, that federal agencies cannot fathom they have awaken a Sleeping Giant – WE THE PEOPLE.

This has now become a "States Rights" issue!

After all the blood, sweat and tears settles, I predict it will end up in Federal District Court.

Its just too bad the "States Rights" of California turned against the gold dredgers. Its like the people do not matter anymore!

Its always the same old crap: "Bugs and yellow belly scum toads and tortioses" over people!"

I wonder is Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader will make a statement on this? He is pro-mining.

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Aha! Foul play at hand here!

Oiland gas fracking interests, and gold are behind this! Read on:

NaturalNews) The Bureau of Land Management says its 200-man armed siege of the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada is all about protecting an "endangered tortoise." But a Natural News investigation has found that BLM is actually in the business of raking in millions of dollars by leasing Nevada lands to energy companies that engage in fracking operations.

This document from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology(1) shows significant exploratory drilling being conducted in precisely the same area where the Bundy family has been running cattle since the 1870's. The "Gold Butte" area is indicated on the lower right corner of the document (see below), and it clearly shows numerous exploratory drilling operations have been conducted there.

What's also clear is that oil has been found in nearby areas and possibly even within the Gold Butte area itself.

It is, of course, customary for the U.S. government to bring armed soldiers to an oil dispute. (Operation "Iraqi Freedom" for starters...) Heavily armed snipers, helicopters and militarized soldiers have never been invoked over tortoises. (Anyone who thinks this siege is about reptiles is kidding themselves.)

Here's the map showing the oil exploration conducted on the land where Bundy runs his cattle (all the red crosshairs are oil and gas exploration drilling operations):

Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2ybZ3z6DG


Watching this video pretty much sums it all up for me. Anywhere else they would have busted these folks up and taken them all away in zip ties. The protesters are blaming it all on big government, secret government contractors and land deals, ANYTHING but a rich cattleman that refuses to pay what he owes. I think the law enforcement on scene showed incredible restraint and cool under pressure. The militia spokesman guy needs to go back to school and get his G.E.D. I love the part where he says he has seen a lot of riots at "rock concerts" - LOL!

Watching this video pretty much sums it all up for me. Anywhere else they would have busted these folks up and taken them all away in zip ties. The protesters are blaming it all on big government, secret government contractors and land deals, ANYTHING but a rich cattleman that refuses to pay what he owes. I think the law enforcement on scene showed incredible restraint and cool under pressure. The militia spokesman guy needs to go back to school and get his G.E.D. I love the part where he says he has seen a lot of riots at "rock concerts" - LOL!

Terry, first you throw out the trailer insults earlier this morning, now you are calling this rancher rich. And finally you say the spokesperson needs to go back to school and get a G.E.D....Is there anyone you won't insult if they don't agree with you???

Terry, first you throw out the trailer insults earlier this morning, now you are calling this rancher rich. And finally you say the spokesperson needs to go back to school and get a G.E.D....Is there anyone you won't insult if they don't agree with you???

You insult me, I insult the protesting morons in Nevada, it all works out in the end.

Terry I believe the guy in the video is just a reporter for the TV station, nothing more.

I stand corrected. He is “ The Radio host of the Guerrilla Media Network.”

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