Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"
Greetings Blindbowman and everyone,
Blindbowman wrote:
if you dont know the diffrence between Iron Pyrites and gold you need to find a knew hobby
I have no problem differentiating gold from any other mineral, however looking at a glowing object from an unknown distance, it is not possible for me to tell whether the object/vein causing the glow in the photos is from gold, glass, pyrites, or an old beer can. Similar to some of the UFO photos, showing lights in the sky - it is just not possible to tell what it is from a photo alone.
i ruled these out before i posted that reply .. what ever this depostie is its not Iron Pyrites
How can you
rule out iron pyrites when you have not yet gone to that glowing 'thing' to find out exactly what it is? Don't you want to examine it up close first?
i am not much on big mineing companyies destroeing the wilderness area .. maybe if i have to work this site by hand i could get a few of you guys to help ...
It is very doubtful that a mining company would ever be able to get permits to mine within the wilderness area, so working it by hand is about the only option.
the only reason i did not rule out uranium is the black death legends posably being related to the sites and the odd magnetic feilds in the area ,could be uranium effects
Okay now you lost me - what black death legends are associated with the Superstition mountains of Arizona? Or am I
mis-reading this? Perhaps I just don't understand the statement.
i need to get some donkeys or something and get back up there and see what this deposite is ...
Now you are talking my lingo! I am sure our mutual amigo Real de Tayopa would sooner recommend mules than donkeys (burros) it depends on how much you plan to pack and whether you are willing to walk or want to ride. I would sure want to get back in there and find out for certain what caused that glow, even if it were a beer can!

In treasure hunting, even finding that a spot has NOTHING is actually making progress, in making it possible to rule that site out!
if i have a choice ,i would want to have people like Oro ,cj ,real de and a few others work the mine with me then have some big company come in and disrupt the wilderness area would be hard rock mineing by hand most likely .. but the ore could make us multi millionaries IMHO
I am flattered mi amigo, but we would have to keep a
weather eye on our friend
Real de Tayopa - of course I don't think he would make off with all the gold while we were sleeping, (heh heh) but... just to keep everyone honest!

(ha ha)

Remember, Real de Tayopa is an
old school treasure hunter....!
That is an interesting ore sample you have there amigo, the color is unlike anything (quartz) I have ever seen that is supposed to have been found in the Superstitions. I would like to suggest that you weigh out approximately four ounces of the rock and send it in to have it fire-assayed for gold/silver content, plus the spectrographic test for other elements. You might take advantage of our friend's (Cubfan) offer here to do some testing for you - might save you a few bucks. Alternatively, one of several assayers that I have done business with over the years is Reed Labs:
the combo test (fire assay + spectro analysis) runs $45, and you can take their results to the bank. Another of the assayers we have found to be honest and reliable is Root and Norton Assayers, P.O. Box 316, Montrose, CO 81402 but I am
not sure if they are even still in business - at least I can't find their website.
There are many others available so you might wish to 'shop around' - a good fire assay will tell you the true recoverable values of gold and silver in your ore, the spectrograph to identify any other valuable minerals that could be present. Just as an aside here but if you file your taxes as a prospector, your expenses on assays are tax-deductible.
Don't be discouraged if your ore does not test to contain a high value of gold, for within a gold-bearing quartz vein the amount of gold varies tremendously so it might be just a matter of feet or even inches between low-grade ore and rich bonanza ore. How does that old saying go, in the gold mining game you can be a foot from a million bucks or a million feet from a buck!
Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,