Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

today i emailed the phoenix news paper , i plan to release the location to 3 reporters over the phone at the same time so no one preson can keep it hiden again ,. this treasure belongs to the world . if i am poor or not ,i feel the true value of solveing the stone tablets will for ever be mine and that i value more then the treasure it sef ....
the LDM is mine .....LOL i maybe poor but i am not an idiot .....LOL wish me luck, your friend the Blindbowman

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

the blindbowman said:
today i emailed the phoenix news paper , i plan to release the location to 3 reporters over the phone at the same time so no one preson can keep it hiden again ,. this treasure belongs to the world . if i am poor or not ,i feel the true value of solveing the stone tablets will for ever be mine and that i value more then the treasure it sef ....
the LDM is mine .....LOL i maybe poor but i am not an idiot .....LOL wish me luck, your friend the Blindbowman

The world will know you, but not as you hope. Thousands, nay millions who have gone before you will be waiting to hear your excuses for whatever your actions may cause.

Luck will not be enough.

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Nde Hatalii said:
the blindbowman said:
today i emailed the phoenix news paper , i plan to release the location to 3 reporters over the phone at the same time so no one preson can keep it hiden again ,. this treasure belongs to the world . if i am poor or not ,i feel the true value of solveing the stone tablets will for ever be mine and that i value more then the treasure it sef ....
the LDM is mine .....LOL i maybe poor but i am not an idiot .....LOL wish me luck, your friend the Blindbowman

The world will know you, but not as you hope. Thousands, nay millions who have gone before you will be waiting to hear your excuses for whatever your actions may cause.

Luck will not be enough.
your full shit . i dont hope your just another troll...

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

watch the mt range people make sure they dont try to remove the treasure ....the data has been sent to scott wood ,i gave him 3 days to contact me or i will release the data to the news papers and on the web sites ... this legend has been solved ,and yes i am going to prove it ...3 days game over !

why we are waiting i will give you a taste .... freddy crystall put the stone tablets where they were found in 1949 ,he stold the stone tablets from the Guadalupe de santa ana chruch in 1914 ,.on his way north past the supersiititions he hide the stone because they were to heavy to take all the way to Utah where he beleive the stones pinpionted a location this is why Ray dillman ended up the same place as freddy crystall did , they were in fact useing the same stone tablets ....this is also why when freddy crystall stated he went back to get the other part of the map he was only gone a week , he had not been gone long enough to reach mexico let alone go south into mexico , thats because he didnt ,he only went back the phoenix where he had hidden the stone tablets side the road .. the stone tablets were in good shape because in fact they had only been there from 1914 to 1949, 35 years at best ,,,.. under stand the stone tablets and the treasure trove list of tayopa did in fact come from the same location at the santa ana chruch , founded before 1607 when santafe was founded in 1607 by don prealta and established in want to know where the LDM came from now you know . it was a gonzales & prealta mine . and yes i can prove it ... right down to with in one cubic yard . #1 montezuma's tomb is on the table . free to mankind ...they dont need to give me a premit but i think they should think before they turn me down ...the LDM will vanish for ever if they dont ...
i can hide it for a infinity .. are you willing to wait that long ...?

you told me not to touch it ,i didnt !you said i was welcome . i wonder ...?

i guess after all you have done to keep this location hidden i trust you as much a you trust the whites...

you have become no better then what you hated...... "evil corupts the vissle that holds it "

sad but true .....

they have 3 days , a show down at high noon ...i love this game !

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

i rise the pot to over 5 billion and i call ... i have 500 million in the LDM left on the table what do you think should i go all in or wait the 3 days i have already won the hand and the game matter if they call , rise or fold ...i am holding the best hand , the truth !

this maybe the largest poker hand ever played on earth !...

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

And the survay sayssss..........take your medication

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Bill96 said:
And the survay sayssss..........take your medication

i will if you will

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

the blindbowman said:
Bill96 said:
And the survay sayssss..........take your medication

watch and learn ...see the best time to bit is when you know you have already won ....

Whether I believe you or not, I'll be watching just in case :) I've got a trip scheduled to hike for a week out there in a few weeks - perhaps in 3 days (or is it 2.5 now?) I'll have a new location to go visit. Should I bring some dynamite?

Hey, for what it's worth - I liked the photos you posted!

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Sounds good to me.......where did I put those pills?. Yes they were great photos, I never get tired of seeing that country.

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

i got to snow blow my driveway ... later

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

I think Bowman buried himself in his driveway with his snowblower...

:D :D

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

you and Cj have the same name .... D5 why dont you go and check out the Aztec gold forum i posted the location you can go out there in a few days ... if you have any questions just ask ... here is your chance ...

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

did any of you real under stand the Dick Holmes acount . i dont think so . if you had you would have said something about the confussion of the dirrections them self . its not the dirrections that are confussed . its the dutchman him self and his memory of the location at the time of his death .....ya thats just what i said . you want a scientific basis read the reader digest for march 2008 on page 100 ,there is a new finding about gender related memory by Marianne J. Legato MD from columbia University. the study proves women are all most twice asgood at remembering detail under stress then men are , proven fact !

the dirrection are not confussing , its the preson givening the dirrection that is confussed at the time of the event ...!yes i can prove i have found the LDM ..the question is after what i have seen of the human race would i want to solve this legend or would it be far more rewarding to watch people hunt for the rest of there fes for something they most likely will never find on there own ....

the dutchman was dieing and under stress ,the details of the acount are out of order not because he was trying to misled others maybe a little to dick holmes him self but that dose not look to be the reason for the confussion ... the fact was this man was dieing and under alot of stress ,his memory was half of what it normally would have been ....and the details are out of order ....i am sorry only someone like my self trained to correct details and spot dirrection could translate this type of confussion back into a systyematic set of details ...the stone tablets dont give the location to the dutchman mine .... the dutchman knew he was the only one alive that knew the true location of the mine ....

you maybe confussed your self about now . wonderingif thats the case how did i find it ...the acount maybe more clear to me then others because i have had to under stand data that was broken and misleding , from my rare blindness ...the details are there ...with what i knew before hand i was able to under stand what he was saying , i maybe the only one that ever dose . but the proff will be when the LDM is found and the ore sample matches . if the location is ever made public ....

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

WV Hillbilly said:
You've got a new name on this dead thread . BLINDBLOWMAN

and you have a IQ of (0)

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

??? DANG! Are THEY also campaigning for President? :D ;)

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

now we know what it takes to cast a troll ... and what makes yo think i didnt ,

and what makes you think the Curators of Archaeology at the
Arizona State Museum dosent have the last say about these sites as we speak ....

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Greetings friends,

Nde Hatalii wrote:
Your mind may place blame at another's feet, but your hands will drip blood in the darkness.

Hah? Sort of a DARK prediction there my friend! Passing by a gravesite is not the same as digging it out and pilfering whatever is found, and our mutual amigo Blindbowman is very respectful of ancient gravesites – I have the strongest doubts that Blindbowman would do anything whatsoever to disturb or molest the gravesite of anyone, whether Amerindian or otherwise. I rather doubt that most of our fellow members here on T-net would choose to go out and loot a grave, of course not including myself! :o ;D :D ;) (Yes I have accidentally dug up a coffin on more than one occasion, but took nothing and reported it, besides re-covering it.)

Real de Tayopa wrote:
Remember I am Irish/Scot/Wales/ & Injun etc, a very bull headed combination, worse than oro blanco, and I was damned if I would let this stop me.

Hmm, at last you are willing to ADMIT IT! ;) ;D :D :o hee hee - oh heck I guess I have to admit, being English/Irish/German in ancestry myself is perhaps some type of predeliction to 'bull-headed' treasure hunting...but I see it as a strength, not a hindrance. Diligence frequently results in reward$$$$$$ after all!!!

Blindbowman wrote:
i plan to release the location to 3 reporters over the phone

I hope and suggest that you will re-examine your decision to do this my friend, as it will only lead to a “rush” to the site and could lead to much disturbance/destruction of the site. I understand your desire to share your discoveries and to prove your theories, but hope that you will not release the exact site to the general public for the reasons mentioned. Don't be discouraged or dissuaded from your quest mi amigo, remember some folks do get jealous if they think someone else is about to make a great and/or financially rewarding discovery so will say about anything to try to make you quit.

In short mi amigo Blindbowman, even though you may find me questioning your evidence and/or theories and disagreeing more than once, I still hope that you will continue the quest and will eventually publish your adventures and discoveries or even if you find nothing. After all it is the hunt not the dollars that is the true "treasure" you gain, and that is something that cannot be taken away from you. "You can take glory with you." (quote from Errol Flynn as Custer in 'They Died With Their Boots On' {1941})

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Oro read the post in Aztec gold forum , i requesed a trove permit for site#1 and then released the location to the public i did , find the ldm but it was not what i beleived it was . it was a gonzales & peralta mine . but before that it was chicomoztoc .and we have found 6 out of the7 caves ..i am no onger researching site #1 it is out of my control at this piont ...the Curators of Archaeology at the
Arizona State Museum has the last say ...

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

OK I think I found the thread you were referring to amigo, and posted a rather long-winded reply there. While I don't think it a good idea to release site-specific information to the public BEFORE a complete study of the site has been done, you are sure free to do so and have already done so with that site.

Of course we are cut from different cloth, as I probably fall into the category of those "greedy grave-robbing looters" who are out to find treasures, instead of seeking just knowledge or recognition. That doesn't prevent me from wishing you the best of luck and success in your ventures.

Re: Blindbowman Expedition 3A ," is there enough evidence to prove it ?"

Oroblanco said:
OK I think I found the thread you were referring to amigo, and posted a rather long-winded reply there. While I don't think it a good idea to release site-specific information to the public BEFORE a complete study of the site has been done, you are sure free to do so and have already done so with that site.

Of course we are cut from different cloth, as I probably fall into the category of those "greedy grave-robbing looters" who are out to find treasures, instead of seeking just knowledge or recognition. That doesn't prevent me from wishing you the best of luck and success in your ventures.

well stated . can i ask you a question or Cj or real de may know the answer to this question is two diffrent photographs that could a golden glow from some kind of ore . we have taken this photograph to a professional developer of photographs and he agrees with our finds , on these two photographs there is in plan veiw a golden glow on the rock wall , it is not a developement flaw. the rock of the wall is some kind of ore . he beleived it could be only one of two things . very almost pure gold deposite or some kind of raw pure uranium...,he also stated that photographs of uranium can be taken from a few ft away with out this effect takeing place ,he then stated if this is takeing place from 35-45 ft away then if this is Uranium it would have to be very dangerous to get this close to it .... i ask a nother doctor about uranium and the effects of radioactive poisoning, did you know that if a preson came in contact with a pure raw uranium of this type it could kill dozen if not thousand of people and look much like the black death .. . he also stated the fact that little is know about some types of uranium . that this could be a very concentrated sample and it could kill 100's of thousand if even one preson came in close contact to the sample .. he also stated he has never seen a sample this pure before now ...if it is uranium

my question to you is simple ... say this is a raw type of uranium . that science is not awere of .... could this be the sorce of the black death ...?

maybe the uranium was in the gold ore being shiped ...and no one knew it ....this could explan some of the missing people and ships that vanished shiping ore this some kind of rare uranium ...? we know from the dutchmans ore that is was condenced more then other ore samples , maybe it did the same effects to a uranium deposite ...?

do you know anyone that could defind any of the data and may be able to add anything to this evidence ...? my piont is not to scare anyone , the piont is maybe its not the dutchman ore that is so un normal . maybe its the area it comes from ...

these photographs i showed are only small peices of the full photo and we do have enough photgraph to relocate this site .....we have a few photographs of gold ore in the same cave system .. yet this one spot is diffrent ,as you can see ...this is the same type of golden glow i saw in 1979 ....


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