there just might be gold upon the wreck ... the USA was highly involved in anti commie fighting in the early 1900's * its a known fact that the usa govt at the end of WW!1 sent troops and aid to assist the "white" czar of Russia to fight the "reds" in their civil war / overthrow battle ,,, of course the czar and his family lost as history shows ,,, but what6 became of the aid money we sent , it went somewhere ..
now the money (gold) he is looking for was reportedly was sent by Teddy Roosevelt (via a English vessel) to help prop up the Russian govt after their failed war against japan in 1904 / 1905 ( which was shortly after the (1899 - 1902) Spanish American war which made Roosevelt famous ) -- America was expanding its International reach and flexing its muscles quite a bit at this time in history ,so such a deal would not be unlikely --big money and old power family lines do often help out one another --- to maintain the "status quo",,,of power
that said --the wreck in some areas has clearly "pancaked " upon its self .. the remaining wreck is thus very dangerous since its now unsound and could fall in at any time... great care must be used in going into it and searching the wreck and finding a safe way to get into the wreck and to the high value storage area will be extremely tough ... I wish him well ... we all have dreams n life , and in many cases they often never come true .. but in some cases once the dream comes true --the "nightmare" begins ... even once the gold is found has anyone thought of the fact that its US govt funds most likely --or at the very least "old big money banking family funds " which will sue for ownership after recovery --much like the govt of spain does? -- if the loss was paid off by a insurance company --count on the fact they WILL put in a claim of ownership ... finding the gold and getting it off the ocean floor is only a part of the problem ...getting to keep it afterwards is often the bigger hassle