Billion dollars wreck

Yawn.......that's what I think of it

The boat crew and divers do not seem to be adequately equipped. Sent a rookie diver on his first gas dive.. and not enough hose to move around the wreck? I am not a diver. But a small video camera on a stick would peeek into the smaller spaces. It does appear to be an excersise in futility. Or trying to drum up a proper expedition. Justifyong a murder is never a good essage. Too many interested parties in the GOLD.

He would be better to wire-drag the wreck and search the debris field for the gold.

there just might be gold upon the wreck ... the USA was highly involved in anti commie fighting in the early 1900's * its a known fact that the usa govt at the end of WW!1 sent troops and aid to assist the "white" czar of Russia to fight the "reds" in their civil war / overthrow battle ,,, of course the czar and his family lost as history shows ,,, but what6 became of the aid money we sent , it went somewhere ..

now the money (gold) he is looking for was reportedly was sent by Teddy Roosevelt (via a English vessel) to help prop up the Russian govt after their failed war against japan in 1904 / 1905 ( which was shortly after the (1899 - 1902) Spanish American war which made Roosevelt famous ) -- America was expanding its International reach and flexing its muscles quite a bit at this time in history ,so such a deal would not be unlikely --big money and old power family lines do often help out one another --- to maintain the "status quo",,,of power

that said --the wreck in some areas has clearly "pancaked " upon its self .. the remaining wreck is thus very dangerous since its now unsound and could fall in at any time... great care must be used in going into it and searching the wreck and finding a safe way to get into the wreck and to the high value storage area will be extremely tough ... I wish him well ... we all have dreams n life , and in many cases they often never come true .. but in some cases once the dream comes true --the "nightmare" begins ... even once the gold is found has anyone thought of the fact that its US govt funds most likely --or at the very least "old big money banking family funds " which will sue for ownership after recovery --much like the govt of spain does? -- if the loss was paid off by a insurance company --count on the fact they WILL put in a claim of ownership ... finding the gold and getting it off the ocean floor is only a part of the problem ...getting to keep it afterwards is often the bigger hassle

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I agree with # 23, the damn insurance companies, they pay no treasure hunters expense, then go to court and take almost everything, if not everything. Good luck to them.

I agree with # 23, the damn insurance companies, they pay no treasure hunters expense, then go to court and take almost everything, if not everything. Good luck to them.

A friend is the brother of the top maritime lawyer who took all takers to court and won. The wreck SS CENTRAL AMERICA discovered and claimed by treasure hunter who has been arrested. By lawyers who never get enough hours. My advice to all is STFU. Take what you can get away with and never, ever brag about treasure. Insurance companies, and State treasurers and museums and any one can file a claim. Central American legal cost, both sides maybe 50 million? And the finder gets thrown in jail. Because he pissed off lawyesrs... there is a lesson therwe.

It is outrages that this old fool keep talking about his killing of his wife lover. Shame on him.

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in my book if you got to "fight" t keep a woman --she' s a "fickle" sort of gal and thus not the right woman for me -- the "right woman" wants to be with you and is dog loyal , thru thick and thin , rich or poor ...that is the kind of woman that makes a man "strong" and has your back my wife --whom I deeply love..

The show is on tonight, 10:00,EST, Monday, March 28.

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I can't wait to not see it!

Another boring night. The good news is that the finale show of this season will be next Monday, same time.

Another boring night. The good news is that the finale show of this season will be next Monday, same time.

Yes I was thinking a Bit Boring too, But I learned something.
They "Own" the wreck. so legally everything on board is theirs.
it is Not a salvage Mission for someone else. & Like his son said.
there is a treasure Trove in almost every cabin. So I would be going from cabin to Cabin
scrounging if it were mine.

if you wait till you prove the gold, you've wasted allot of time.

Each cabin has the possibility of enough to finance more then 2 crews

Send 2 crews on every dive.
One to scrounge & one to work on the specie room.

You gotta spend to earn.

as for the Boring... it is a Treasure Hunting Show.
You never had a Boring day ? Week ? :dontknow:
I've had Boring Decades :laughing7:
but a treasure hunting show beats 99.9% of all the other trash on tv.

I don't know the full Schedule for Mondays at 9PM but think about it.
you could be watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

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i watched 1st epesode and lost interest

After ignoring all the jail drama, I actually thought last night was a decent episode. They had history the wreck, history of the process of arresting the wreck, history of the passenger wealth and then going after and recovering some of those personal items. Can you imagine if that silver flask has the name of european royalty on it? Cut out the prison BS and I could enjoy more of this.

After ignoring all the jail drama, I actually thought last night was a decent episode. They had history the wreck, history of the process of arresting the wreck, history of the passenger wealth and then going after and recovering some of those personal items. Can you imagine if that silver flask has the name of european royalty on it? Cut out the prison BS and I could enjoy more of this.

yes I have been ff through allot of his personal life stories .
perhaps this is why I keep coming back.

I usually fast forward all the bits that don't include diving. It makes it about a 6 minute show.

I do the same. If they keep on with this format, I may as well save up 6 episodes on Tivo to make a one-hour show.

I see another Oak Island series here.

That whole season when condensed to the actual hunt and facts of the wreck. Subtract the multiple repeating of them. You end up with 13 min 27 sec of show. Edges Oak Island out of being the leader "waste of time" show. Not bad for a ex con.

The show is on tonight, 10:00, EST
It was a great interesting show, the best of the season, and the last show of the season. They be back.

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