Bigfoot; are you a believer?

Sure do, saw him with elvis, easter bunny and santa clause, they were skinny dipping at the resivoir and eating fudgesicles. HA HA HA

There's two things that come from Tennessee that can cause a person to see what you've described... both illegal.
One is liquor.. the other is them funny little cigarettes!:laughing7:

Of course i believe in bigfoot,I was married to it for 3 years!!! I even have the documented court papers to prove it exists,You can find it under Divorce Decree for all the non believers out there.

There’s a world of difference between believing what you’re seeing versus seeing what you’re believing – the later offers amazing leniency when it comes to likes of Big Foot sightings.

Actually there was a story on CNN in 2012 which stated Dr. Ketchum and a team of scientists had just completed a five year study inwhich hair and blood samples were examined, and three complete nuclear genomes of the creature were sequenced. Their conclusion was "BigFoot" is human hybrid resulting from the cross between a modern Homo sapien and an unknown primate species that occured around 15,000 years ago. (Don't you guys watch the news or read newspapers ?). Just because nobody has ever got a clear picture of one or dragged a carcass outta the woods don't mean there's nuthin there. I know fellas who been huntin bear and deer for decades, and they haven't seen one of those either. Huntin anything depends on your skill level and being in the right place at the right time. Of course it's hard to argue with a room full of scientists. They say, "Something is out there, and it's definately REAL".

The study sited in the privious post is currently under peer review and the final results will be announced sometime in 2013. Once the work is verified, the findings will be unequivocal and undisputed within the scientific community. You can read the article at As for the Loch Ness Monster, evidence (teeth recovered from animal carcasses on the shore of Loch Ness) point to a gigantic sub species of eel. The gigantic teeth, hundreds of times the size of identical teeth found in known species of salt water eels are a "smoking gun" that points to the probable identity of the Monster in Loch Ness. I guess you missed that news report too. They also got pictures of the sub species of Giant Squid last year. That one was on the Discovery Channel.

Let's see. What else was someone laughing at ? Oh yeah! "Black Panthers". Wikipedia (Online encyclopedia) identifies "black panther" as a sub species of cougar found in Southern Florida. In other parts of the Southern United States, a "Black Panther" also refers to "black jaguars", (Panthera onca). You can see pictures of the captive animals which are kept in zoos throughout the world and shown on the website. These animals are NOT mythical.. they definately exist. Must be an inside joke, huh ?.. cause i don't get it.

2.5 million game cameras scattered around the woods and no bigfoot photos... sounds kinda squashy to me.

Actually there was a story on CNN in 2012 which stated Dr. Ketchum and a team of scientists had just completed a five year study inwhich hair and blood samples were examined, and three complete nuclear genomes of the creature were sequenced. Their conclusion was "BigFoot" is human hybrid resulting from the cross between a modern Homo sapien and an unknown primate species that occured around 15,000 years ago. (Don't you guys watch the news or read newspapers ?). Just because nobody has ever got a clear picture of one or dragged a carcass outta the woods don't mean there's nuthin there. I know fellas who been huntin bear and deer for decades, and they haven't seen one of those either. Huntin anything depends on your skill level and being in the right place at the right time. Of course it's hard to argue with a room full of scientists. They say, "Something is out there, and it's definately REAL".
Lol..Dr. Ketchums "study" has been rejected for publication (although she may have self published it) and wont get peer reviewed. What a joke. Believe what you want though.

They need to try baiting him with Jack Links Beef Jerky!

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Let's see. What else was someone laughing at ? Oh yeah! "Black Panthers". Wikipedia (Online encyclopedia) identifies "black panther" as a sub species of cougar found in Southern Florida. In other parts of the Southern United States, a "Black Panther" also refers to "black jaguars", (Panthera onca). You can see pictures of the captive animals which are kept in zoos throughout the world and shown on the website. These animals are NOT mythical.. they definately exist. Must be an inside joke, huh ?.. cause i don't get it.

Actually, if you read the Wikipedia article that you reference, it says:

There are no authenticated cases of truly melanistic cougars (pumas). Melanistic cougars have never been photographed or shot in the wild and none has ever been bred. Unconfirmed sightings, known as the "North American black panther", are currently attributed to errors in species identification by non-experts, and by the memetic exaggeration of size.

The term "black panther" is used in reference to a melanistic cougar. Any biologist will tell you that there is no such thing as "Black Panthers". Of course, thousands of people have in fact seen them. I've posted the story before of a man that killed one and presented it to an expert. The "expert" told him that he had killed a 6' long house cat because black panthers don't exist.

New episode of "Not" Finding Bigfoot is on right now. I'm putting money on a big goose egg again this week. Let me know how it goes. (as if I don't know)

Big Foot yes, Yeti yes, UFOs yes, The Monkees yes.

I attended a WWATS annual get-together in Antlers, OK a few years back. On saturday night everyone there had gathered around a large bonfire to share treasure stories and such. Well, I decided to walk back to our campsite which was down by the river to get my camera. As I was walking along, the path illuminated by the light of the fire, I came upon some tall reeds and as I glanced up, the reeds moved as if they were just released from being parted. I stopped, and realized that someone or something had been watching the activity at the bonfire through the reeds. Just then I heard crunching footsteps going away into the brush, just like a person would make! I remember my heart felt like it skipped a few beats and I hurried the short distance to my tent, got my camera and took a different way back to the bonfire.

Later that night, as my son and I were sleeping in the tent, I was awakened by the most horrifying shreik I ever heard. I couldn't even describe it if I tried. I didn't get much sleep that night. The next morning at breakfast in conversation with another WWATS member I mentioned the loud shreik and he said "yeah, I heard that too. What the hell was that?"

Bigfoot? I don't know. But I will tell you this, that night I will never forget and will always be a mystery to me!

Actually, if you read the Wikipedia article that you reference, it says:

The term "black panther" is used in reference to a melanistic cougar. Any biologist will tell you that there is no such thing as "Black Panthers". Of course, thousands of people have in fact seen them. I've posted the story before of a man that killed one and presented it to an expert. The "expert" told him that he had killed a 6' long house cat because black panthers don't exist.

They are black cougars I'm from oklahoma I've never seen them but know several legit witnessed who have there's even school named after them barnsdall black panthers !!!!!!!

Actually, if you read the Wikipedia article that you reference, it says:

The term "black panther" is used in reference to a melanistic cougar. Any biologist will tell you that there is no such thing as "Black Panthers". Of course, thousands of people have in fact seen them. I've posted the story before of a man that killed one and presented it to an expert. The "expert" told him that he had killed a 6' long house cat because black panthers don't exist.

And bigfoot is 100%real

Later that night, as my son and I were sleeping in the tent, I was awakened by the most horrifying shreik I ever heard. I couldn't even describe it if I tried. I didn't get much sleep that night. The next morning at breakfast in conversation with another WWATS member I mentioned the loud shreik and he said "yeah, I heard that too. What the hell was that?"

Bigfoot? I don't know. But I will tell you this, that night I will never forget and will always be a mystery to me!

Bobcats scream like ladies and cry like babies. Even when you know what is making the sound it still freaks you the hell out!

Bobcats scream like ladies and cry like babies. Even when you know what is making the sound it still freaks you the hell out!

Yes they do,you will not forget it!.

So... what do you REALLY KNOW?

Are you the type to believe anyone? If you are, can you be 100% sure?

Bigfoot? I doubt it. But am I 100% sure!? No, I'm not.

Unless you know from first hand experience you can't be sure of most anything?

Have experts and scientist ever been wrong before?:laughing7:

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