Bigfoot; are you a believer?

I have seen many strange sites in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, but I've never seen Bigfoot.

I had one time in my life where I saw things that later I knew wasn't possible... and like I say, only one time!
I had made a 75 gallon copper still for a real good friend in Fannin County, Georgia back in '77. The friend I made it for told me he wanted me to be there on the first run. He said his brother wanted to talk about building a still that he wanted.

So early one morning before daylight I was at his house and soon after his brother came. We were going to a low spot on the drop side of the mountain. The idea was, with a heavy fog down low the smoke would rise with the mist about sun up. With no one living above, the smell wouldn't be noticed either. Not knowing the area where we were did make me nervous!

Clyde built a fire which I knew was to big and I told him.. "That's a large fire ya got." all he said was.. "Ya, it's a nice'n".
He had made moonshine for a long time and being 20 years younger than he was, I wasn't going to tell him he was wrong.
Being the first run, he wasn't very patient!

When the liquid started flowing, he caught the first pint(you never keep the first part) and tossed it in the fire... it burned like gasoline! The next part out, he said test it, see what ya think? I have never had anything in my mouth as hot! The first part is very high proof and running the still fast also makes it extra hot... I told him it was higher than a Georgia pine!

Well.. like a dumb butt. I ended up being the tester.. and the more I drank, the better it taste! After a short time, things started to get real weird. I don't drink a lot of liquor, and I'll never drink that much at one time again! Bigfoot could have walked up and set down beside me and we would of had a hell'ava party!

They carried me out of the woods. I remember seeing all different colors and shapes, Clyde said I called him Daddy and called his brother, Uncle Bill before I passed out that afternoon!

But.. I didn't see Bigfoot. Well.. if I did, I don't remember it!?

I live in the Northwest (Idaho, Washington, Oregon) intersection region. I've got my doubts... but, some of these areas are so thick with shrub and pine I can't 100% discount the possibility, either. Personally..... I don't think so.
I grew up in Moscow, ID and had the honor of talking to the famous WSU professor Grover Krantz who was an anthropologist who was a firm believer in bigfoot based on his scientific analysis of print casts and other evidence...

I have seen many strange sites in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, but I've never seen Bigfoot.

But.. I didn't see Bigfoot. Well.. if I did, I don't remember it!?

But he may have seen you......;)

I didn't believe in bigfoot at all at one time. I thought everyone that had ever seen one was crazy or misidentified something. However, in 2003, my wife and I saw one at very close range. It was bipedal but most definitely was NOT human. I've had a handful of strange occurrences in my life and that rates as one of the oddest. I can't explain what they are exactly or how they've gone "unproven" for so long.

I have seen many strange sites in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, but I've never seen Bigfoot.

I had one time in my life where I saw things that later I knew wasn't possible... and like I say, only one time!
I had made a 75 gallon copper still for a real good friend in Fannin County, Georgia back in '77. The friend I made it for told me he wanted me to be there on the first run. He said his brother wanted to talk about building a still that he wanted.

So early one morning before daylight I was at his house and soon after his brother came. We were going to a low spot on the drop side of the mountain. The idea was, with a heavy fog down low the smoke would rise with the mist about sun up. With no one living above, the smell wouldn't be noticed either. Not knowing the area where we were did make me nervous!

Clyde built a fire which I knew was to big and I told him.. "That's a large fire ya got." all he said was.. "Ya, it's a nice'n".
He had made moonshine for a long time and being 20 years younger than he was, I wasn't going to tell him he was wrong.
Being the first run, he wasn't very patient!

When the liquid started flowing, he caught the first pint(you never keep the first part) and tossed it in the fire... it burned like gasoline! The next part out, he said test it, see what ya think? I have never had anything in my mouth as hot! The first part is very high proof and running the still fast also makes it extra hot... I told him it was higher than a Georgia pine!

Well.. like a dumb butt. I ended up being the tester.. and the more I drank, the better it taste! After a short time, things started to get real weird. I don't drink a lot of liquor, and I'll never drink that much at one time again! Bigfoot could have walked up and set down beside me and we would of had a hell'ava party!

They carried me out of the woods. I remember seeing all different colors and shapes, Clyde said I called him Daddy and called his brother, Uncle Bill before I passed out that afternoon!

But.. I didn't see Bigfoot. Well.. if I did, I don't remember it!?

.....and ya seen black panthers every where!!!!!

.....but ya do.............:icon_thumright:

I Do what?

Yes.. I've been known to have a little rum... well, it's not really "rum" because it's made from sorghum cane.. and not sugar cane.

Both times I saw the "Panther", I wasn't drinking. The first time I saw It was after I got off work at about 11:45PM. The second time was just before 9:00 one morning last October... and I didn't have a hangover.

The "regular cougar" that I helped bury on Signal Mountain was a little in the afternoon. We were turkey hunting, which will be about three years ago this April.

Yes, I guess I do both... but not at the same time!:icon_thumleft:

....I have seen some crazy things late at night when I am tired too!

One night after drinking heavily, I could have swore I saw Bigfoot and Elvis disposing of Jimmy Hoffa.
To answer the question....

--Doodle Bug

"The Earth is saturated with history, all we need to do is extract it." - Doodle Bug

Well I tend to see a lot of stuff, hanging on the post, that others don't. Not saying I have or haven't seen one, but I've seen deer walk right past hunters and not be seen, and I've seen em go through briar patches no man would attempt, like it was nothing and not make a sound.

You have to remember that you are in his house so to speak. He/she knows the area way better then any of us interlopers ever will. Sure occasionally one could make a blunder and gets spotted.

Just for S&G's, Pennsylvania has a huge herd of deer, yet how many folks have stumbled on one dead in the woods? Yeah a few, but we're talking well over a million+ deer just in PA. Not a good average for finding one dead in the woods, along the road that's another story. But my point is if Bigfoot is out there, how many are there? And we're talking his "herd" covering all of North America, and he's not even got as many as one state's deer herd.

Law of averages at work, if there are less of them alive, and spread over a wider area, it's going to be a heck of a lot harder to see one, let alone find a dead one.

As for the joke of a show on TV, those three have as much chance of finding Bigfoot as me getting a brain.

If bigfoot did exist, he would probably have his own reality TV show by now. Probably somethin invented by people to keep the the kids in line. Sort of a tribal memory passed down. Anyone who spent much time in law enforcement can tell you that 'Eyewitness Accounts' are pretty much worthless.

....I have seen some crazy things late at night when I am tired too!

If the Rubicon hadn't had such good breaks.. I would have had a very rare "hood ornament" that night too!
You could almost question what I saw if only I saw it one time... but twice in the same area... 6 weeks apart?

.. Maybe Michael Jackson had two pets!?

With all hunters, hikers, bikers, fisherman, metal detectors roaming the woods with everyone having cell phones with cameras and a few carrying guns. The law of averages would have to conclude there are no sasquash - big foots roaming the woods. I have spent many days in my tree stand with scent killing and masking agents, from before daylight until after darkness and with numerous trail cameras like millions of others, yet none of us actually have good pictures or skeletons to prove that they exist.
We often laugh and joke about it. I have heard wild boar, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes and numerous other creatures. I have even taken part of trying to scare the hell out of others by making weird noises.
I am on a 1000+ acre land lease for hunting in very remote southern Ohio, it is some of the steepest ugly country to navigate and if one would exist this would be ideal.
Now with all that said, last month while on a night hunt for wild boar. I heard the scariest sound I have ever heard and I am embarrassed to admit it but was concerned enough to take my 44 Mag out of the holster. SO to make a short story long I don't believe in BIGFOOT but I sure as hell ain't going in the woods at night unarmed to be eaten by something that dosn't exist.

If the Rubicon hadn't had such good breaks.. I would have had a very rare "hood ornament" that night too!
You could almost question what I saw if only I saw it one time... but twice in the same area... 6 weeks apart?

.. Maybe Michael Jackson had two pets!?
:laughing7:....I beleive ya......the same cat,though...not several

Hey, Kuger..

Something to take a look at.
This place is located about 45 miles from my home. It has come under fire from the local people with a few lawsuits.
I would think if a cat were to escape it might not be reported?

Just something I thought about to explain the cats I've seen..

Tiger Haven

That is interesting....and that type of thing is the exact explanation of many of the "exotics",we see popping up(we get an alligator out here in our Delta every few years)Very good possibility.One thing I do know,is the few feline sanctuaries I am familiar with are heavily monitored as to what they have,with random spot checks...not saying all do...

This place started without anyone knowing about it! I don't think even the law knew until later?
They started with a few cats placed in make-shift cages.. in wasn't until the smell and sounds alerted neighbors that their problems started.

$10M lawsuit calls Roane?s Tiger Haven a nuisance » Knoxville News Sentinel

...I missed that part!!!Yea,they really need to start cracking down on this kind of thing.....very bad things have happened from escaped fish and mammals.Ticks me off,really.Our native species have it hard enough as it is without some exotic competing!

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