Bigfoot; are you a believer?

.....and ya seen black panthers every where!!!!!
These Black Panthers?

"I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party"

........dont see many of them any more either!

With all hunters, hikers, bikers, fisherman, metal detectors roaming the woods with everyone having cell phones with cameras and a few carrying guns. The law of averages would have to conclude there are no sasquash - big foots roaming the woods. I have spent many days in my tree stand with scent killing and masking agents, from before daylight until after darkness and with numerous trail cameras like millions of others, yet none of us actually have good pictures or skeletons to prove that they exist.
We often laugh and joke about it. I have heard wild boar, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes and numerous other creatures. I have even taken part of trying to scare the hell out of others by making weird noises.
I am on a 1000+ acre land lease for hunting in very remote southern Ohio, it is some of the steepest ugly country to navigate and if one would exist this would be ideal.
Now with all that said, last month while on a night hunt for wild boar. I heard the scariest sound I have ever heard and I am embarrassed to admit it but was concerned enough to take my 44 Mag out of the holster. SO to make a short story long I don't believe in BIGFOOT but I sure as hell ain't going in the woods at night unarmed to be eaten by something that dosn't exist.

I know a lot of folks that live in the East or midwest really don't have a clear perspective on the amount of remote and unexplored forests and mountains in the West.

It's not a knock against them folks; they just don't realize how vast the forests are out here...

As for folks not seeing them; there are hundreds of sightings every year and dozens of photos and videos taken as well(though a large number of those are hoaxes and pretty easy to debunk)...

Here is a game camera image that is pretty compelling...


The story on the above photo is that a guy had someone stealing apples from his tree by his house, so he set up a game camera. He got this image which supposedly shows a bigfoot stooping over to pick up apples on the ground with a baby bigfoot clutched to it's chest...

Now, if someone was going to hoax a photo of a bigfoot, why would they go to the extra trouble of adding a baby bigfoot?

I do believe in the paranormal 100%.

Fact or Fiction? :icon_scratch: All I know is that if I am out in the woods and I have one of these ''creatures'' in my sights, there better not be some clown in a suit or it may be history. Of course TNET would get first coverage.

If I saw something like a Bigfoot, I wouldn't shoot it unless threatened. Most things out in the mountains will keep space between them and you. I've never had to shoot and animal, but I have had to put my hand on the grips a few times when I thought bears or man was to close.

I think I'll just keep an open mind about what weird things could be "out there".. but over the last 65 years.. my list is getting smaller!

If I saw something like a Bigfoot, I wouldn't shoot it unless threatened. Most things out in the mountains will keep space between them and you. I've never had to shoot and animal, but I have had to put my hand on the grips a few times when I thought bears or man was to close.

I think I'll just keep an open mind about what weird things could be "out there".. but over the last 65 years.. my list is getting smaller!

I think i'd pee myself and run out of there like a school girl lol

I guess I'm undecided. I hope that there are still things out there that haven't been discovered yet. On another hand, people say that there aren't ghosts. My house was built back in the mid 1700s. I have never seen a ghost, but the things that have happened in the house have convinced me that there are things that happen that cannot be explained rationaly. We have a seven foot hallway that seperates the kitchen from the living room. Both sides of the walls are covered with pictures of family and friends, and have hung there for several years. One of our friends was over for dinner and 8 of us were sitting at the kitchen table when this friend made a smart remark about how my wife treats her dogs. It really made her mad. Several seconds after the remark was made, his picture flew off the wall, went around the corner and ended up in the living room, about 10 feet away. If I remember correctly, this happened 2 times. He then decided that he would keep his opinions to himself, and his picture has stayed put ever since. We also had an incident where my wifes son was held down in bed and couldn't move. His bedroom door had no locks or way of locking it, and it took 3 of us to open the door, and upon entering her son was finally able to move. I have no explanations for these and several other incidents that have happened, so I guess I can't say that bigfoot doesn't exist.

I think i'd pee myself and run out of there like a school girl lol

No you wouldn't!:laughing7:

What you would do is keep your eyes on it, and at the same time, you would be asking yourself... "Is it real".. "could this be true?".
Sorry, you can't prepare for it, it will happen totally unexpected!

You will question yourself and play.. "well, it could have been this or that?". You will talk it over with yourself to find doubt.
It's when all doubt is removed.. is when you say to yourself.. "Day'm, it's real!".

No you wouldn't!:laughing7:

What you would do is keep your eyes on it, and at the same time, you would be asking yourself... "Is it real".. "could this be true?".
Sorry, you can't prepare for it, it will happen totally unexpected!

You will question yourself and play.. "well, it could have been this or that?". You will talk it over with yourself to find doubt.
It's when all doubt is removed.. is when you say to yourself.. "Day'm, it's real!".

Yeah...and after it was gone you'd realize you peed yourself...or more.

I see there was a new episode of Finding Bigfoot on tonight. Soooo did they find him this week or no?

I see there was a new episode of Finding Bigfoot on tonight. Soooo did they find him this week or no?

More of the same... They heard responses to their calls, walked around noisily, and attributed everything out of the ordinary to being "squatchy"...

Just about all of their eyewitness accounts occur during the day, yet they bumble around at night...

My brothers swear they saw one across a creek while they were hunting back in the 70s so I find it an interesting show.

I'm on the Renee side with some of the info they put out.
It might be he/it eats meat and berries and fruit, but it gets a little far out to think he prefers payday or zagnut candy bars and donuts.
And how did they prove he/it is immune to pepper spray and can't sneeze?

I don't care how many donuts and zagnut candy bars you offer me if you're going to test pepper spray on me, I'm not coming near you either.
Maybe Bigfoot is smart enough to know that too.

​Bumped because I canceled my cable and need more entertainment on the internet...

Sure do, saw him with elvis, easter bunny and santa clause, they were skinny dipping at the resivoir and eating fudgesicles. HA HA HA

I have not seen bigfoot so I will not rule it out. What proof do we have either way?

I have not seen bigfoot so I will not rule it out. What proof do we have either way?

The big thing is, we don't have a body or bones, or any other type of remains that can "prove" their existance.

However, we have thousands of eye-witness accounts(probably 5% are actually credible), footprints(a huge amount are faked), various game camera and other photos, and the holy grail; the Patterson film, which has never been debunked and multiple experts and hollywood effects people have said was impossible to fake back then.

There have been hairs found that show DNA consistent with a primate of some sort but none previously categorized, and we have Bobo, who swears he's seen one...:laughing7:

I wear size 14eee does that mean I'm BigFoot :walk:

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