Bronze Member
These Black Panthers?.....and ya seen black panthers every where!!!!!

These Black Panthers?.....and ya seen black panthers every where!!!!!
With all hunters, hikers, bikers, fisherman, metal detectors roaming the woods with everyone having cell phones with cameras and a few carrying guns. The law of averages would have to conclude there are no sasquash - big foots roaming the woods. I have spent many days in my tree stand with scent killing and masking agents, from before daylight until after darkness and with numerous trail cameras like millions of others, yet none of us actually have good pictures or skeletons to prove that they exist.
We often laugh and joke about it. I have heard wild boar, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes and numerous other creatures. I have even taken part of trying to scare the hell out of others by making weird noises.
I am on a 1000+ acre land lease for hunting in very remote southern Ohio, it is some of the steepest ugly country to navigate and if one would exist this would be ideal.
Now with all that said, last month while on a night hunt for wild boar. I heard the scariest sound I have ever heard and I am embarrassed to admit it but was concerned enough to take my 44 Mag out of the holster. SO to make a short story long I don't believe in BIGFOOT but I sure as hell ain't going in the woods at night unarmed to be eaten by something that dosn't exist.
If I saw something like a Bigfoot, I wouldn't shoot it unless threatened. Most things out in the mountains will keep space between them and you. I've never had to shoot and animal, but I have had to put my hand on the grips a few times when I thought bears or man was to close.
I think I'll just keep an open mind about what weird things could be "out there".. but over the last 65 years.. my list is getting smaller!
I think i'd pee myself and run out of there like a school girl lol
No you wouldn't!
What you would do is keep your eyes on it, and at the same time, you would be asking yourself... "Is it real".. "could this be true?".
Sorry, you can't prepare for it, it will happen totally unexpected!
You will question yourself and play.. "well, it could have been this or that?". You will talk it over with yourself to find doubt.
It's when all doubt is removed.. is when you say to yourself.. "Day'm, it's real!".
I see there was a new episode of Finding Bigfoot on tonight. Soooo did they find him this week or no?
I have not seen bigfoot so I will not rule it out. What proof do we have either way?