biden is just full a bologna!

NF, Hillary is still ultimately responsible...

And in the tradition of all Department heads she has accepted responsibility. The law states, however, that, that is not good enough. Congress is to be told who exactly was responsible for the decisions that caused the problem. And, that is where we are now.

Personally, i'm goin' with Phil Robertson in 2016. I'll be happy happy happy!!!!

From Duck Dynasty???

And in the tradition of all Department heads she has accepted responsibility. The law states, however, that, that is not good enough. Congress is to be told who exactly was responsible for the decisions that caused the problem. And, that is where we are now.

Personally, i'm goin' with Phil Robertson in 2016. I'll be happy happy happy!!!!

Hillary hasn't excepted responsibility for anything, what was it she said to except responsibility???? Oh I remember......."What difference does it make"

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Hillery once stated that she wasn't a "stand by her man" person, but notice that even Bill has been absent during this fiasco! Got to wonder what he's got up his sleeve? Perhaps he's getting ready to change partys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillery once stated that she wasn't a "stand by her man" person, but notice that even Bill has been absent during this fiasco! Got to wonder what he's got up his sleeve? Perhaps he's getting ready to change partys!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont see him changing parties, as far as what is up his sleave...well I am going to guess it could be a cigar...

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According to the Pickering report Hillary accepted responsibility. She did so as a department head. THis is expected in the buck stops here tradition of department heads taking the blame.

Congress though, didn't like that. So years ago they changed the law. it is no longer OK for a department head to fall on their sword and call it done. Congress requires that all culpable parties be called to task. That is, who exactly did what and when. Step one, the pickering report. Step two Issa. Step three?

Most likely there won't be a step three as the yesterday's release of emails from the White House largely supports the Dems version of events. Yes, there is a little something in the released emails for everyone. But the lion's share support the official version of events.

Hillary, of course, is aware of the law that says her taking blame doesn't cut it with congress. Which is why the Pickering Report was ordered. She knew what was coming and was, as usual, ten steps ahead of everyone else.

As for Hillary not testifying under oath? Like i said she has a way of making very smart people look stupid.

As for anyone on this thread believing she deserves anything less than being burned at the stake? Well, who we talkin bout here?

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She deserves to face charges for lying and the coverup, and smart doesn't say a lot. Hitler, Castro, Mao, Hussein, and many other misfits leaders were all very smart, but a disaster for their country just like Hillary is.

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TH i know you don't like her, that's your perogative. But really, you need to slow down on who you group her with.

She is a smart politician who you happen to despise. I've got a list of those myself. But none are madman, or mass murderers. And yes, it bothers me that the people on my list are in power. But i'm not going to give myself an ulcer over something i can't change.

You think the repubs would like to bring her up on charges? Of course they would. That they haven't? Answer that question.

BTW, there were no weapons of mass destruction. What about the people who told us that lie?

she has a way of making very smart people look stupid. (Quote)

You are referring to all on the left??

I'm referring to everyone. However, normally the people on the left aren't trying to squash her like a bug.

It's the people on the right who usually end up looking like smacked asses.

And again, if anyone here believes she should be brought up on charges - for anything - why hasn't that happened? If it is so obvious ,why aren't your leaders doing that?

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Lets face the facts, she has never done anything. The only reason she is still in the game is cause of slickwilly.

I'm referring to everyone. However, normally the people on the left aren't trying to squash her like a bug.

It's the people on the right who usually end up looking like smacked asses.

And again, if anyone here believes she should be brought up on charges - for anything - why hasn't that happened? If it is so obvious ,why aren't your leaders doing that?

Thats all she is is a bug...Cock roach to be exact.

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I am the great cornholio!


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