biden is just full a bologna!

Native Floridian,

I actually agreed with you once on the gun march to DC.

But this old boy ain't being played.

I see clearly what the recipient class has put on us who work for a living.

And I don't like it one bit.

Having seen horror, the horror I see now is being put on us by those who deserve NOTHING from me.


NF what about everyone who was told to stand down? Is that budget cuts as well?

Excellent point Deepseeker!

Are you serious "witch hunt"???

Americans died, their requests for more security were denied, there is proof Hilary saw the requests, she lied before congress about the requests. Hilary and her boss lied and tried to cover up the fact it was a terrorist attack and continue to lie about it to this date.

If it is a witch hunt it is because there is an evil witch guilty of crimes....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

You're right Treasure Hunter. Shrillary is the only witch I see and you don't have to look very far or be a rocket scientist to see her evilness.

She just about has horns on her head, what a disgusting little **** she is!

She just about has horns on her head, what a disgusting little **** she is!

Sad thing is Diesel that if she is the only one running next election for the Democratic Party people who might be a little bit on the fence now about her or actually incensed by her behavior will forget how she sold out our own amabassador and the others who were killed in Benghazi gate and vote for her.Everything for the party and nothing for valor.

I look forward to continuing Benghazi questions when she runs for leftist prez in 2016

How old will she be in 2016? Isn't that one of the reasons they said Mccain was a bad choice?

Sad thing is Diesel that if she is the only one running next election for the Democratic Party people who might be a little bit on the fence now about her or actually incensed by her behavior will forget how she sold out our own amabassador and the others who were killed in Benghazi gate and vote for her.Everything for the party and nothing for valor.
Right you are Coily! Most of her voters will once again be the low information crowd.


You're right Treasure Hunter. Shrillary is the only witch I see and you don't have to look very far or be a rocket scientist to see her evilness.

Shrillary.lmfao. That is a perfectly appropriate nick name. Good one CoilyGirl.

Brothers, sisters, Americans........ please stop quoting progressives in your posts. I have systematically ushered them into my ignore list.
And you really do not have to quote them, they know who they are.

Do you hear me progressives?

Listen to The Savage Nation online

Bevo, I must apolagize as I promised not to quote a progressive and in the heat of the moment I did:banghead:

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Thats ok diese I already ate.

LOL!!!!! Salem had nothing on this group! Evilness, growing horns, Shillary.
I keep forgeting that this is a place where the facts don't matter.

If she decides to run for prez, she will be the next president of the United States. Why do you think she resigned? Now i know that the brain trust here reads that as I support her. No! Just looking at the political tea leaves and telling you like it is.

The repubs have no one that can beat her. Which is why they are doing their best to leave a mark on her now. So, how do they do that? Well here is a tragedy with a connection to her. They politicize it. Which is shamefull in the memory of the four who died. They then pedal their politicized version to their base( that would be you). Who lap it up like a baby to momma's breast. They ask no questions. They check no facts. They accept without question. That woman's a witch and she is guilty!!!! Evilness, she has horns, Shillary!


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LOL!!!!! Salem had nothing on this group! Evilness, growing horns, Shillary.
I keep forgeting that this is a place where the facts don't matter.

If she decides to run for prez, she will be the next president of the United States. Why do you think she resigned? Now i know that the brain trust here reads that as I support her. No! Just looking at the political tea leaves and telling you like it is.

The repubs have no one that can beat her. Which is why they are doing their best to leave a mark on her now. So, how do they do that? Well here is a tragedy with a connection to her. They politicize it. Which is shamefull in the memory of the four who died. They then pedal their politicized version to their base( that would be you). Who lap it up like a baby to momma's breast. They ask no questions. They check no facts. They accept without question. That woman's a witch and she is guilty!!!! Evilness, she has horns, Shillary!

Native Floridian,respectfully I have to disagree with you here. Do you really believe she got bonked on the head and couldn't testify nor could she even be found for questioning in the days after? Coincidential? No.I smell something rotten and so does everyone else with an iota of common sense and to tell me or insinuate a conspiracy theory by Republicans is just bunk and an insult to my intelligence. The mainstream media chooses to cherry pick what news to report and none of it besides Fox shows the Democratic Party in a bad light and don't tell me its my imagination.

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