biden is just full a bologna!

LOL!!!!! Salem had nothing on this group! Evilness, growing horns, Shillary.
I keep forgeting that this is a place where the facts don't matter.

If she decides to run for prez, she will be the next president of the United States. Why do you think she resigned? Now i know that the brain trust here reads that as I support her. No! Just looking at the political tea leaves and telling you like it is.

The repubs have no one that can beat her. Which is why they are doing their best to leave a mark on her now. So, how do they do that? Well here is a tragedy with a connection to her. They politicize it. Which is shamefull in the memory of the four who died. They then pedal their politicized version to their base( that would be you). Who lap it up like a baby to momma's breast. They ask no questions. They check no facts. They accept without question. That woman's a witch and she is guilty!!!! Evilness, she has horns, Shillary!


NF, sounds to me like your totally in the bag for her. You know what is really shamefull to the Americans that died is what the left is doing. Remember the statement death is a fact.of life lets move on? The left has blood on their hands and got caught. That is why supporters like you come to the defense. It seems the facts dont matter to you sir...

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Native Floridian,respectfully I have to disagree with you here. Do you really believe she got bonked on the head and couldn't testify nor could she even be found for questioning in the days after? Coincidential? No.I smell something rotten and so does everyone else with an iota of common sense and to tell me or insinuate a conspiracy theory by Republicans is just bunk and an insult to my intelligence.

How stupid does the left think people are?

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NF that is pure bull, pedal it somewhere else.

How dare you imply they died because we believe in less government. They died because of the incompetent leadership out of this administration, it is the cover up we are intent on exposing.

I have not a single problem with congress spending money to protect our people and you will be hard pressed to find many conservatives who object to our defense spending to protect our people but you have no problem finding liberals that want to cut funding to anything that has to do with our great military and troops... In fact they could stop funding half the parasites and use that money to bettet protect our people as far as I am concerned...

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While you may not have a problem with congress spending money to protect our people the republicans in congress think differently. They cut the state departments security budget. That's a fact - look it up.

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying it directly. We were under manned because hard decisions had to be made on how to efficiently allocate limited resources. That's what happens when your budget gets cut. Every business owner or manager in this country understands that concept. In this case - Benghazi wasn't at the top of the list. Nor was it the only consolate screaming for more security.

Incompetence absolutely played a role. And hillary should be held accountable for her role in that incompetence. Unfortunately, incompetence in government is imbedded and gets rolled over from administration to administration. Hillary didn't invent the apparatus that we call the state department. She was saddled with it. Still, as it's head she could have made changes. But like all bureaucrats she let the status quo rule.

And if incompetence is what's really got you goat let's roll the clock back about 12 years. Then new president George Bush was at the helm. This time 12 years ago our country's foremost terrorism expert couldn't get a meeting with the President. Why, because his boss Codoleza Rice devalued him. Under Clinton this man had an open line to the White House. He met weekly with the President. Under Bush, he first met weekly with Rice and wasn't permitted to see the president. Then Rice decided she was too important to meet with him either. So he met with underlings who would decide for him if anything he had to say was important enough to pass up the line.

That, on it's face is pure incompetence. Who doesn't meet with therir top experts on national security?

About 146 months ago this expert started banging the table that he needed to meet with the president. The underlings listened and did nothing. The expert was blathering on about airplanes used as missles, people with impossible to pronounce names, and something about September. Bang bang bang for months and no one listened! Finally, the expert got his meeting with the president. In July at the ranch. IOW, the prez is too busy to see you on official time, but fly to Texas and he'll take a few minutes out from mountain biking to talk to you. The president was polite, took his written report put it down and never looked at it again until Sept 12th.

On Sept 12th this man suddenly became very important. In a meeting with our country's top leaders and entire top military command he was the only one in the room who knew who attacked us the day before. How ridiculous is that? Had these people listened, they all would have known who attacked us. Incompetence at the highest level. Incompetence that may have cost us 3000 lives on our own soil!

TH, there is plenty of government incompetence to to go around. Hillary's roll here pales in any comparison to what happened in 2001. Could 911 have been averted? Even the expert doesn't know that answer. Maybe. But the point is because of the incompetence of the Bush Administration we didn't even give our citizens a fighting chance.

Of course after 911 the incompetence continued. The expert was fired when he disagreed that Iraq was involved. He was then scapegoated in a white wash of the facts. Rice telling all who istened that his information wasn't valuable. Of course disproven by the fact that he was the only one who knew what and who. By outing the expert they cut off the man's wisdom and weath of knowledge. Which could have come in very handy in tracking down the terrorist who continued to threaten us. Again, total incompetence!

Incompetence in government - nothing new there!

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Obama, is that you? I see your still blaming Bush for current events...

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NF, peddle it somewhere else I'm not buying your reteroic at all......

Libya was a tragedy and our people died because of this adminstration and the cover up starts at the top....Hilary is guilty of lying to congress for her boss and if there is any justice they will both be charged for it....

The travesty is this country allowed a man to occupy the white house whose loyalties clearly are not to this country.

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NF, sounds to me like your totally in the bag for her. You know what is really shamefull to the Americans that died is what the left is doing. Remember the statement death is a fact.of life lets move on? The left has blood on their hands and got caught. That is why supporters like you come to the defense. It seems the facts dont matter to you sir...

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If it is raining and I state it is raining am I totally in the bag for rain?

Hillary is the dem front runner. I know just mentioning her name makes you see red but it is what it is. it is a fact. My tagging her as a the top presdential contender makes me an object of scorn here. Again, it is what it is, a fact. That hillary is the top contender and someone you detest, blinds you to any level of fairness in your thinking. You want the conspriracy to be true. You want Hillary to be guilty. if hillary were to be put on trial, you along with most posting here would be disqualified from serving. THat's what happens when you are predisposed to a verdict. Yet you speak of seeking truth.

Here is what i want - the truth. Not as Fox news presents it, but the actual facts. If Hillary is guilty lets get to the bottom of that. No witch hunt, no politicians telling us what is what. No talking heads telling us what to believe Facts! if the glove fits, so to speak, let's burn the witch! But let's make sure she's guilty first. After-all for all the chest pumping patriots on this board, truth and justice is what this country is all about.

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Seeing as you dont like fox news...probably because they actually report and are the most trusted, just who do you get your propaganda from??

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NF , See it raining? The problem is you DON'T see the storm clouds, the lighting or the storm much less the rain, you only see rainbows and unicorns and any other stories they spin for you.

Just like the rest your just following "the pied piper".....

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Seeing as you dont like fox news...probably because they actually report and are the most trusted, just who do you get your propaganda from??

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Where did i say i don't like Fox News? There is a difference between like and trust. It's big enough to drive a truck through. For example i like Diane Sawyer. Do i trust everything she says? Nope! And that list goes on.

I've mentioned this before - my across the street neighbor, who also happens to be my wife's best friend is one good looking chick! She is also one very smart chick! Graduated from an Ivy league school near the top of her class, top law school where she did the same, worked for big name law firm where she became a partner. This woman's resume is impressive! The best part she doesn't push it. She is everyday people. A down to earth nice person. And she is a true friend - do anything to help you.

But then there's this, her combo of looks and brains landed her a job at none other than Fox News! The Fox News. A couple days a week a limo pulls up in front of her house at 5am and idles until she comes out and gets in. it takes her to what she calls her day job. A left wing attack dog. She is tasked with attacking everything and everyone with Dem in their resume. She has to to it in a reasonable way as to appear centered. To do this she is paid a comfortable six figure salary. And, though less money, it beats working 80 hours a week at big law. The relaxed schedule allows her to be a stay at home mom most days of the week.

Here is the thing - Living the life as a suburban house wife and mom she is a dyed in the wool liberal. Well lets say left of center. Voted for O, Voted for Christie, voted all dems from the senate down to the town council. She has no ax to grind with O or any dems. She likes Hillary though couldn't vote for her in the dem primary. For career purposes she's a reg republican.

She describes her job as just that, a job. Not a belief system. it is what she does to make a living. And according to her, the truth doesn't have a chance at Fox news. News is filtered to a right bias. Why? because that's what pays the bills!

On air she will tell you we need to fry that ***** Hillary, because if she says anything less she knows, as do her bosses and controlers that you will throw the remote at the TV. And then she and them and eventually FOX is out on the street. She has decided that pulling down 300k a year for 25 hours of work each week is actually better than really having to work for a living. So she tells you what you want to hear. And the money just keeps rolling in!

Any different at NBC? I doubt it.

So FOX news? I have my reasons for not trusting them.

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NF , See it raining? The problem is you DON'T see the storm clouds, the lighting or the storm much less the rain, you only see rainbows and unicorns and any other stories they spin for you.

Just like the rest your just following "the pied piper".....

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TH, then again I'm not the one tilting at windmills. I see no giants to slay.

NF what about everyone who was told to stand down? Is that budget cuts as well?

if you mean while the attack was happening, that was a decision made by the military chain of command. The state department has no authority to order military units into battle.

That said, investigations so far have shown that the commanders decided to deploy units to Tripoli instead of Benghazi. I'm unclear to all the thinking there. One factor was the distance and time to deploy to Benghazi. Another was limited special forces available to commanders. A third, Tripoli was thought to be under immanent threat of attack.

Whether the force level available to commanders was limited because of budget cuts, no one has said that. It could be that commanders didn't exspect to need more than they had based on historical experience. you can make your own judgement to why we were spread so thin. it would, imo, be faulty thinking not to suspect that budget cuts didn't play a role. It should be at least investigated.

At the embassy itself budget cuts definately played a role. You can draw a straight line from congressional budget cuts to security force reductions. Again, you get the security you pay for. Mid level managers at the State Department took the budget congress handed them, gave it to their quants who pushed out reports on where security could be cut and where it couldn't. Hard decisions were then made were to cut.

No doubt, with benefit of 20/20 hindsight, at least one was wrong.

Hopefully the Issa hearings lead to the end of this type wrong headed thinking in Washington. Where congressmen force us to put our people in life and death situations needlessly.

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Between Libya and now the IRS scandal O maybe on a sinking ship, they have so many lies and coverups going on we may start seeing rats jumping ship soon.

Need to subpoena the head of the IRS before congress under oath and make it clear he either gives full disclosure of all he knows about it or he is going to prison then follow that trail.......It is also time to drag Hillary before congress again, put her under oath and let her commit perjury again, let her lies hang her too....

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Between Libya and now the IRS scandal O maybe on a sinking ship, they have so many lies and coverups going on we may start seeing rats jumping ship soon.

Need to subpoena the head of the IRS before congress under oath and make it clear he either gives full disclosure of all he knows about it or he is going to prison then follow that trail.......It is also time to drag Hillary before congress again, put her under oath and let her commit perjury again, let her lies hang her too....

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Issa has said Hillary and Obama are not targets of his investigation. Of course he hopes he has both their butts in his briefcase before he is through. But as of now, he's got nothing. And, parts of the right's conspiracy theory took some hits in testimony. Surely he's not happy about that either. But, the search for the truth is just that, a search for the truth. It leads where it leads.

Regardless, the far right will never buy anything less than conspiracy and cover-up.

gotta put hillary under oath this time.

gotta put hillary under oath this time.

From what I read oath or no oath lying to congress is till a crime....

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slick willy and his no good wife have a lotta practice at lying to congress, no sweat for them.

TH, you are right. Lying to congress is a crime regardless of oath. However, the bar is set much higher under oath. Under oath you held to a higher standard. Without the oath, it is unlikely that Clinton would be held responsible for testimony based on impressions or reflections of a past event. Memory isn't perfect.

The problem here for those who want Clinton to pay is that the Pickering Report absolves her. It names lower level management as at fault. That management, is top level, but still a level or two below Clinton. They are part of the imbedded staus qou at the state department. Career govt employees. While at the top level Hillary may have surrounded herself with her people, career managers and staffers make up most of the depth chart. All the decisions made that led to this tragedy were made at those lower levels.

While Issa is now questioning the Pickering report ( what choice does he have if he is to do his party's bidding?) as it stands now there is no reason to recall Clinton under oath. Doing so would be akin to calling for the President of Ford Motor company to testify in a wrongful death suit. The design and production decisions that led to the product being deficient were made so many levels below the president there is no way the president's testimony could have any relevance.

If they recall her it is only for purposes of tar and feathering her. And, there is another problem with them doing that. One they are fully aware of. Love her or hate her, Hillary is smarter than any two of these guys put together. trying to corner her could prove costly and embarrassing to them. Hillary Clinton loaded for politcal bear? Hmm, potential video clips of them getting their nuts chopped off? Vid that will run in every relection campaign for the rest of their careers. Careers that are likely to be very short..

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Anyone here wanna talk about TWA 800? AM I the only one who doesn't think a center fuel tank explosion brought down that plane?

Not understanding what you are saying. could you elaborate?

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