biden is just full a bologna!

He hugged me when I walked in the room? Did he whisper "you better then me to look the fool " again
I'm sure he has tried to kiss his ring you know the one he thinks is around his head.

I got blowback from everybody but the president. I walked in that Monday, he had a big grin on his face, he put his arms around me and said, ‘Well, Joe, God love you, you say what you think.’ I knew he agreed with me. It wasn’t like he was in a different place.”


I'm not much of a Biden fan, but i respect his political acumen. This guy's been around for a long time. He knows how to get things done. Which is why Obama put him on the ticket. An old war horse who has seen and done it all.

On a personal level I have respect for Biden in the personal tragedy that he overcame. Losing your wife and infant daughter? I have no idea how you come back from that. Though he kept his senate seat at the urging of others he put his two toddler sons first. Again, i have respect for people who do this.

yer gonna have to speak up.:icon_sunny:

I'm not much of a Biden fan, but i respect his political acumen. This guy's been around for a long time. He knows how to get things done. Which is why Obama put him on the ticket. An old war horse who has seen and done it all.

On a personal level I have respect for Biden in the personal tragedy that he overcame. Losing your wife and infant daughter? I have no idea how you come back from that. Though he kept his senate seat at the urging of others he put his two toddler sons first. Again, i have respect for people who do this.

Biden is a disrespectful control freak. And your right he has been around a long long. Like Rengle

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I'm not much of a Biden fan, but i respect his political acumen. This guy's been around for a long time. He knows how to get things done. Which is why Obama put him on the ticket. An old war horse who has seen and done it all.

On a personal level I have respect for Biden in the personal tragedy that he overcame. Losing your wife and infant daughter? I have no idea how you come back from that. Though he kept his senate seat at the urging of others he put his two toddler sons first. Again, i have respect for people who do this.

I think part of obama's calculus on picking Biden was he wanted someone who wouldn't overshadow him. I think he succeeded. I don't really think Biden is stupid but he says such stupid things, on such a regular basis that its hard to take him seriously. Buffoon is a word I think of whenever I listen to him blather on and on.

dems seem to repeatedly pick low skilled people to surround them.

I could care less about what Biden has overcome. It doesn't give him a free ticket to trample on my rights or anyone else's. I have no idea what he has "accomplished" that has any impact on improving the world. Telling me to get a shotgun just doesn't impress me that much. The guy's a moron holding on to Obama's shirttails to carry him through our welfare countryside handing out freebies and dumba$$ statements as he travels..

All of you are right, at least to a point. Biden isn't presidential material. Obviously, the dems know this and so do the repubs. The repubs know Biden won't be who they'll be facing in 2016. Which brings us to who will they be facing in 2016? That takes us right down the trail to the Witch Hunt known as Benghazi. Let's knock out the prime contender before they get in the ring! Get that Witch!!! After-all the best defense is a good offense. And the repubs are on an offensive tear right now!

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Are you serious "witch hunt"???

Americans died, their requests for more security were denied, there is proof Hilary saw the requests, she lied before congress about the requests. Hilary and her boss lied and tried to cover up the fact it was a terrorist attack and continue to lie about it to this date.

If it is a witch hunt it is because there is an evil witch guilty of crimes....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

All of you are right, at least to a point. Biden isn't presidential material. Obviously, the dems know this and so do the repubs. The repubs know Biden won't be who they'll be facing in 2016. Which brings us to who will they be facing in 2016? That takes us right down the trail to the Witch Hunt known as Benghazi. Let's knock out the prime contender before they get in the ring! Get that Witch!!! After-all the best defense is a good offense. And the repubs are on an offensive tear right now!

As opposed to the dems never ending offensive tear?

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I have to agree with you there NF. Hopefully they'll get the witch and our military won't have to worry about whether this country will back them when they need it or not.

Are you serious "witch hunt"???

Americans died, their requests for more security were denied, there is proof Hilary saw the requests, she lied before congress about the requests. Hilary and her boss lied and tried to cover up the fact it was a terrorist attack and continue to lie about it to this date.

If it is a witch hunt it is because there is an evil witch guilty of crimes....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

The dems always consider anything said or done to them as a personal attack. Facts never seem to matter to them...

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Not to hurl an insult here, but to an extent you guys are being played with this entire Benghazi scandal. Why? because it torpedo's Hillary, or at least attempts to. There is no White Water type scandal here, But HC is the leading democratic presidential hopeful at this point. And the repubs know she would be tough to beat. So let's get the witch hunt machinery oiled up and see what we can get to stick to the wall. . A well practiced strategy.

Let's look at Benghazi. Where mistakes made? Obviously! Was the embassy under protected? Yup! But, you guys who want less government should understand that. The repubs voted to cut the State department's security budget. What did they think that was going to do? Lead to increased security around the world? Working with less money bureaucrats have to make tough decisions. Some of those decisions are going to be wrong. See, no conspiracy! Smaller government has consequenses. You wanna pay for 30 cents on the dollar security then 30 cents on the dollar security is what you get.

The testimony of the three state department officials who testified before congress gave no evidence that this security failure sprang from anything more than using limited resources efficiently. IOW you get the security that you pay for.

It was not Hillary's fault that budget constraints led to security on the cheap. if you want to find a scapegoat there, look to the repubs who cut the security budget.

As for the special forces not brought in to rescue the embassy personel? Not Hillary's call. Not even Gregory Hicks call. That was a call made by the military chain of command in charge of the region. Again trying to use the limited forces available to them as efficiently as possible. In this case they decided to defend the embassy in Tripoli which they believed to be under threat of imminent attack. It was their assesment that the forces could not reach Benghazi in time to do any good. This decision was later backed by the Pentegon. Of course Hick's disagrees with this. So, you need to decide who to believe on this point. The military experts in charge or a diplomat who is upset that his team was murdered on his watch. Regardless, Hillary wasn't involved in the decision.

As for cover up? Hmm not really. Did the Obama admin blow it when they said the attack was the result of a video. Yup! deliberate? Not so much. Did O label the attack a terrorist act? Again Yup, almost immediately. Just ask Mitt Romney! Still the admin was trying to walk the tightrope between terrorist attack and not attacking Islam. Yet lying purposely would only lead to more embarrassment when the truth did finally come out. Why would they be motivated to do this?

What about the prime target here ,Clinton? Did she cover up or is anyone covering for her? For her failure to protect our diplomats? Not accordingto the Pickering report. The report commissioned by Hillary and vetted by repubs clearly puts the blame on the buracracy of the state department not responding to intelligence that our diplomats were in danger. Wow, a report that fingers Hillary! Some cover up!

What about Hicks? Much is made from the right wing diatribe that he was demoted for becoming a whistle blower. The truth? Hicks asked to come back to the states. he is riding a desk at full pay until something more to his liking comes along. Some demotion! Obviously no one is telling him he can't speak freely. Even if it isn't the truth.

So witch hunt? What else would you call it?

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Not to hurl an insult here, but to an extent you guys are being played with this entire Benghazi scandal. Why? because it torpedo's Hillary, or at least attempts to. There is no White Water type scandal here, But HC is the leading democratic presidential hopeful at this point. And the repubs know she would be tough to beat. So let's get the witch hunt machinery oiled up and see what we can get to stick to the wall. . A well practiced strategy.

Let's look at Benghazi. Where mistakes made? Obviously! Was the embassy under protected? Yup! But, you guys who want less government should understand that. The repubs voted to cut the State department's security budget. What did they think that was going to do? Lead to increased security around the world? Working with less money bureaucrats have to make tough decisions. Some of those decisions are going to be wrong. See, no conspiracy! Smaller government has consequenses. You wanna pay for 30 cents on the dollar security then 30 cents on the dollar security is what you get.

The testimony of the three state department officials who testified before congress gave no evidence that this security failure sprang from anything more than using limited resources efficiently. IOW you get the security that you pay for.

It was not Hillary's fault that budget constraints led to security on the cheap. if you want to find a scapegoat there, look to the repubs who cut the security budget.

As for the special forces not brought in to rescue the embassy personel? Not Hillary's call. Not even Gregory Hicks call. That was a call made by the military chain of command in charge of the region. Again trying to use the limited forces available to them as efficiently as possible. In this case they decided to defend the embassy in Tripoli which they believed to be under threat of imminent attack. It was their assesment that the forces could not reach Benghazi in time to do any good. This decision was later backed by the Pentegon. Of course Hick's disagrees with this. So, you need to decide who to believe on this point. The military experts in charge or a diplomat who is upset that his team was murdered on his watch. Regardless, Hillary wasn't involved in the decision.

As for cover up? Hmm not really. Did the Obama admin blow it when they said the attack was the result of a video. Yup! deliberate? Not so much. Did O label the attack a terrorist act? Again Yup, almost immediately. Just ask Mitt Romney! Still the admin was trying to walk the tightrope between terrorist attack and not attacking Islam. Yet lying purposely would only lead to more embarrassment when the truth did finally come out. Why would they be motivated to do this?

What about the prime target here ,Clinton? Did she cover up or is anyone covering for her? For her failure to protect our diplomats? Not accordingto the Pickering report. The report commissioned by Hillary and vetted by repubs clearly puts the blame on the buracracy of the state department not responding to intelligence that our diplomats were in danger. Wow, a report that fingers Hillary! Some cover up!

What about Hicks? Much is made from the right wing diatribe that he was demoted for becoming a whistle blower. The truth? Hicks asked to come back to the states. he is riding a desk at full pay until something more to his liking comes along. Some demotion! Obviously no one is telling him he can't speak freely. Even if it isn't the truth.

So witch hunt? What else would you call it?

NF that is pure bull, pedal it somewhere else.

How dare you imply they died because we believe in less government. They died because of the incompetent leadership out of this administration, it is the cover up we are intent on exposing.

I have not a single problem with congress spending money to protect our people and you will be hard pressed to find many conservatives who object to our defense spending to protect our people but you have no problem finding liberals that want to cut funding to anything that has to do with our great military and troops... In fact they could stop funding half the parasites and use that money to bettet protect our people as far as I am concerned...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Not to hurl an insult here, but to an extent you guys are being played with this entire Benghazi scandal. Why? because it torpedo's Hillary, or at least attempts to. There is no White Water type scandal here, But HC is the leading democratic presidential hopeful at this point. And the repubs know she would be tough to beat. So let's get the witch hunt machinery oiled up and see what we can get to stick to the wall. . A well practiced strategy.

Let's look at Benghazi. Where mistakes made? Obviously! Was the embassy under protected? Yup! But, you guys who want less government should understand that. The repubs voted to cut the State department's security budget. What did they think that was going to do? Lead to increased security around the world? Working with less money bureaucrats have to make tough decisions. Some of those decisions are going to be wrong. See, no conspiracy! Smaller government has consequenses. You wanna pay for 30 cents on the dollar security then 30 cents on the dollar security is what you get.

The testimony of the three state department officials who testified before congress gave no evidence that this security failure sprang from anything more than using limited resources efficiently. IOW you get the security that you pay for.

It was not Hillary's fault that budget constraints led to security on the cheap. if you want to find a scapegoat there, look to the repubs who cut the security budget.

As for the special forces not brought in to rescue the embassy personel? Not Hillary's call. Not even Gregory Hicks call. That was a call made by the military chain of command in charge of the region. Again trying to use the limited forces available to them as efficiently as possible. In this case they decided to defend the embassy in Tripoli which they believed to be under threat of imminent attack. It was their assesment that the forces could not reach Benghazi in time to do any good. This decision was later backed by the Pentegon. Of course Hick's disagrees with this. So, you need to decide who to believe on this point. The military experts in charge or a diplomat who is upset that his team was murdered on his watch. Regardless, Hillary wasn't involved in the decision.

As for cover up? Hmm not really. Did the Obama admin blow it when they said the attack was the result of a video. Yup! deliberate? Not so much. Did O label the attack a terrorist act? Again Yup, almost immediately. Just ask Mitt Romney! Still the admin was trying to walk the tightrope between terrorist attack and not attacking Islam. Yet lying purposely would only lead to more embarrassment when the truth did finally come out. Why would they be motivated to do this?

What about the prime target here ,Clinton? Did she cover up or is anyone covering for her? For her failure to protect our diplomats? Not accordingto the Pickering report. The report commissioned by Hillary and vetted by repubs clearly puts the blame on the buracracy of the state department not responding to intelligence that our diplomats were in danger. Wow, a report that fingers Hillary! Some cover up!

What about Hicks? Much is made from the right wing diatribe that he was demoted for becoming a whistle blower. The truth? Hicks asked to come back to the states. he is riding a desk at full pay until something more to his liking comes along. Some demotion! Obviously no one is telling him he can't speak freely. Even if it isn't the truth.

So witch hunt? What else would you call it?

No witch hunt, more like a coverup. Obama kept blaming the video for weeks after the attack. What would you call that?

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

The only tight rope obama is walking is trying to not offend anything Muslim.....Well Radical Muslims have declared war on us and we need to understand that and a president that gives aid to them is a traitor...

Our Muslim President is funding the Muslim Brotherhood as we speak which is our enemy, what do you call someone who gives aid to the enemy of your country?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

The only tight rope obama is walking is trying to not offend anything Muslim.....Well Radical Muslims have declared war on us and we need to understand that and a president that gives aid to them is a traitor...

Our Muslim President is funding the Muslim Brotherhood as we speak which is our enemy, what do you call someone who gives aid to the enemy of your country?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I think he would call them an ally...


If this is an attempt to torpedo Hillery, FIRE 1. My main concern is the total lack of, what I see is a lack of respect for the four a dead Americans! Pass the blame around, the budget cuts, poor intelligence, lack of followup, it what you will, someone dropped the ball, and 4 people died. The excuse that it's history, let's move on is totally out of line. When a normal person makes a mistake, or miscalculation, we are taken to task, and expected to make it right. Not to find some poor dolt as a fallguy, and blame all our mistakes on others. That way of doing business, while common in todays politics has absolutely no place in this Country. For an Administration that was originally elected on the platform of change and transparency, they have been a dismal failure

What's important here is; FOUR AMERICANS ARE DEAD1


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