Oh ..... Yes , YES ...,that moment ,..when you just KNOW ,....is just like SEX ,...maybe just a bit better when shared with some one else ,....or a group ....just say'n...
Flint , is a "Natural" for a insitu pic , from shore line to plowed field all good . Don't see much flint from your side of the pond , believe Shaun 7 found a nice Neolithic point awhile back ?? I do have a "nice little" collection of points , for the most part collected years ago , but have been out a few times in the past year or so , mainly to get some insitu shots with the digital camera , have some pre-digital pic's , but are of low quality . I would most like to get a insitu of a optical quartz point , fairly common find locally ,.. seem to be a bit of a crowd "pleaser" down in the American Indian Artifacts Forum ,... well in time , for sure !
Now , a nice green patina agenst some nice dark earth ,.. be it C.S. to Roman ,.. well doesn't get much better then that !
Silver ,...hmmm,..much tougher "subject" there I think ? The soil/ object contrast is a tough one,.. but there great when well exicuted , like the well detailed hammered piece in your original post here ,..well done !!
GOLD & DIRT ... now this realy works ...

.... like your Stirrup ring , simple yet classic . Then your pic of the reeded edge of the gold sovereign ,.. not fully exposed , ... yet you just know !!
.82 gr. "Sun Baker"
Did a post in one of the Au. forums some time ago called it "Au. insitu" , pic's of Gold Nuggets . Not all that uncommon sun bakers are nuggets that are just lay'n on the surface ,...Oh ,.. the sun IS typicly out here in Cali ,.. when we hunt ..

. But there are many that just need abit of dust blown off 'em . Kuger , posted the best of the "Au insitu" pic's with his under water shots from his Gold Dredging days ... O' lord thay where a beatiful sight !!
Anyway ,.. that's the way I see it ,... Blindpig