Preble county ohio hopewell indian site


Jr. Member
Nov 12, 2019
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All Treasure Hunting
Hi ive found an untouched indian camp in the past year ive found over 50 points 30 hammer stones one axe and one celt is there anyone that has experience in this??? I would love to get someone who knows what theyre doing so we can start moving some dirt.. this is my first year hunting and honestly have no idea what im doing serious inquiries only please…anything anyone find they can keep i only ask for your knowledge flint types, time period best places to look ect thank you for reading

Upvote 9
It looks like you've found a site that was possibly a favorite stopover for thousands of years. The artifacts cover a pretty wide time frame and mostly archaic. They would not have spent a great deal of time there unless there was a source of chert nearby, such as Flint Ridge. You may find a few single use hearths w/o artifacts. If it's still under cultivation, your best bet is to hunt it whenever it's tilled and frequently after especially after rains. I think excavation will gain you very little.

I recommend contacting the State Historic Preservation Office which maintains the Ohio Archaeological Inventory.

They share the same building with The Ohio History Connection.
There are several reasons to contact them, least of which is to see if the site is already in the inventory. Second, when artifacts are removed from the ground, all context is LOST FOREVER unless done & documented properly. Third, even if the professional arkies do come in, I've found they are more than happy to have another set of volunteer hands help them. I've personally been involved in a metal detecting survey at George Rogers Clark Park in Clark County and helped dig test pits at the Confederate P.O.W. camp on Johnson's Island in Lake Erie.

You may also want to check the ARCHEOLOGICAL ATLAS OF OHIO for Preble County, to see if the area appears.

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