If it is a completely different find, i think it very strange that the codes led us directly to it, telling us along the way exactly what we should find, and where.
That's Exactly My Point....If the Beale clues were followed...You wouldn't be where you are and finding what you are....That's What's Happened though by what you've said and described...You've made alterations and adjustments to the Beale to get where you are. They didn't lead you directly to it without many adjustments by what you've said.
You are at very different depths in a completely different county and finding very different things than were described. So let's just say for the sake of argument that the Beale is true...If you followed the clues to Beale... you would be somewhere in Bedford County, Virginia, 6'ish below the surface of the ground (or bedrock), within 4miles of a Buford's, in a vault that was detailed in its description and finding iron pots... None of that is where you are or what you're finding.
What I was alluding to...by what you've said... there's a very real possibility that you've found something else that Isn't Beale related. The reason I think that is because it makes no sense for all of the details of Beale to be listed, even to the point of being copyrighted and none..or a great majority of it to be inaccurate.
You and your team believe after spending considerable time on Beale that you've located the Beale Vault/Treasure.... I'm saying that where you've said that after following the clues and moving way over a million tons of overburden it sounds like you've located something else. It's happened before.
Think about this... If I found a map that said 'Tucson To Santa Fe' and I followed that map and saw the landmarks along the way and and the very end where X marks the location of Santa Fe on the map....I then find myself standing in the middle of Taos. I wouldn't have a Tucson to Santa Fe map.. I'd have a Tucson to Taos Map, regardless of what the map said. I would of then had to make alterations to the map to get from Tucson to Santa Fe...Or Taos to Santa Fe...Right?
You aren't following the Beale Clues without changes...to just about everything... including the location of the vault. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember the Beale Ciphers/Clues/Pamplet ever saying 'Don't Take Any Of This Literally'.
Doesn't that open the door to the possibility that whatever you've found Isn't Beale? A Lot has happened in that part of the country... I personally believe there are many treasures and historical artifacts back East that haven't been located or recovered to date...But as far as this, you're not even in the same county as the Beale.
Believe me when I say that I Really Hope That Beale is Real and Recovered. I just have serious doubts that whatever you guys have found is the Beale...There's just too many discrepancies and alterations that have to be believed and made for this to be the Original and Authentic Beale Story.
Just My Opinion