Kace what you and others keep failing to understand, the beale papers are a fiction story, with clues to a real treasure. No, its not in bedford, not 6 ft deep in iron pots, no such person as thomas beale, That is fiction story, as ecs puts it, dimestore novel. Research into it should have proven that nothing in the story can be positively verified except that it was published. As for claims i have seen regarding poor Ward spending his last meager cents to have it published are a figment. In fact a surprise awaits many concerning that. But anyway the authors worked many very real clues. Example since you mentioned it, the trip west where supposedly big amounts of gold etc were found. Never happened. But there is a bearing associated with the telling of that trip that is very important. Ever read bob brewers book it tells a story of a big deer being shot, and related the path it took. He also noted that the deer story was merely pointing out a particular path in regards to a treasure. Same thing here, a story full of clues. 13,000 in jewels ?. Its a number. Trip west ? Another number. Buford ? Kin to someone none of you has researched. Robert morris ? A big clue but not concerning any hotel keeper. And yes, the codework took us to exactly where we are, and yes, we are correct. Nothing changed, nothing altered, no discrepancies, no mistakes, no coincidences. When you work the code as it was designed to be worked, Every part fits perfectly. The authors knew well the story, the supposed broken c2, etc, would keep most all going in the completely wrong direction, and they were right.