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Can you describe what the picture is of? Without some description it looks like mud, water, rocks and something metal with holes in it. Thanks

PS...What is the Red Thing at the left side of the pic? How deep approximately is that hole? The ladder looks like a PlayHouse Size from that height.

When posted i said it wouldnt be what you all hoped for, although, it actually is.. Yes, mud, water, rocks, sandbags, etc, a large underground concrete structure, the entrance is there, the ladder is 16 ft if not mistaken..the top of the concrete structure is near 20 ft below ground level. Pic posted sideways for whatever reason

That's Exactly My Point....If the Beale clues were followed...You wouldn't be where you are and finding what you are....That's What's Happened though by what you've said and described...You've made alterations and adjustments to the Beale to get where you are. They didn't lead you directly to it without many adjustments by what you've said.

You are at very different depths in a completely different county and finding very different things than were described. So let's just say for the sake of argument that the Beale is true...If you followed the clues to Beale... you would be somewhere in Bedford County, Virginia, 6'ish below the surface of the ground (or bedrock), within 4miles of a Buford's, in a vault that was detailed in its description and finding iron pots... None of that is where you are or what you're finding.

What I was alluding what you've said... there's a very real possibility that you've found something else that Isn't Beale related. The reason I think that is because it makes no sense for all of the details of Beale to be listed, even to the point of being copyrighted and none..or a great majority of it to be inaccurate.

You and your team believe after spending considerable time on Beale that you've located the Beale Vault/Treasure.... I'm saying that where you've said that after following the clues and moving way over a million tons of overburden it sounds like you've located something else. It's happened before.

Think about this... If I found a map that said 'Tucson To Santa Fe' and I followed that map and saw the landmarks along the way and and the very end where X marks the location of Santa Fe on the map....I then find myself standing in the middle of Taos. I wouldn't have a Tucson to Santa Fe map.. I'd have a Tucson to Taos Map, regardless of what the map said. I would of then had to make alterations to the map to get from Tucson to Santa Fe...Or Taos to Santa Fe...Right?

You aren't following the Beale Clues without just about everything... including the location of the vault. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember the Beale Ciphers/Clues/Pamplet ever saying 'Don't Take Any Of This Literally'.

Doesn't that open the door to the possibility that whatever you've found Isn't Beale? A Lot has happened in that part of the country... I personally believe there are many treasures and historical artifacts back East that haven't been located or recovered to date...But as far as this, you're not even in the same county as the Beale.

Believe me when I say that I Really Hope That Beale is Real and Recovered. I just have serious doubts that whatever you guys have found is the Beale...There's just too many discrepancies and alterations that have to be believed and made for this to be the Original and Authentic Beale Story.

Just My Opinion

Kace what you and others keep failing to understand, the beale papers are a fiction story, with clues to a real treasure. No, its not in bedford, not 6 ft deep in iron pots, no such person as thomas beale, That is fiction story, as ecs puts it, dimestore novel. Research into it should have proven that nothing in the story can be positively verified except that it was published. As for claims i have seen regarding poor Ward spending his last meager cents to have it published are a figment. In fact a surprise awaits many concerning that. But anyway the authors worked many very real clues. Example since you mentioned it, the trip west where supposedly big amounts of gold etc were found. Never happened. But there is a bearing associated with the telling of that trip that is very important. Ever read bob brewers book it tells a story of a big deer being shot, and related the path it took. He also noted that the deer story was merely pointing out a particular path in regards to a treasure. Same thing here, a story full of clues. 13,000 in jewels ?. Its a number. Trip west ? Another number. Buford ? Kin to someone none of you has researched. Robert morris ? A big clue but not concerning any hotel keeper. And yes, the codework took us to exactly where we are, and yes, we are correct. Nothing changed, nothing altered, no discrepancies, no mistakes, no coincidences. When you work the code as it was designed to be worked, Every part fits perfectly. The authors knew well the story, the supposed broken c2, etc, would keep most all going in the completely wrong direction, and they were right.

That is nothing more than a second layer or poor layer of Calcite or early limestone. You can see a layer on top of the stone that is above your dig. Nothing there but natural rocks.

Hahaha. Right.

What we all find amazing is why, Icehouse, anyone would go through all this enormous effort to convince TN members on these Beale threads that DO NOT believe what you claim.
The above question doesn't give you the reply you want or crave, but reread it again, ask yourself, why do you continue ?

Not trying to convince anyone of anything. Just putting it out there for others, unlike yourself, who might really have an interest.

When posted i said it wouldnt be what you all hoped for, although, it actually is.. Yes, mud, water, rocks, sandbags, etc, ...
Is that a "SEE ROCK CITY" sign next to a STUCKY's "HELLO AMERICA-COME ON BY" sign at the bottom of your pit?

Icehouse, that's quite the hole ya got going on there. My prediction is, all you got is a hole, and all you're gonna have is a hole. So at what point will you call the hole done, and what will you do with that hole when you're done?

Here's another Big Time Treasure Hunter who is digging a hole to nowhere based on -- a-yup -- dowsing:

He's at 80 feet, so you got a ways to go to catch up. Nice hole, tho. Big Time Treasure Hunters are nothing else if not entertaining.

I saw nothing on his post that indicated any treasure. Sure is nice hole. Now someone years later will find the hole and dig it down to 200 feet like Oak Island.

Now someone years later will find the hole and dig it down to 200 feet like Oak Island.

Haha that's a good point. Icehouse, before you fill in that big hole have a little fun with the poor saps who decide they've figured out the ciphers and dig it all back up 100 years from now. Sprinkle it with some goodies. A piece of parchment, a link of gold chain, maybe even a stone tablet with a simple substitution cypher that says "Here ye find treasure, argh." Top it off with a layer of logs and flagstones. Oh yeah, toss in a turtle somewhere. Gotta have a turtle.

Kace what you and others keep failing to understand, the beale papers are a fiction story, with clues to a real treasure. No, its not in bedford, not 6 ft deep in iron pots, no such person as thomas beale, That is fiction story, as ecs puts it, dimestore novel. Research into it should have proven that nothing in the story can be positively verified except that it was published. As for claims i have seen regarding poor Ward spending his last meager cents to have it published are a figment. In fact a surprise awaits many concerning that. But anyway the authors worked many very real clues. Example since you mentioned it, the trip west where supposedly big amounts of gold etc were found. Never happened. But there is a bearing associated with the telling of that trip that is very important. Ever read bob brewers book it tells a story of a big deer being shot, and related the path it took. He also noted that the deer story was merely pointing out a particular path in regards to a treasure. Same thing here, a story full of clues. 13,000 in jewels ?. Its a number. Trip west ? Another number. Buford ? Kin to someone none of you has researched. Robert morris ? A big clue but not concerning any hotel keeper. And yes, the codework took us to exactly where we are, and yes, we are correct. Nothing changed, nothing altered, no discrepancies, no mistakes, no coincidences. When you work the code as it was designed to be worked, Every part fits perfectly. The authors knew well the story, the supposed broken c2, etc, would keep most all going in the completely wrong direction, and they were right.

Yes...I did finally figure out the pic you posted was sideways and I saw that hole/entrance and what everything else I've said me the codes/ciphers are interpretive... we can disagree on that, No Problem...keep in mind I've just seen a lot of different solutions from folks and since I would never be involved in Beale decoding or hunting, only the story and ending is what I'm curious about from an interested observer point.

Now since you said that what was written are pretty much clues to a location...Do you believe that there is an actual, tangible Beale Treasure at your location? Or something else? If so, what? Historical Artifacts? Gold/Silver/Jewels? Another Cipher?

If you saw what I wrote to Justin...I said his detailed posts, his posted reasons for being where he was and doing what he's doing and his pictures of the site are what made me take more interest in the Beale. It had nothing to do with ciphers... I'm way behind on those compared to most others. But I can visualize what he's thinking and doing since franklin, ECS and Reb are so much more familiar with everything than I am.

Sooo, How much longer do you think it will be before you are inside the vault and able to post a pic or two of that?

The other questions I have is why do you have Justin Cannady on your sites when he's said he's not involved with you guys?

Why is Elonka Dunin, Krypto Expert and Game Developer on your sites when she's publicly said its false?

And Lastly...for now...Do you really think it's right to flood the internet and make posts in different places that John L. Piper who puts Rev in front of his name is the only one to have correctly solved the Beale without a recovery of anything first? How does anyone know they are correct when nothing has been recovered to show that they are correct?


Icehouse, that's quite the hole ya got going on there. My prediction is, all you got is a hole, and all you're gonna have is a hole. So at what point will you call the hole done, and what will you do with that hole when you're done?

Here's another Big Time Treasure Hunter who is digging a hole to nowhere based on -- a-yup -- dowsing:

He's at 80 feet, so you got a ways to go to catch up. Nice hole, tho. Big Time Treasure Hunters are nothing else if not entertaining.

Yes nice hole. Been studying whether to do tours or fill it with water and bass. My hole is done. And it was located by breaking the code, and yes, by dowsing strategically placed large buried magnetic deposits, as specified in the code. Could have done it with a vertical compass instead of rods if that would make you feel better but im sure it wouldnt. Some entertainers tell jokes. Some dig holes.

I saw nothing on his post that indicated any treasure. Sure is nice hole. Now someone years later will find the hole and dig it down to 200 feet like Oak Island.

I havent seen much in all your posts combined that even warranted a reply although out of courtesy i have replied a time or two. I can say this for you, out of everyone posting here you seem to be the only one that has posted something of importance in regards to the actual site, even if it was just a mere guess, yet you dont know it till now, and better yet, following the clues within the story will give you the information plainly and clearly. When you find it, and read it, you will know it as correct as it is nearly word for word of a portion of beales story.

Says you, but you say alot. Always heard its better to listen when you dont know the facts.

Annnnd ,you are enlightening him to the facts by ...What method again? Telling him to listen?
You are entitled to claim the treasure he claims you lack ,but now it has a particular sound he can hear?

Why such breadth and depth by those of the past ,when and if proven fact will be interesting. Time spent digging is time spent being noticed. Same with recovery.
Even in the past. The high art of caching is a dry cache. (Excluding gold and silver of course). Men can dive ten feet no problem if a wet one is desired. Why dig for days risking collapse and death in unstable soil on land to make a wet cache , when a lake or pond will suffice for a couple feet deep dig? Or a drop through ice till warmer weather. Camouflage is nothing new.

Yes...I did finally figure out the pic you posted was sideways and I saw that hole/entrance and what everything else I've said me the codes/ciphers are interpretive... we can disagree on that, No Problem...keep in mind I've just seen a lot of different solutions from folks and since I would never be involved in Beale decoding or hunting, only the story and ending is what I'm curious about from an interested observer point.

Now since you said that what was written are pretty much clues to a location...Do you believe that there is an actual, tangible Beale Treasure at your location? Or something else? If so, what? Historical Artifacts? Gold/Silver/Jewels? Another Cipher?

If you saw what I wrote to Justin...I said his detailed posts, his posted reasons for being where he was and doing what he's doing and his pictures of the site are what made me take more interest in the Beale. It had nothing to do with ciphers... I'm way behind on those compared to most others. But I can visualize what he's thinking and doing since franklin, ECS and Reb are so much more familiar with everything than I am.

Sooo, How much longer do you think it will be before you are inside the vault and able to post a pic or two of that?

The other questions I have is why do you have Justin Cannady on your sites when he's said he's not involved with you guys?

Why is Elonka Dunin, Krypto Expert and Game Developer on your sites when she's publicly said its false?

And Lastly...for now...Do you really think it's right to flood the internet and make posts in different places that John L. Piper who puts Rev in front of his name is the only one to have correctly solved the Beale without a recovery of anything first? How does anyone know they are correct when nothing has been recovered to show that they are correct?


I will try to answer some of this. Yes there is/was;) a treasure at the location taken to by the code. How to say this? Beale storys treasure, as beale never existed. A treasure long sought. Not beales. But led to it by the fictional story of beale and his 30 merry men. Gold maybe, artifacts, certain papers maybe, i cant say at this point. I can say that the code plainly says the silver was left to posterity. I will leave all that to your imagination for now. See, we are held to a certain point by contractual obligations with the property owner. Until then we can only provide a limited amount of information. I do not know why you and others keep saying when, what do you think, nothing has been recovered, etc, as you havent the faintest idea. We know. We can not say at this point. I have never conversated with nor do i know justin cannady, john piper, nor elonka dunin, and i have no idea what sites you are referring to. I have posted here, period. As much fun as it has been i sure am not seeking out other forums. My sole intent is to put the info out for the interested here. Nothing more. We will post pics as possible. There will be several most likely added to the website within future chapters. If one is quite comfortable with math, and follows the guidelines we have provided, the code isnt the gordians knot as it seems. Intense, yes. Impossible, no.

Annnnd ,you are enlightening him to the facts by ...What method again? Telling him to listen?
You are entitled to claim the treasure he claims you lack ,but now it has a particular sound he can hear?

Why such breadth and depth by those of the past ,when and if proven fact will be interesting. Time spent digging is time spent being noticed. Same with recovery.
Even in the past. The high art of caching is a dry cache. (Excluding gold and silver of course). Men can dive ten feet no problem if a wet one is desired. Why dig for days risking collapse and death in unstable soil on land to make a wet cache , when a lake or pond will suffice for a couple feet deep dig? Or a drop through ice till warmer weather. Camouflage is nothing new.

Yeah and anchovies on pepperoni pizza suck. Anything else ?

Yeah and anchovies on pepperoni pizza suck. Anything else ?

Too many anchovies on pepperoni pizza does suck. So too does pepperoni. (You ever looked into what commercial pepperoni consists of?)
But they (anchovies) in moderation are the secret to a better burrito sauce.

Any treasure pics up yet?

I will try to answer some of this. Yes there is/was;) a treasure at the location taken to by the code. How to say this? Beale storys treasure, as beale never existed. A treasure long sought. Not beales. But led to it by the fictional story of beale and his 30 merry men. Gold maybe, artifacts, certain papers maybe, i cant say at this point. I can say that the code plainly says the silver was left to posterity. I will leave all that to your imagination for now. See, we are held to a certain point by contractual obligations with the property owner. Until then we can only provide a limited amount of information. I do not know why you and others keep saying when, what do you think, nothing has been recovered, etc, as you havent the faintest idea. We know. We can not say at this point. I have never conversated with nor do i know justin cannady, john piper, nor elonka dunin, and i have no idea what sites you are referring to. I have posted here, period. As much fun as it has been i sure am not seeking out other forums. My sole intent is to put the info out for the interested here. Nothing more. We will post pics as possible. There will be several most likely added to the website within future chapters. If one is quite comfortable with math, and follows the guidelines we have provided, the code isnt the gordians knot as it seems. Intense, yes. Impossible, no.

Ice...Thanks For Answering That...

Clear this up please... Are you saying you're not involved AT ALL with Crypto,Cryptology,Cryptography or any other name he goes by?


Your not involved with Jean Laf, JLP, John Piper, Rev or Any other names he goes by?


You're Not Involved With Master Poe, Captain Jack Sparrow, Eldo, Eldorado or Any Other Name he goes by?


Any Name or Reference to the Simpson Papers which might sound repetitive but you see where I'm going I'm sure.


The Only Webpage, Blog, Forum etc you are involved with is thebealemysteryteam?

No Involvement By You In Any Other Beale Cipher, Beale Papers, Beale Codes, Beale Treasure or Beale Anything Sites? Is that right?

Thank You...

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Yeah and anchovies on pepperoni pizza suck. Anything else ?

Despite landowner contractual obligations ...,Pics of site trash ( with your excavation in site) pit available?
Cut beef and or horse bones ,glass, charcoal ,tins ,oyster shells , discarded tools , in a volume suitable to such an enterprise's duration , ect.?

They had to have subsisted on more than pizza deliveries.
Or have you concluded they took their trash with them?
If it was in the pit , your sifting all material would have told such...Already: during recovery process description(even in probing without a reported squeak) and reporting no finds of previous occupation above "fish"..

A rather mysterious lack of sign despite such an undertaking.
Again ,length of time to have created such an excavation would have voided secrecy...So why take your trash with you after when that was not the practice of the era?

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