Beale Poll....Fact or Fiction?

I believe the Beale codes and story is.......

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Rebel - KGC said:
:D LOL... A "LOADED" question! NAW, I DON'T agree. MANY theories from researchers, "locals" on the "Beale Quest". YOU prove YOUR statement, please... YOU can't. :laughing7:

So let me get this right, you think "everything" and "every suspect" that has ever been researched and said to have been involved with the Beale Quest is true? :icon_scratch: :laughing7: See, there you go, trying to read between the lines when there was nothing hidden there. :laughing7: It wasn't a loaded question, it ws just a general statement regarding the entire field of researched possibilities. :laughing7: But thanks for proving my point. :thumbsup: :laughing7:

:D HA! I NEVER proved YOUR point... YOU were supposed to prove "Fantasy & Printed Fiction"... you CAN'T! :D

Rebel - KGC said:
:D HA! I NEVER proved YOUR point... YOU were supposed to prove "Fantasy & Printed Fiction"... you CAN'T! :D

:icon_scratch: OK. :laughing7:

"Thomas Jefferson Beale"
What do you really know about this name? Go back to the description of TJB offered us in the pamphlet and see if you can make the, "connexion" that is asked of you in the very beginning of pamphlet.

Beale = Family name meaning; "handsome man"

Oopsie! Could it be that the "creator" of Thomas Jefferson Beale was playing on our, "fantasies?" :laughing7:

bigscoop said:
"Thomas Jefferson Beale"
What do you really know about this name? Go back to the description of TJB offered us in the pamphlet and see if you can make the, "connexion" that is asked of you in the very beginning of pamphlet.

Beale = Family name meaning; "handsome man"

Oopsie! Could it be that the "creator" of Thomas Jefferson Beale was playing on our, "fantasies?" :laughing7:

It wouldn't surprise me if TJB has something to do with Thomas Jefferson and his code wheel. Even if the whole thing is a hoax, the coded messages still might say something. One of them did.

I wonder how many period documents/writings have been checked as possible cipher keys.

Kentucky Kache said:
bigscoop said:
"Thomas Jefferson Beale"
What do you really know about this name? Go back to the description of TJB offered us in the pamphlet and see if you can make the, "connexion" that is asked of you in the very beginning of pamphlet.

Beale = Family name meaning; "handsome man"

Oopsie! Could it be that the "creator" of Thomas Jefferson Beale was playing on our, "fantasies?" :laughing7:

It wouldn't surprise me if TJB has something to do with Thomas Jefferson and his code wheel. Even if the whole thing is a hoax, the coded messages still might say something. One of them did.

I wonder how many period documents/writings have been checked as possible cipher keys.

You can bet that there have been many. I know over the years I've probably tried over 500 writings/documents. And I agree that the remaining ciphers do contain clear text. Another point worth looking at is "Beale and his friends" who then set out to recruit at least thirty men. I think what we will eventually find in C3 is a list of "Beale and his friends" and not the other men who were later recruited.

bigscoop said:
Kentucky Kache said:
bigscoop said:
"Thomas Jefferson Beale"
What do you really know about this name? Go back to the description of TJB offered us in the pamphlet and see if you can make the, "connexion" that is asked of you in the very beginning of pamphlet.

Beale = Family name meaning; "handsome man"

Oopsie! Could it be that the "creator" of Thomas Jefferson Beale was playing on our, "fantasies?" :laughing7:

It wouldn't surprise me if TJB has something to do with Thomas Jefferson and his code wheel. Even if the whole thing is a hoax, the coded messages still might say something. One of them did.

I wonder how many period documents/writings have been checked as possible cipher keys.

You can bet that there have been many. I know over the years I've probably tried over 500 writings/documents. And I agree that the remaining ciphers do contain clear text. Another point worth looking at is "Beale and his friends" who then set out to recruit at least thirty men. I think what we will eventually find in C3 is a list of "Beale and his friends" and not the other men who were later recruited.

Either there is a doc/writing that hasn't been tried, or what has been tried has been tried the wrong way. IMHO. ;D

Kentucky Kache said:
bigscoop said:
Kentucky Kache said:
bigscoop said:
"Thomas Jefferson Beale"
What do you really know about this name? Go back to the description of TJB offered us in the pamphlet and see if you can make the, "connexion" that is asked of you in the very beginning of pamphlet.

Beale = Family name meaning; "handsome man"

Oopsie! Could it be that the "creator" of Thomas Jefferson Beale was playing on our, "fantasies?" :laughing7:

It wouldn't surprise me if TJB has something to do with Thomas Jefferson and his code wheel. Even if the whole thing is a hoax, the coded messages still might say something. One of them did.

I wonder how many period documents/writings have been checked as possible cipher keys.

You can bet that there have been many. I know over the years I've probably tried over 500 writings/documents. And I agree that the remaining ciphers do contain clear text. Another point worth looking at is "Beale and his friends" who then set out to recruit at least thirty men. I think what we will eventually find in C3 is a list of "Beale and his friends" and not the other men who were later recruited.

Either there is a doc/writing that hasn't been tried, or what has been tried has been tried the wrong way. IMHO. ;D

I'd say that's an accurate assessment. And the possibilities are endless.

:D LOL... Here's another; Lynchburg, VIRGINIA News-Advance (newspaper) Friday, April 17, 1998, p. B-1; FamilyTree
in a Family Bible - "Minerva opened the worn volume to a page depicting the family tree and pointed a light brown finger to the names at the top.... One was Sally Hemings, a Virginia slave. The other was Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States.... A slave boy named TOM was forced to flee Monticello in 1802 amid reports that he was the son of the president." SO! Gotta do R & I on THAT! :o

Rebel - KGC said:
:D LOL... Here's another; Lynchburg, VIRGINIA News-Advance (newspaper) Friday, April 17, 1998, p. B-1; FamilyTree
in a Family Bible - "Minerva opened the worn volume to a page depicting the family tree and pointed a light brown finger to the names at the top.... One was Sally Hemings, a Virginia slave. The other was Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States.... A slave boy named TOM was forced to flee Monticello in 1802 amid reports that he was the son of the president." SO! Gotta do R & I on THAT! :o

There's a fact & fiction novel out about the son of Jefferson being the TJB in the Pamphlet.

Maybe Jefferson made a deal with Zebulon Pike to get "Tommy" as far away
from Virginia as possible. One day he was talking with Sally about it and they
decided to flip a coin to see whether to send T with Lewis & Clark or with Pike.
Sally won and sent Tommy with Zeb Pike because Pike said he would make
sure Tommy would be adopted into some friendly Indian tribe. Pike kept his
word and traded Tommy to some friendly Apaches for ten squaws. Later the
boy made a name for himself getting scalps and was named "tomas-jayee-
bee-al, which in Apache means 'curly-top-knot.

Much later, around 1821, Tommy J. became a well-known newsboy in St.
Louis. He often bragged about finding a gold/silver mine west of Pike's Peak.
The newspaper even printed a story about it.








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Thanks, Reb :coffee2:

;D Franklin is correct about the depression of 1817, or so. bs, have YOU read the book, yet? Is it good? ll... ???
I suppose white men WOULD follow the BLACK son of Thomas Jefferson, especially since, it COULD have been like a Louis & Clark Expedition to the SW... :dontknow:

Franklin said:
Can you not see by the letters left with Robert Morriss that Thomas J. Beall was a military man? Come on fellows, no blackman whether freed or outcast would be made Captain of a group of thirty white hunters?If you read the Virginia newspapers during TJB's time period you will find that there were several groups sent out from Virginia for the same purpose as TJB proposed------------to hunt and trap? One of the worst depressions was still going on (Depression of 1817) when TJB got his party of thirty me to go west

I have to agree with the "military man" or at the very least military schooled. The writer of those letters, and the writer of the pamphlet were also extremely educated people. However, I don't see the writer of the pamphlet getting the spelling of the name wrong? Too educated and too well written for him to mess/miss that.

Rebel - KGC said:
;D Franklin is correct about the depression of 1817, or so. bs, have YOU read the book, yet? Is it good? ll... ???
I suppose white men WOULD follow the BLACK son of Thomas Jefferson, especially since, it COULD have been like a Louis & Clark Expedition to the SW... :dontknow:

No, I have not read the book. When it comes to doing research, whenever I see "fiction" & "novel" in the intro I usually avoid them. But I'm sure it's a good read for those who enjoy adventure novels. :dontknow:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Ahhh! I SEE; to ME it would be FACTION... FICTION based on FACTS. PROBABLY will get it this summer, and checks discerned FACTS with HISTORICAL Records; NOT gonna dismiss it all together. ONE interesting thing about Poplar Forest down here (about 10 miles south of me) in Bedford County, the "Archies" have discovered a "mystery house" near the main house that TJ lived in... and they are NOT sure, who lived in it... MAYBE, it was TOM! :wink: Gonna go there, this summer and ask for the latest info. :icon_thumleft: :read2:

Following the War of 1812 banks began to lend money to speculators for
Western Expansion. If you thought our recent banking crisis troubles are
something new the Panic of 1817-21 was a precursor of the greed we are
familiar with today.
In 1812 the "West" only meant west of the Appalacians, not the great
expanse beyond. The Kentuckians who lived off the land and hunted game
for food and furs were far less impacted by the scarcity of specie/currency
than were the land holders of Virginia. The immediate effect on the poplace
was a lack of means to acquire more land to till.
I wouldn't think the money crisis in Virginia could have been relieved by
hunting/trapping in the Rockies. Spoilage y'know.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D AND! Thomas Jefferson in HIS retirement at Poplar Forest... PROBABLY felt the "pain" of the Depression of 1817-21, and told HIS son by Sally Hemings, TOM, "GO WEST, YOUNG MAN! Into the great SOUTH WEST, like Louis & Clark did... in the NORTH WEST!." :wink: :read2:

;D NOW! Further R & I that I will do, is see if the BEALE family of Fincastle, VIRGINIA ever adopted a "half-breed" and named him... THOMAS J. BEALE. THAT would be INTERESTING! But FIRST! :icon_sunny: 8) :occasion14: 8) 8)

:D And THAT was the Weather Report from bs, on the EAST Coast of Florida... :laughing7: :toothy2:

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