
.....here we go then.....
First let me point out that you have actually FOUND nothing other then a bunch of convenient hypothetical suggestions that you have proceeded to cluster together through a process of pure speculation so that they form one huge conspiracy theory of monumental proportions. So when you claim “FOUND” you are IN FACT making false claim. Truth is, you have found nothing in it's actual physical form, only hypothetical solutions to what YOU believe to exist.
Look at all the codes in the two remaining ciphers, do you really believe that we couldn't select any one of them and then proceed to find a way to manufacture evidence suggesting that the selected number is connected to this or that in some relevant way? To go a step further, we could easily take any number of drawings and proceed to lay them over various landscapes and structures until we arrive at a hypothetical connection of our own purpose and design. And so on and so on as we have often seen with even certain writings that use convenient and suggestive language. So what, in the end, have we really FOUND? We have FOUND only hypothetical and manufactured solutions to unknowns, and that's it! The problem arises when the theorist actually looses sight of the FACT that his/her manufactured hypothetical solutions are just that, HYPOTHETICAL and completely MANUFACTURED solutions. They are simply manufactured theories, at best, however wild, believable, or otherwise alluring they may be.
I've said this many times in the past, “the danger of the Beale Papers comes about when we start to actually believe in all of the evidence we alone have aggressively pursued and manufactured.” If this were not the case then you could display at least one piece of actual documented evidence that IS directly connected to the Beale Papers, instead of only "suggested pieces" of so called evidence at your convenience.
I have avoided all of your past post and threads in regards to your theory for a reason, but if you're going to insist that I take part in the dismembering of your fantasy then that has been your choice, certainly not mine.

By all means, go dig until you can dig no more and live YOUR DREAM!
So, show me at least one piece of conclusive evidence that directly implicates Ward, Morriss, or "Thomas J. Beale" in your grand conspiracy, not a piece of suggestive and convenient evidence, but rather a real piece of documented evidence that directly implicates any of these men. If your theory is accurate and based on facts you'll be able to do this.....and if not....then it's just more manufactured stuff.