Beale Papers "END GAME!"

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.....that you will forever continue to ignore all the mounting contrary evidence and facts you do have. :laughing7: :thumbsup:

I have had some time last month to read your post. I do not understand the small amount of evidence you show. Your powers of observation is moving in only one direction. You are going into this subject with a subjective mind set. I think you need to back up and look at The Beale Papers as a unit first and then part it out from there.

Mounting contrary evidence, i just do not see at all. Just the same stuff over and over. Just one bit of information that you can't get past, the 3 ciphers and how someone could have done it without foreknowledge of the message before coding. A very weak argument at best. :dontknow:

I have had some time last month to read your post. I do not understand the small amount of evidence you show. Your powers of observation is moving in only one direction. You are going into this subject with a subjective mind set. I think you need to back up and look at The Beale Papers as a unit first and then part it out from there.

Mounting contrary evidence, i just do not see at all. Just the same stuff over and over. Just one bit of information that you can't get past, the 3 ciphers and how someone could have done it without foreknowledge of the message before coding. A very weak argument at best. :dontknow:

If you deem it to be so weak then why can't you find a way to explain it away so that this contrary evidence/fact no longer exist? :laughing7: You see, if you had been paying attention to several of my threads then you would realize the same bait (C2) that makes the tale so alluring is also the same source of the details that presents the most damning details against the story being true as it is narrated. The bait is sweat and the hook is razor sharp and ready for those who are so willing and quick to bite. And no....:laughing7:.....this is only a tad bit of the evidence and facts that go against the tale holding and truth as it was presented. Where are the original ciphers? The iron box? The letters? Who, exactly, was Thomas J. Beale? Can it be proven that there ever was a grand adventure? And so on and so on, etc., etc. All of this has come "after" the publication of the pamphlet from those riding upon its winds, not so much as a rumor before publication. And the list just keeps growing and growing and growing...with absolutely "zero" evidence in existence to support the fabulous tale. :thumbsup:

If you deem it to be so weak then why can't you find a way to explain it away so that this contrary evidence/fact no longer exist? :laughing7: You see, if you had been paying attention to several of my threads then you would realize the same bait (C2) that makes the tale so alluring is also the same source of the details that presents the most damning details against the story being true as it is narrated. The bait is sweat and the hook is razor sharp and ready for those who are so willing and quick to bite. And no....:laughing7:.....this is only a tad bit of the evidence and facts that go against the tale holding and truth as it was presented. Where are the original ciphers? The iron box? The letters? Who, exactly, was Thomas J. Beale? Can it be proven that there ever was a grand adventure? And so on and so on, etc., etc. All of this has come "after" the publication of the pamphlet from those riding upon its winds, not so much as a rumor before publication. And the list just keeps growing and growing and growing...with absolutely "zero" evidence in existence to support the fabulous tale. :thumbsup:

Can you number your problems with the papers (1-?) ? Then I can look at each one to see what is the problem here. Just seems like not to much bite in your bark.

Can you number your problems with the papers (1-?) ? Then I can look at each one to see what is the problem here. Just seems like not to much bite in your bark.

Funny you would ask me to do that as I just got an email from another one of those producers asking me if I'd be interested in doing much the same thing. I told them, no, as usual. However, if I should get the time I might make a long list of all the problem areas in the tale. Just don't look for it anytime soon.

... Where are the original ciphers? The iron box? The letters? Who, exactly, was Thomas J. Beale? Can it be proven that there ever was a grand adventure? And so on and so on, etc., etc. All of this has come "after" the publication of the pamphlet from those riding upon its winds, not so much as a rumor before publication. And the list just keeps growing and growing and growing...with absolutely "zero" evidence in existence to support the fabulous tale...
These are the points missed by those who claim to have solved the ciphers- if none of the events in the Beale Papers can be proven to have actually happened, then the unsolved ciphers are totally suspect, and are open to solutions motivated by the decoders expected belief.

In all fairness to the debate, and strictly speaking in regards to conclusive documentation, then the entire debate will likely remain a stalemate forever. Strength of existing evidence alone doesn't prove beyond a shadow of doubt either way when we weight Truth VS Fiction even though that evidence may be extremely lopsided in favor of one side of the debate. Granted, the complete absence of any supporting evidence at all in favor of truth isn't doing the true believers any service in the debate.

Ah Oui. But there was a Blaise de Vigenere. And an keyed Vigenere Cipher.:laughing7:

In all fairness to the debate, and strictly speaking in regards to conclusive documentation, then the entire debate will likely remain a stalemate forever. Strength of existing evidence alone doesn't prove beyond a shadow of doubt either way when we weight Truth VS Fiction even though that evidence may be extremely lopsided in favor of one side of the debate. Granted, the complete absence of any supporting evidence at all in favor of truth isn't doing the true believers any service in the debate.

FACTION! Fiction based on FACTS!

In all fairness to the debate, and strictly speaking in regards to conclusive documentation, then the entire debate will likely remain a stalemate forever. Strength of existing evidence alone doesn't prove beyond a shadow of doubt either way when we weight Truth VS Fiction even though that evidence may be extremely lopsided in favor of one side of the debate. Granted, the complete absence of any supporting evidence at all in favor of truth isn't doing the true believers any service in the debate.

I have a problem, why someone that dose not think something is real/true spend there life on this forum? I do not go to the UFO or BigFoot site just to tell people there is no such things as UFO's or BigFoot. What kind of person spends all ther time to bash people posting on forum threads started by others. I don't expect you to answer this question as i see you do not answer questions just ask them.

Crypto if you had invested years of research into Bigfoot(s) you should be able to post about them on Bigfoot forums regardless of your opinion of their credibility.
Who knows ,a poster may have been a great proponent of Beale at one time yet investigation led to other findings support..
Your problem might be a bit of quid pro quo bouncing about. Your ad hominem does little to endear readers.
Disagreement does not require insult.
Just as you focus on a poster or one does you, similar posters have ;and will again exist. Just as claims without proof of solving.
Different folks, different views and claims of findings, and for some a change of direction based on their research.
But the same tenor and candor is common ,and always someone or more with a problem in the mix.

I have a problem, why someone that dose not think something is real/true spend there life on this forum? I do not go to the UFO or BigFoot site just to tell people there is no such things as UFO's or BigFoot. What kind of person spends all ther time to bash people posting on forum threads started by others. I don't expect you to answer this question as i see you do not answer questions just ask them.

First, where have I ever stated that the entire story is fiction? All I have ever stated and displayed is that, "the story can't be true as presented." I might have even gone as far as to say that the existing evidence leans heavily towards the story being fiction, even pointing my finger at the author in the name of intended deception, but I have never proclaimed the entire tale to be all fiction. You read post but you don't take the time to comprehend the true context of those post.

Let me pose a question to you, since you're obviously expecting one anyway. Now really think on this until it hurts. "If" everything I've stated is accurate - then what possible condition could exist that would cause an author to provide certain deceptions in an otherwise true story regarding actual events?

I can only think of one such condition. Do you know what it is? I strongly suggest you seriously consider the question because "if" the tale holds any possible measure of truth then this answer "might be" the correct solution to the mystery.

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Crypto if you had invested years of research into Bigfoot(s) you should be able to post about them on Bigfoot forums regardless of your opinion of their credibility.
Who knows ,a poster may have been a great proponent of Beale at one time yet investigation led to other findings support..
Your problem might be a bit of quid pro quo bouncing about. Your ad hominem does little to endear readers.
Disagreement does not require insult.
Just as you focus on a poster or one does you, similar posters have ;and will again exist. Just as claims without proof of solving.
Different folks, different views and claims of findings, and for some a change of direction based on their research.
But the same tenor and candor is common ,and always someone or more with a problem in the mix.

If I had spent 23 years like ward on the papers and only came up with C2 that would be a waist of a lifetime and i can see how that someone would have some anger problems, 3 wives and drinks bunch. Yah, I can see that. Thanks Rel

If I had spent 23 years like ward on the papers and only came up with C2 that would be a waist of a lifetime...
Once again, the only source of this information comes from the pamphlet, and you have made the connection that James Beverly Ward, the copyright holder, and the "unknown author" are one and the same.
Still, this could be part of the "sales pitch", appealing to the vanity of potential buyers as being smarter than the "unknown author" who could not solve C1 & C3 after 23 years.

Success seldom comes quickly or easily for those who are not born into it. Many of the great authors and artist, industrialist and political leaders, etc., spent their entire lives striving for success. Were all of these lives a waste of time? I just spoke with a photographer who spent 27 years hardly able to pay his bills, he now has two homes, one of them in Hawaii. I just read recently that 80% of the wealth in this country is owned by only 20% of the population, so if success is to be measured by wealth then 80% of this country's population are leading wasted lives. I'm a big believer that for most of us, success doesn't just happen, it has to be worked for. And if one spends his life happily and pursuing his passions then perhaps this is also a measure of success?

Being happy counts seriously. Not always associated with income, and for some money can't buy it.

I have a problem, why someone that dose not think something is real/true spend there life on this forum?...
Have you noticed that Jean Laf and Cryptography both misspell does as "dose"?

Have you noticed that Jean Laf and Cryptography both misspell does as "dose"?

Well done ECS, but can you find the other 6 items i use that Jean uses?
You are the only one to find them. Look at all of my post and you can find more!
Than i will have a question for you.

I have a problem, why someone that dose not think something is real/true spend there life on this forum?
What kind of person spends all ther time to bash people posting on forum threads started by others.

Someone who works for the Company?

Have you noticed that Jean Laf and Cryptography both misspell does as "dose"?

Chubby fingers

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