Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

djui5 said:
MesaBuddy said:
Thom ,
I think a big factor back then was safety , thats why they hung low

This would be my guess also :)

Man those Pine trees are pretty. Gotta get some for my back yard. That's the one thing I miss more than anything here in Central AZ, it's the Pine trees. Going up to Payson Wednesday to get my fill of them ;D

Randy these are a mixture of Ponderosa, lodgepole, Red Spruce and Doug fir.
The air even smells good.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks guys,
I can understand that, this was hostile country.
But if going North to South, especoally with a loaded mule train.
How did they get op the side of the cliff with all those animals?

I couldn't find a way up or down without ropes
Here us where the trail on the top of the canyon begins, marked in red.
( I am asuming the direction of travel is North to South as the photo is oriented)



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thom ,
Theres a trail someplace , that takes one into the lower canyon I'm willing to bet :wink:
But I'm no expert by any means ;D

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


I'm sure you are right,
but that is an adventure for another weekend. LOL
Planning on taking a flyrod with me next time ...
that creek in the bottom just seems to be calling my name.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

MesaBuddy said:
Thom wrote : I can only wonder why. it would have been so much easier to traverse the tops of the canyon as we do now.
Thom ,
I think a big factor back then was safety , thats why they hung low

White man travels watercourses ... Apache travels the ridges. Easy ambush-bait for the first, safe passage for the second. Beautiful country.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks Steve,

With my semi arial view point yesterday....
I may have found another semi super neat cool place to explore.

In the circle on the wall is a large cave.
I zoomed in enough to get a good feel of what was there.
It isn't just a dark spot on the wall.



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

MesaBuddy said:
Thom ,
Theres a trail someplace , that takes one into the lower canyon I'm willing to bet :wink:
But I'm no expert by any means ;D

Just had a thought, maybe the original "trail" was in the lower canyon, and they created the marker trail up top as a lookout trail. If the pack train was running the bottom of the canyon, the "security" could run the ridges and help keep an eye out for Indians, making them less vulnerable to attack.

Nice list of trees Thom. Bet it smells like heaven there.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Come out, bring a fishing pole
Scratch that just come out , I have extra poles
Help me explore this cave !


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I'd love to! Going fishing Wed as a matter of fact :)

That cave looks really weird in the picture. Never seen anything like it. I'd love to know what it is in person (maybe it really is a cave). Keep us posted :thumbsup:

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Those kind of caves are where you are most likely to find Anasazi dwellings and such.
It is facing the right direction...East.

Or bears or lions...Etc.

Adventure !


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

My wife and I were out checking out some of the firewood areas Saturday and she saw this face on the cliff across the canyon from us,
I'm not sure it is Spanish.
there is some strange rock work on the top of the ridge as well.
one other thing of note is a small squared rocked in hole on top of this guy's head.
Thought I would share it and get some opinions.



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Wish i could get a closer look at the circled areas. Depending on what program i look at it in there is a possibility of something engraved or written in the upper right circle. I wonder too about that eye. You don't see other formations like that on the rock face. And the darker rock seems to be deeper while that seems to bulge out. On the other hand there does seem to be a few holes or niches above that area.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I apologise to you guys for this one .
I should have explained a little better.
This cliff is in steps. From the valley floor it begins as a granite cliff that rises about 300 feet strait up,
there is a bench that is traversable along the edge of about 35 yards in width and then this monolith rises another 150 feet. This will not be easy to get to at all. and may be on private property to boot.

Any way the rock work is in the square on top.
The face is circled and the small square is on top of this fellow's head.
That square is an opening about 4 feet square.
This thing really is that big.

The face is oriented to the North.



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

jiminy....big seems a very inadequate word for that one!

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Wowzers Thom. That pic takes my breath away.

I saw that face and the dark square but missed the top rock work. What could that be?

You said u weren't sure if it was Spanish?? What would it be Jesuit?

Also, thanks for your pics and contributions gollum, MesaB, djuia5, Springfield. I always look forward to reading/seeing what u got to share !

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

This photo was taken 3/4 of the way up the canyon wall on the other side. That thing is half a mile away !
The weird thing is there is an old Uranium mine a quarter mile away to the left of this.

The picture of the mine was taken from the same vantage point.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

That square hole has me curious!!! I'd be inclined to look into that further :)

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

If you look close you will see that the sides of the hole are bordered by stones turned upright.
Now if you think that hasn't been making me nuts since Saturday...

You know I gotta check out that hole.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hey Thom,

The face and the hole are cool and all, but check out what I found in the hi res you sent.

1. This big rock does not look like it was originally in that position.

2. Really nice pointer.

Now you have two possibilities.

1. Take a line from the eye to the pointer and extend it across the canyon. Does it point to anything unusual?

2. Take a line from the mouth to the pointer and extend it across the canyon. Does it point to anything unusual?

#2 might be the more probable marker, because.........................the mouth is missing. That might mean the maker wants you to find where the mouth is. As in the mouth to a cave/tunnel/mine on the opposite canyon wall.



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thomas...what the hexx am i gonna do with you. Look closely at the big head. Especially note his chin and his SQUARE beard. Then go google assyrians.
Then go to the parking lot of our lower site and look at the red patina of the canyon wall above the split in the me on this one. By the way you will
be looking at a Kerub carved out of the red patina.


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