Basic signs and symbols you have found


Thank you very much my frient, i will follow your instructions and i hope i will make something out of it.I will also like to tell you that this HeadRock is over many rocks that are in the side of this mountain.Photo_1
Inside these Rocks it seems to be many years ago a hidding place for rebels or soldiers in World War I or at the civil war 1946-1949.I found inbeetwen these rocks walls made of rocks and loopholes inside of them.Photo_2 and Photo_3
On the other side all these mountains has a big history because they are very near the city where Alexander Macedon was born and at those time there was at least 10 gold mines there.

yes those rocks stacked like that are called breastworks by the spanish. but a quick low stack of rocks are good protection in any era, you named them, that is what t hese are, nothing to do with treasure per se...other marks might tell you different.
oro bro


Ok if this went trough would u mind analyzing this pics and tell me what could this place hold


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Seek out the largest concentration of rabbits. Look for the main animal trail running up to and around an ancient Eagle's roost. From there, looking below, one will find what might appear to ressemble a animal trail; cut across and look for a man made mock up of a Mnt. hen's nest. The circular wood root or stone nest will have what appears to be a life like stone egg in it's center of dirt; not unlike the egg of a terradactil in reference to a hydrothermal or the dragon's lair. This stone will be water worn and one of which was picked up by the Don, from below the mother outcrop or cave when it was first found. The heart stone will be not far away. "Faith" to seek the shelter of the mother bird's wing.

One may find a "Spanish Expedition" marker just off the lower main trail coming in to the site.


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A turtle

A picture of a rock look more like a turtle, does this tell any mean?

Twisted Fork:
In that map in your post just above (#1401), it looks like the people were following the trails made by large animals.....the way it moves up and down the runoff revines, crosses the ridgelines and follows up the low side of the ridgeline, then crosses over again. I wonder if those "X"s are the locations of water holes and catch basins.

appears to have been a monument at one time, but key markers are not visible, ie no hoyo, perhaps you photoed this from the wrong side, as the shadows are in the wrong positions..this looks like the back of the monument, and you should always have your back to the sun when photographing monuments, keep you on the correct side of they always built the monuments with their back to the sun..they didnt have cameras in those days,so everything had to be just right to see the very important shadows of a monument.. try again and let us see the other side of this rock pile
oro bro

Twisted Fork:
In that map in your post just above (#1401), it looks like the people were following the trails made by large animals.....the way it moves up and down the runoff revines, crosses the ridgelines and follows up the low side of the ridgeline, then crosses over again. I wonder if those "X"s are the locations of water holes and catch basins.

X's are any markers that first appear to be natural, but in reality have been slightly modified or replaced by the hands of men such as a single color all alone. A topped tree or fire blazed with no other apparent damage in it's imeadiate surroundings, a stone or tree with a small chip or nick of some sort near it's base. The large animal trails are surley one of the first considerations as they covered the footprints of the producing burros. Routes to the smealter site and such. Google Earth maps still reveal ancient beaten paths away from such larger trails and cisterns or work pads.

Bird bodies without heads mean cut across above. If the heads are laying near to it and looking over their left shoulders, your heading is correct. if the heads are looking at you over their (Masonic) rite shoulder you, are going in the opposite direction you should be going. The closer the head is to the body, the nearer you are to the mine. The correct heading in sequence persay.
No visual head may refer that the mine position is out of sight from there.:icon_thumright: All of this can be backwards too.

A few Birds......P06-12-13_15-28.webpP06-13-13_16-48.webpP06-12-13_15-52.webpP06-07-13_16-06[1].webpP06-12-13_15-28.webpP06-13-13_11-52.webpP06-12-13_16-40[1].webp

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Nest Egg Samples; Some at 500xP01-02-10_02-19.webpP10-18-13_01-10[1].webpP10-20-13_16-27.webpP10-20-13_16-40.webpP11-03-13_23-42[1].webpP10-19-13_04-32.webp


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There appears to be a Motherbird, a baby bird both. The baby sits nestled in the nest below, as the Mother is perched on a limb up above and watching for rabbits nearby.


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Near the Spanish Expedition Marker, is first sign of nest, baby bird and mother bird watching for fish while sitting ontop of a crocodile's snout. All mountains are islands with river inlets.


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One of two nests on a straight alingment, 32 Masonic feet apart from each other; this being the first and the second nest the same incirclement with what resembled the elongated form of a terradactile egg. Notice the head of a little crocodile in the nest. These two nests aling you with the position of the heartstone. The heartstone gives you the approximate elevation on position of the hidden portal or air vent at a right angle in the near distance.


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great stuff twisted, I love your photos and your writing. you post some great small special signs that most don't see or believe in. I enjoy your post and photos. great stuff. you definitely have taken it to the next level.

Glad to be of help in trying to make some sense of this all; sure is a growing experience to say the least. Finding new evidence and surprises all of the time.

Here is what appears to be pretty solid evidence of a tomb that holds the mummy of a famous and ancient Yuta medicine man, given the fact that he was placed mud sealed within the chambers of the Sacred mine "Carrie Shinob" of Utah legend. He encountered the first Spanish Explorers sent out by Coronado, along the shores of Utah Lake and was the only soul allowed to enter the mine/cave or "Kiva" without suffering execution.P06-13-13_14-18.webpBlack robe Monk and mummy.

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wow,thanks again twisted. I enjoyed that story and info. with the photos,great stuff.

appears to have been a monument at one time, but key markers are not visible, ie no hoyo, perhaps you photoed this from the wrong side, as the shadows are in the wrong positions..this looks like the back of the monument, and you should always have your back to the sun when photographing monuments, keep you on the correct side of they always built the monuments with their back to the sun..they didnt have cameras in those days,so everything had to be just right to see the very important shadows of a monument.. try again and let us see the other side of this rock pile
oro bro

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into ,

" The Twilight Zone."

Can I get some help with this? Both are from the same trail.


Hi All,
i appreciate any help with this?
FYI, I am located in Lebanon,where many cultures passed through; turkish,roman,jewish,phenicians... ,amy ohere
Thank you

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