View attachment 840485 I was looking at this picture and it occurred to me that along with the fact that it is numbers it is also a riddle like this is to this as that is to that type thing but also like out of the eater came something to eat out of the strong came something sweet and if you read this in judges 14 in the bible you would know that only Sampson the one who made up the riddle could know the answer to it so someone who has either a paper that has been lost or some kind of key to all of the numbers would be able to solve the riddle depicted here. Someone who is possible part of the kgc or maybe a mason could tell you what it is. Otherwize its just hooblah.
About this time anew emblem was added to the Order, it was
a simple triangular white card, somewhat resembling the knights speer,
in the three corners of which were written the figures 7. 3,
and 5, in the center of this card was printed the capital letter
R, and immediately below this was written the number 61. Let
the reader presume this card to be placed before him with the
long, acute angle upward, as the upper part of a pear in silu;
let him imagine the figure 7 in the left hand corner. the figure 3 in
the upper corner, and the figure 5 in the right hand corner. Now
he should place the capital letter R in the center of the card, and
61 immediately under it, and read us follows, beginning with the
capital R , and running round the several angles of the card, from
left to right R —Revolution. 7+3+5=15, of fifteen states in 61 or Revolution of fifteen states in 1861. These cards
were thrown about the streets and corners of many of the Northern
border cities nearly two months before the election of Mr. Lincoln.
L.C. Baker