Basic signs and symbols you have found

heres somthing i found last week, kinda interesting, having a little trouble figuring out the last one! ;D

I have found that same XX symbol in southern california. ( top left picture) Someone told me that it meant there was water nearby. Sure enough, I found a small stream that came out of the ground for a few feet and disappeared in the middle of the summer. The rest of this entire hill is dry. I also saw a bird rock carving when I was looking down from the XX sign.

My question for the rest of you:

have you found an XX sign like the one posted here, and did it have the same meaning that there was water nearby? Thank you

Dear Usernotfound,
Thanks for your comments. A lot of this makes sense for the environment out there. You know, I was looking thru some of my photographs and was surprised to see what I believe to be my first "Shadow Sign" of a heart. When I look at the broken piece that appears to be carved in the rock, I never dreamed that the shadow of the image would look so much better. This shadow is reflected in the pool of water below. Enclosed is a photo of what I think I perceive. If this is correct, the the treasure is/was, very near, if I am correct. I will be looking into this very soon.
Thank you once again for your comments. Heart Shadow 3.webp

just my opinion, those large facial features may indicate long distance and may indicate something of interest, If it has something in its mouth then whatever was there may still be there, such as a vault / mine / place of worship. It may be measured in km or leagues, look at google earth and you may find what its looking at

Quick read: continue over this hill to the right.

There is a large profile on the right side of the rock. It's eye is a flat circular rock that has been angled to catch the light. (Matt 6:23) Notice the eye of the snake or whatever you want to call that evil looking. There is a Sun face above the circular eye of the large profile I am pointing out.

The monument builders put out some bait and your eyes went straight for the bait...which means you would have or still might spend your time on the left side/general area, but you should really continue on down the slope. There might be a bluff further on the trail if I am reading this right.

First at all thanks for you guys to replying for mypost. So I’m not just the only one who sees things in that rock formation. Overthe years I’ve been on that site few times and every time something new catchesmy aye or see something on the photos I’ve snapped. There is few old mines in that area, lastmined late 30’s I think, but nothing to that direction the head is pointing. I’mgoing to add few more photos about some rocks around that site, might be justrocks but when I looked photos closely I start seeing all kinds of things, soall ideas and comments are welcome even if you think I’m total nutcase andshould get my eyes and head checked. Thanks.

Thanks Quinoa. Seems like I have to plan anothertrip over to that site soon. You guys just keep opening my ayes for what tolook . Thanks.

May want to inspect that little area just to left of the of the small sunface very closely, Like within a foot or two. Looks like some pieced together stuff there. Looks like you have a diamond just below the sunlit half circle under the face there. Also, check on the ground immediately below it all.
and maybe on the back of that mule head?

Here are few more photos. I stumbled on this sitebefore I did on that evil snake head looking rock formation. Now this one here didcatch my aye from some distant away and when I hiked up to it, it kind oflooked to me like some siting dog or some. These two sites are about 5 milesapart but I can’t say they are pointing to each other . That ‘’siting dog ‘’might point to ‘’snake’’.



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Hey yokes, It looks like a 'frog', strange as it sounds. Ever hear of the story by Mark Twain, ' The jumping frog of Calavas county'. Twain visited the gold-mining camps of California, witnessed the miners betting on jumping frog races and wrote the story. If this is a frog, and frogs jump, where would this giant frog jump to. Maybe the next hill or mountain peak over, to the next marker. Find out if there are jumping frogs in this part of the country.

The monument could also be a bear with something on it's back, that has another meaning. Photo #3 looks like a bear standing on all 4 legs with a shoe or boot on it's back. Or maybe it represents a backpack. So if it's a 'bear' on all 4 legs it's walking toward it's cave. The boot means walking trail, go in direction of the toe. If it's a backpack, could mean that it is a distance from here, or maybe it means, make sure you bring supplies, including water and maybe a rope into the cave with you.

Is anyone familiar with illuminted gasses seen at night at ground level? Also interested in the types of gasses that are associated with gold in soil?
Is it true about poisonous gasses found during the digging of gold in the type of soil used in adobe brick construction material?

nappy26-Any help would be great plzzz.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In your photo with the large ''X''. Think carving symbols may have been left by the Indians. Found in the book: 'THE ROCKS BEGIN TO SPEAK', it's a book about understanding prehistoric man. The '' + '' means { crossed } and the 'spread-out' slanted '' W '' on the right of the 'cross' symbol represent a 'river'. PLUS THERE ARE MORE CARVED SYMBOLS. Hypothetically speaking" They 'tilted' the '' + '' crossed-symbol TO CONVEY A MESSAGE. There are 2 messages, they crossed them because of the location of the carvings above and 'possible' cave entrances below. For example: If you follow the 'left-branch' of the '' X '' crossing-over the 'right-branch' of the '' X '' from 'bottom-left' to 'top-right' what do you see? The bottom of the 'left-branch' of the 'crossed-symbol' is pointing to a small-cut in the sandstone shaped like a 'cave-opening'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now follow this 'left-branch' of the 'crossed' symbol to the 'top-right' and it is pointing to that 'lighter-colored' {carving-figure,maybe describing A TERRAIN FEATURE}. Notice at the base of this TERRAIN FEATURE are 3 small 'shadowed-openings'. This center opening resembles the 'cut' opening shaped like a 'cave' on the bottom 'left-corner' ----------Now your 'right-branch of the 'crossed-symbol' leads from on the top THAT 90 DEGREE CUT NOTCH to THE 'RIVER' symbol below. In Conclusion: After you enter the 'cave' IT LEADS TO A WALL FEATURE IN THE CAVE WITH 3 DOORS OPENINGS, IF YOU TAKE THE CENTER DOOR, IT LEADS YOU ON A PATH TO A UNDERGROUND RIVER. You will pass a 'wall-terrain' feature in the cave that resembles the 90 degree notch on this 'wall-map' on the way to the river. The 'crossed-symbol' could also represent a 'natural' limestone-bridge that crosses over other paths in the 'cave/cavern. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So where are the 'cave' opening/openings? #1, They could be 'right-there', under the snow, open or concealed under a rock and dirt where the 'bottom-branches' of the 'crossed-symbol' is pointing to. #2, Or you look for terrain similar to the carved 'terrain-features' on the 'wall-map', go in the DIRECTION THE BUFFALO OR BEAR IS POINTING TOWARD. --------------------------- While traveling down the different paths in your life, don't forget the 'narrow' path as told by Christ, {A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE WHO RECEIVES IT}. The path to destruction is broad and wide, BUT the PATH TO LIFE IS NARROW AND NOT MANY FIND IT THEREOF. Be safe and may GOD guide you. Good-luck to ya ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: If your in gold-country, and you find an underground river, that river could contain 'placer-gold', lots of it. ''WARNING'', watch-out for underwater currents that could sweep you under. For a safety precaution: harness yourself with a steel cable, with the other end fastened to a steel-stake in the ground. SOUNDS LIKE THE GOLD-RUSH OF THE FUTURE IS ON. ----------Be prepared if entering a cave ---------------------------

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yep. i see 2 frogs and a tadpool. great stuff,great photos.View attachment 774687View attachment 774688

Hey yokes, It looks like a 'frog', strange as it sounds. Ever hear of the story by Mark Twain, ' The jumping frog of Calavas county'. Twain visited the gold-mining camps of California, witnessed the miners betting on jumping frog races and wrote the story. If this is a frog, and frogs jump, where would this giant frog jump to. Maybe the next hill or mountain peak over, to the next marker. Find out if there are jumping frogs in this part of the country.

772940d1365266419t-basic-signs-symbols-you-have-found-image-3426707251.webpIMG_20130410_173940.webpNice job Ryder that's what its all about. Good stuff. I likee Justintime

Nice Job nappy26,, my bad.. Front, is were the X is correct..

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