nappy26-Any help would be great plzzz.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In your photo with the large ''X''. Think carving symbols may have been left by the Indians. Found in the book: 'THE ROCKS BEGIN TO SPEAK', it's a book about understanding prehistoric man. The '' + '' means { crossed } and the 'spread-out' slanted '' W '' on the right of the 'cross' symbol represent a 'river'. PLUS THERE ARE MORE CARVED SYMBOLS. Hypothetically speaking" They 'tilted' the '' + '' crossed-symbol TO CONVEY A MESSAGE. There are 2 messages, they crossed them because of the location of the carvings above and 'possible' cave entrances below. For example: If you follow the 'left-branch' of the '' X '' crossing-over the 'right-branch' of the '' X '' from 'bottom-left' to 'top-right' what do you see? The bottom of the 'left-branch' of the 'crossed-symbol' is pointing to a small-cut in the sandstone shaped like a 'cave-opening'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now follow this 'left-branch' of the 'crossed' symbol to the 'top-right' and it is pointing to that 'lighter-colored' {carving-figure,maybe describing A TERRAIN FEATURE}. Notice at the base of this TERRAIN FEATURE are 3 small 'shadowed-openings'. This center opening resembles the 'cut' opening shaped like a 'cave' on the bottom 'left-corner' ----------Now your 'right-branch of the 'crossed-symbol' leads from on the top THAT 90 DEGREE CUT NOTCH to THE 'RIVER' symbol below. In Conclusion: After you enter the 'cave' IT LEADS TO A WALL FEATURE IN THE CAVE WITH 3 DOORS OPENINGS, IF YOU TAKE THE CENTER DOOR, IT LEADS YOU ON A PATH TO A UNDERGROUND RIVER. You will pass a 'wall-terrain' feature in the cave that resembles the 90 degree notch on this 'wall-map' on the way to the river. The 'crossed-symbol' could also represent a 'natural' limestone-bridge that crosses over other paths in the 'cave/cavern. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So where are the 'cave' opening/openings? #1, They could be 'right-there', under the snow, open or concealed under a rock and dirt where the 'bottom-branches' of the 'crossed-symbol' is pointing to. #2, Or you look for terrain similar to the carved 'terrain-features' on the 'wall-map', go in the DIRECTION THE BUFFALO OR BEAR IS POINTING TOWARD. --------------------------- While traveling down the different paths in your life, don't forget the 'narrow' path as told by Christ, {A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE WHO RECEIVES IT}. The path to destruction is broad and wide, BUT the PATH TO LIFE IS NARROW AND NOT MANY FIND IT THEREOF. Be safe and may GOD guide you. Good-luck to ya ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: If your in gold-country, and you find an underground river, that river could contain 'placer-gold', lots of it. ''WARNING'', watch-out for underwater currents that could sweep you under. For a safety precaution: harness yourself with a steel cable, with the other end fastened to a steel-stake in the ground. SOUNDS LIKE THE GOLD-RUSH OF THE FUTURE IS ON. ----------Be prepared if entering a cave ---------------------------