Thanks Justintime.
The first photo in your #3077 post should be checked out thoroughly. The carving on the side of the rock looks like a 'shadow owl', but the carving of the "owl ears" turns the rock it sits on into a shadow heart, and it points uphill.
I would also look between the two rocks to see if there is an hoyo. Good luck.
To me,F means you are in the area of some final directions. May be wrong on that though.
The hoyo I am talking about is from post #3095. The picture of the hoyo in post # 3104 is a picture of a hoyo I took, did not want to confuse the issue. Was talking about the hoyo that justintime found. thanks trailrider
Cool story of the iron box and hidden map which lead to those rock maps. What hidden mysteries those rock maps may reveal. Sounds like it could lead you on an adventure. Wishing you success. Your 4th picture in post #3112 of the rock monument, the lower rock on left side looks to have notch carving going in direction of ground in line with the lighter color smaller stone [ maybe an eye catcher ]. Just suggestion: Take a small broom and carefully remove all debris around all the smaller rocks at base of monument. Take pictures before disturbing all small stones. Slowly dig below these small stones, inspecting all other stones found [ taking additional pictures of new rocks found that appear to be markers. Look for pointer rocks. Also check with metal detector as you get deeper in ground. Another thing you could check: The notch on the left side of the bottom stone looks like it is sunk in toward the notch between the 2 upper stones. Could try getting a compass reading between these 2 notches. 3rd thing you could check: The lower notch is telling you to look for sight notch. Take compass reading of this upper notch between the 2 stones by it self, the upper notch looks to have spacing and width for a good reading. Good Luck. trailriderThanks for the input. I discovered a treasure map several years back. It lead to a series of Rock maps. Hundreds of years of leaves,ect, I've had to find some. Others easy to find. The maps was on a Dunlap Broadside,DOI,signed by John Hancock. It was found when a iron box, the box got broke and it was hid in,a false bottom. Tied it into the Beale Treasure, were The DOI is,used as key. Got more info on Beale treads. View attachment 717377 here's a,piece, you can see the TView attachment 717378 and found a whey to prove who the real Beale is,and he was at vault site, before the trip out west.View attachment 717380 and a new type of hunting,signature hunting. Only discovered the sig connection after arriving at spot with DOI,View attachment 717383 the signature is from 1806, way before the 1817,date given. Pretty sure way before that,lol. Thanks View attachment 717386JustintimeView attachment 717388
View attachment 717349View attachment 717352 This monument group of carved stones are large in size, weighing tons. Monument found along an old mule trail. It is meant to be seen with a skyline on it's one side, to show an outline of a hidden message. Showing a head monument to the right, then a hand pointing at the triangle. Look for a triangle formation, [ corner markers forming a triangle ], [ cut rock triangle ], [ carving in rock ], or [ outline of shadow ]. Other photo, close-up of other side of head monument.View attachment 717367 The monument lead me to a combination of cut rock triangle, and a shadow triangle. All opinions valued. trailrider
Thank you for the insight, very interesting. Will read verse in Matthew.The second picture is a lamb looking at the sky, the ear doubles as a face with beard and long hair. He has a hand out as if it was suspended. The clue is behind the rock, which is a cross.
Matthew 27:46