hi there mdog. i found some metal wire at two different sites,that i believe are very important,or should i say cache sites,maybe,. the two sites are over 2 miles apart.but the wire was used in the same manner and the same type of wire.but i belive the wire is much newer than the worked stones they where with. so i know someone else was there and figured something is going on here.i dont know if they left it there so a person would think that the cache was found or what? the wire quality is very good too.very strong wire,no rust,just black in color.you can keep bending it and it wont break.good stuff.but i dont think that it was left by the stone carvers.those guys dont leave anything behind but worked stones.thats why i say the two wood piles i found have some type of use,beside firewood.like a sign or barricade. those guys are just to resourceful to leave any waste from what i have seen. yes mdog, i believe there where springs there years ago,but from what i have read,that from the farmers and ranchers drilling wells for irrigation use over the years has dropped the water table to where the springs in the mountains are dry.i have heard that there is still one up there that drips,but i havent found it yet. yes there have been Indians there for years,but from what i read the stayed down in the desert most of the time,but went up in the mountains when danger was coming. yes mdog i have found some very small stone shapes,and stone patterns on the ground that i belive was done bye man,maybe indians or whoever. since it to hard for me to still understand it all,i just look to see if its has been worked by man and leave it at that,maybe on down the road when or if i ever get better,ill try and put it to a certain group.thanks. i like your photos and info. you have put out. to bad for the vandals at your site.take care.