Banning guns keeps people safe huh?


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Mid Coast Maine
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Published: 1:41 p.m. ET | Updated: 4:52 p.m. ET
Image source: ITV
A man with blood-soaked hands holding what appeared to be a meat cleaver and a machete spoke out at the gruesome scene of a suspected terror attack that left one man dead in broad daylight in London on Wednesday, telling a cameraman, “you people will never be safe.”
According to reports, two men attacked and killed a third man near a London military barracks,shouting “Allahu Akbar.” The London Daily Telegraph characterized the attack as “Islamist terror.”Unconfirmed reports stated the man killed was a soldier. Two U.K. government officials told the Associated Press the attack seemed to be motivated by radical Islam.
“We swear by Almighty Allah, we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. The only reasons we killed this man is because Muslims are dying daily. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” the man with bloodied hands told a camera, as the victim’s body lay nearby. ” I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land, our women have to see the same! You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you!”
One eyewitness claimed on Twitter that he saw the victim “with his head chopped off,” a detail that was not confirmed by police.
Prime Minister David Cameron called the killing “truly shocking” and said he had asked Home Secretary Theresa May to call an urgent meeting of the government’s emergency committee.
A British government official who spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the investigation said the details that had emerged were indicative of a “terrorist-motivated attack.”

May said she had been briefed by Britain’s domestic security service, MI5, and by police on what she called a “sickening and barbaric” attack.
Metropolitan Police Commander Simon Letchford told reporters that police received reports of an assault in the London neighborhood of Woolwich around 2:20 p.m. Letchford said “a number of weapons” were used, including a gun. He indicated the first police officers to arrive at the scene were unarmed.
“Officers including local Greenwich officers arrived at the scene and shortly after firearms officers arrived on the scene,” Letchford said. “Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police. They were taken to separate London hospitals. They are receiving treatment for their injuries.”
Police officers man a cordoned off area in Woolwich, east London, on May 22, 2013, following an incident in which a man was killed and two others seriously injured. A man thought to be a serving soldier has been killed near a barracks in London, while two alleged suspects are in a serious condition in hospital after police responded to reports of an incident, a local lawmaker said. The incident took place in a street near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich. (Getty Images)
David Dixon, head teacher of a nearby primary school, said police told him there was a serious incident. He said he saw body lying in the road outside.
He told the BBC that he then made sure children were inside and put the school into lockdown mode. He said he then heard shots fired.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

now my fellow Americans , you see why being armed is needed , those loony tunes could have easily harmed many more folks before they were stopped and all that stopped them was being shot by armed British police --if a legal law abiding person had a gun , this useless nonsense could have been ended much quicker .

now my fellow Americans , you see why being armed is needed , those loony tunes could have easily harmed many more folks before they were stopped and all that stopped them was being shot by armed British police --if a legal law abiding person had a gun , this useless nonsense could have been ended much quicker .
My point exactly!!! THANKS!

my point -- if terrorist are caught "red handed" in the act , like these scum clearly were --no trail --just shoot them in the head right away on national tv for all to see and be done with it --or after a swift trail , deep fry them alive in a vat of pig fat --no mercy upon them.

my point -- if terrorist are caught "red handed" in the act , like these scum clearly were --no trail --just shoot them in the head right away on national tv for all to see and be done with it --or after a swift trail , deep fry them alive in a vat of pig fat --no mercy upon them.

What about due process?? If they are American citizens in America don't they have the right to "due process" even if they are violent terrorists?? That's what I'm told at least.

Well said! Public hanging would work as well. Just leave the bodies hanging until the rope rots!

He did say after a swift trial...

So gun toting citizens can kill at will, but the not the evil government going after a terrorist?? I must be missing something?

This can be put with the double standard thread.
It only took 1 day for the Prime Minister to announce this was a terrorist attack. Yet 9 months later our leader say's the tragedy at fort hood was a work place violence act.

now my fellow Americans , you see why being armed is needed , those loony tunes could have easily harmed many more folks before they were stopped and all that stopped them was being shot by armed British police --if a legal law abiding person had a gun , this useless nonsense could have been ended much quicker .

I carry my xds 45 with me concealed (legally of course) almost all the time. If I had to defend myself or family I want a firearm by my side.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

"work place violence" I cant believe the brits will call a terrorist a terrorist and our guv calls them misunderstood, or workplace violents. It is time to let the ministry of truth know that we are done listening to their lies.
It is our duty to demand the truth.:director::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest:

"work place violence" I cant believe the brits will call a terrorist a terrorist and our guv calls them misunderstood, or workplace violents. It is time to let the ministry of truth know that we are done listening to their lies.
It is our duty to demand the truth.:director::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest:

Politicians caught in a lie or spinning the truth to further their own agenda - boy that's a new concept. Obama is definitely the only president or politician that's ever done that.

So gun toting citizens can kill at will, but the not the evil government going after a terrorist?? I must be missing something?

Understatement ..........:dontknow:......:laughing7:

no obama is sure as hell not the first politican to lie to the American public , agreed--- but should we just "accept" it from him or any other politican ,as "standard practice"? --we through Nixon out of office for lies and cover ups * why not demand honesty from our politicans and make them pay the price when they are found to be "bold faced knowingly lying to us"?

as a law abiding armed citizen in self defense * against terrorist or other criminals that pose a serious threat of injury or death to said citizen , you bet yer ass --I have the right to kill them TO STOP THEM FROM KILLING ME OR OTHERS.

if they are CAUGHT in the "act" / ACTUALLY "red handed" WITH BLOODY MURDER WEAPONS IN HAND killing someone by police where there is NO DOIUBT=== in my view "due process" is shoot until they quit wiggling --MURDERS OF THIS ILK ARE LIKE RABID DOGS IN OUR STREETS, THE FASTER THEY ARE DISPATCHED THE BETTER FOR ALL. NORMAL FOLKS.

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Politicians caught in a lie or spinning the truth to further their own agenda - boy that's a new concept. Obama is definitely the only president or politician that's ever done that.

Stocky remember this dude ran on change and many fell for it. Many in the past had there own change but this is way over board... Correct.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

no obama is sure as hell not the first politican to lie to the American public , agreed--- but should we just "accept" it from him or any other politican ,as "standard practice"? --we through Nixon out of office for lies and cover ups * why not demand honesty from our politicans and make them pay the price when they are found to be "bold faced knowingly lying to us"?

Nope, everyone needs to be held accountable - completely agree. Lets just not pretend that this is the first time it's happened.

It's funny that poor old jimmy carter was probably the most moral / honest pres we've had - and will prob go down as one of the worst!!

Nope, everyone needs to be held accountable - completely agree. Lets just not pretend that this is the first time it's happened.

It's funny that poor old jimmy carter was probably the most moral / honest pres we've had - and will prob go down as one of the worst!!

Obama has taken that title away, he will and is the worst in my lifetime, compared to O, carter gets a grade of A+

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Stocky remember this dude ran on change and many fell for it. Many in the past had there own change but this is way over board... Correct.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

Again name one president that has fulfilled campaign promises. I believed that about as much as I believed that Iraq was working on nukes and was behind 9/11. And your exactly right there was no change he continued bush's big deficit spending, vote getting freebie handouts and stripping our rights.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Obama has taken that title away, he will and is the worst in my lifetime, compared to O, carter gets a grade of A+

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

folks tired of the same ole ,same ole politics --voted for a black man thinking --well coming from the "down trodden" poor black class of folks -- he will change things for the better for the "working class" --surprise morons --he is just another stinking lying politican --who just happens to be black --sure he pumped out the --I 'm different , we will get real "change" once I'm in --but think about it isn't that the same crap all the politicans say -- the public however bought it hook ,line and sinker because he WAS black and they thought he really would "shake things up" now the truth has reared its ugly head --he's just "another politican".

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