
Scientists may have just found a ninth planet and it's massive | Fox News

Interestimg in that it''s pass by earth falls within unexplainable actions on the earth.

And yet the ancients already knew. Perhaps they where taught the knowledge from the surviving atlanteans. If your home is destroyed. Your history will still remain in your mind

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Hola marticus amigo, speaking of bananas while I was on Efate,in the new Hebrides , below Guadalcanal, i went exploring, I ecountered a single banana plant all by itself, the bananas ware not too good but If it can't be propagated by nature how did it get there ?

Gracious amigo Tayopa.
i was using a few sites and compiled a few other bits on Bananas.
As for your case i cannot say. the first thing that comes to mind is possible animal droppings, but i do not know the region or its wildife enough to say.

Bananas were introduced into the Atlantis debate by Ignatius Donnelly who adapted the views of Otto Kuntze and questioned whether ‘it was more reasonable to suppose that the plantain or banana was cultivated by people of Atlantis and carried by their civilized agricultural colonies to the east and the west?’ Over a century later it was still being suggested that only the existence of Atlantis could explain global spread of the seedless, sexless fruit we enjoy today.
David Hatcher Childress in his Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific, Suggested that ancient genetic engineering led to the banana we have today. Apparently, Theosophical belief is that ‘the banana was developed from a melon on the lost continent of atlantis.’ Not to be outdone, Erich Von Daniken claimed that the banana has been brought to Earth by extraterrestrials. At the other end of the belief spectrum, some creationists claim that bananas are proof of Gods intelligent design of the natural world because the banana and the hand are perfectly made one for the other.

To link Indonesia to Plato’s version of Atlantis, Santos compared Indonesia’s tropical climate, irrigation system, large population, megalithic construction, natural resources, volcanoes and continental size to Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis. Of all the places claimed to be the sites of Atlantis, he concluded, Indonesia was the closest match to Plato’s Theory.
Santos initially said Atlantis was located in Sundaland – Which includes the southern part of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia’s Summatra, Kalimantan, Java, as well as other islands in the eastern part of the archipelago and around the South China Sea. The western part of Indonesia, he said further, was the center, or the capital of Atlantis.
The vast Sunderland area, Santos said ‘was indeed larger than Asia Minor and Libya put together’ Just like Plato described.
According to Santos, Indonesia was the most perfect place to grow crops and herd cattle at the time when global temperatures were 15 degrees Celsius below the present level. Most temperate and polar regions were covered by thick glaciers, so civilizations could only exist in tropical and equatorial region like Indonesia.
‘Also because volcanoes fertilized the soil, and it was a very rainy region due to the seas, the monsoons, Santos said adding that the tropical, pleasant climate of Atlantis was one of the central features of Plato’s Atlantis- With rain forests, plamtrees, coconuts, rose woods, incense trees, pineapples and bananas.

In Critias, Plato also described the plants in Atlantis.
‘The fruits having a hard rind, affording drinks and meats and ointments. This suggests coconut plam (cocos nucifera) from the family of palms (palmae). Plato further stated that the island was giving ‘the fruit which admits of cultivation, both the dry sort, which is given us for nourishment’. In connection with the description ‘and are fruits which spoil with keeping’ it may be speculated that this plant was banana (musa). The presently grafter banans cannot exist without man who grows them. The Island was also considerably fertile. ‘Twice in the year they gathered the fruits of the earth- in winter having the benefit of the rains of the heaven, and in summer the water which the land supplied by introducing streams from the canals.
Plato very successfully described typical farming in monsoon regions, permitting to reach two crops of agricultural plants by inundation from rivers or canals and by using regular monsoon precipitations.
Monsoons are a typical feature of tropical regions of equatorial Africa and America, Northern indian Ocean, india, Southern Asia, Far East China and China. Summing up the information provided above, Atlantis could have been located only in the Ocean (the present Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans) in monsoon regions with living elephants and growing palms.

Gentlemen, I did a basic reading for someone, I haven't seen it posted,. It was for 3 Aug. 1947. I have since lost the data, So please refresh me.

Another disc discovered parked under a rock ledge in Antarctica. Must be swamp gas.


Another disc discovered parked under a rock ledge in Antarctica. Must be swamp gas.

View attachment 1406372

It also reminds me of this imagine of an area not far from my place. But on treking to the area. I discovered it was just a strange rock formation with small shrubs and tree shading giving it the image. Not saying that is the case with that image. But the area to the right of it may shed some more light

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WOW, 103 pages of posts here. Will try to read all sometime.
There was a pretty good special on Discovery or Nat Geo the other night about Atlantis. Good research.

I always hear - Plato said Tsunamis and earthquakes. Isn't it totally possible that he was passing on a story that was passed on many times before he wrote about it? Some of the theories and locations that had a volcano in it fit in really nice but are thrown out cause Plato didn't mention one.

WOW, 103 pages of posts here. Will try to read all sometime.
There was a pretty good special on Discovery or Nat Geo the other night about Atlantis. Good research.

I always hear - Plato said Tsunamis and earthquakes. Isn't it totally possible that he was passing on a story that was passed on many times before he wrote about it? Some of the theories and locations that had a volcano in it fit in really nice but are thrown out cause Plato didn't mention one.

First, welcome to Treasurenet Stretch! (I hope it is OK to use that as a nickname for you rather than having to type out the full name, but if you prefer I will use the full moniker in future) I hope that this discussion has been at least entertaining reading for you.

Absolutely it is completely possible, however if a volcano were the cause, why would Plato have NOT mentioned it? Doesn't that strike you as odd, to have left out such a dramatic event as a volcanic eruption? Other volcanic eruptions occurred in antiquity, and are recorded for what they are (like the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum for instance). It would be pretty remarkable to have left it out, hence the argument that any place that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption can't be Atlantis or Plato surely would have mentioned that major detail.

Side point here but let us not change things by a word, like tsunamis, which is not mentioned at all by Plato. Truly there could have been tsunamis and likely were, as they are generally created by major earthquakes, BUT - Plato only said a day and night of earthquakes and floods. So it is POSSIBLE, even likely there were tsunamis involved, but as he did not mention any giant wave(s) perhaps we should not adopt it as our descriptive term.

Sorry if I seem to be the wet blanket here, as I am actually 100% convinced that Atlantis existed, and that evidence already exists but is not being recognized for what it is; also that the embellishments that Plato blended into a much more bare bones story (probably an oral history, akin to the Great Flood myths) are making it impossible to arrive at a consensus on ANY site, for no place will be found that has the unique architecture, anachronisms (triremes, advanced plumbing, chariots etc) AND be old enough to fit the time period when the Earth really was subjected to global flooding and what can only be termed an apocalypse of epic dimensions. The Atlantis that Plato describes in such detail, almost certainly never existed. We can point to other ancient civilizations which had been destroyed and were almost certainly known to Plato like the Minoan civilization, and Helike, among others, that probably are the source of the embellishments that he then blended into the Atlantis epic. Plus we can compare the scant texts referring to the Atlantian islands by other ancient authors, and there is no mention of any of these anachronisms, only that such large islands existed and were home to an aggressive seagoing culture. Anyway like ten thousand other theorists, I believe I have found the real Atlantis too, and in a place that none seem to be looking. Unfortunately for my pard and pal Don Jose' this site is not the possible gigantic caldera laying off the coast of the Iberian peninsula which he has proposed here earlier, which IMHO has not been above sea level within the requisite 11,000 time period or so.

Please do continue, coffee anyone? (The genuine article, sock coffee brewed with the oldest sock in the pack!)

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

First, welcome to Treasurenet Stretch!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Thanks for the welcome Oroblanco.
Everyone calls me Stretch. When you are 4' tall, what else would they call you? Just kidding. I am a tall guy.

Thanks for your post, didn't want to quote it all as then my post would be huge. Curious if you saw that special I mentioned the other night? Now I am an Atlantis fan but have not read everything written about it. I did make a pretty cool 3D pic of my idea of Atlantis.

I did not read all 1500 posts yet but if you have a theory in here somewhere point me to it and I will check it out. Love a good read that tantalizes my mind!!!

I just think that Plato wrote what was passed down to him from tale to tale and he fashioned it the way he wanted. No concentric circles and all the other bla, bla, bla. I don't believe all that. I do think we had an advance culture, well actually many over the life span of earth so far and Atlantis was one of them. When it was destroyed, the remaining folks scattered to South America and Europe and helped those folks do some of the wild stuff they did. Egyptians, Mayans and others who have tech & creations we can't do or understand today.

:occasion14: and pour me up some of that Joe!!!!

... Sorry if I seem to be the wet blanket here, as I am actually 100% convinced that Atlantis existed, and that evidence already exists but is not being recognized for what it is; also that the embellishments that Plato blended into a much more bare bones story (probably an oral history, akin to the Great Flood myths) are making it impossible to arrive at a consensus on ANY site, for no place will be found that has the unique architecture, anachronisms (triremes, advanced plumbing, chariots etc) AND be old enough to fit the time period when the Earth really was subjected to global flooding and what can only be termed an apocalypse of epic dimensions. ...

Our world is seemingly turning upside-down politically the past year, with little comfortable stability presently in sight. Throw in the long laundry list of political bigwigs and religious leaders who have made curious trips to Antarctica (all with undocumented "private times" while there), the continuing parade of enigmatic structures appearing from the melting icecap, and the now endless number of YouTube videos purportedly ushering in the "Big Disclosure", and you finally have at least a plausible explanation for the Atlantis mystery.

The chatter of course is that the highly advanced Antediluvian civilization that left remnants at outposts worldwide was in fact the Antarctic continent, which was allegedly inundated by The Flood - itself the byproduct of a cataclysmic earth change, possibly a tectonic plate shift - and then "flash-frozen", resulting in the original ice cover, then later added to by subsequent freezing due to location and climate. The result was the total crushing destruction of the continent. Readers can find plenty online to stew over on the topic as they see fit. Reportedly, excavations have been ongoing for years and may be announced soon. If so, it might help explain the bizarre happenings in our current world orders as power centers seem to be frantically posturing to maintain their authorities. Governments and religions will be forced to rewrite their roles and enormous spin will surely result if this all comes to pass.

All of this, like most of what humans are told, may be bogus of course. Regardless, the concept does provide a speculative answer to the Atlantis mystery - where did it go? I suspect that much greater things would overshadow Plato if there is indeed a disclosure coming.

Thanks for the welcome Oroblanco.
Everyone calls me Stretch. When you are 4' tall, what else would they call you? Just kidding. I am a tall guy.

Thanks for your post, didn't want to quote it all as then my post would be huge. Curious if you saw that special I mentioned the other night? Now I am an Atlantis fan but have not read everything written about it. I did make a pretty cool 3D pic of my idea of Atlantis.

I did not read all 1500 posts yet but if you have a theory in here somewhere point me to it and I will check it out. Love a good read that tantalizes my mind!!!

I just think that Plato wrote what was passed down to him from tale to tale and he fashioned it the way he wanted. No concentric circles and all the other bla, bla, bla. I don't believe all that. I do think we had an advance culture, well actually many over the life span of earth so far and Atlantis was one of them. When it was destroyed, the remaining folks scattered to South America and Europe and helped those folks do some of the wild stuff they did. Egyptians, Mayans and others who have tech & creations we can't do or understand today.

:occasion14: and pour me up some of that Joe!!!!

Thanks amigo and no, I have not posted my own personal theory as I intend to publish it at some point. It is easy enough to figure out though, just from what Plato wrote.

SDCFIA wrote
Our world is seemingly turning upside-down politically the past year, with little comfortable stability presently in sight. Throw in the long laundry list of political bigwigs and religious leaders who have made curious trips to Antarctica (all with undocumented "private times" while there), the continuing parade of enigmatic structures appearing from the melting icecap, and the now endless number of YouTube videos purportedly ushering in the "Big Disclosure", and you finally have at least a plausible explanation for the Atlantis mystery.

The chatter of course is that the highly advanced Antediluvian civilization that left remnants at outposts worldwide was in fact the Antarctic continent, which was allegedly inundated by The Flood - itself the byproduct of a cataclysmic earth change, possibly a tectonic plate shift - and then "flash-frozen", resulting in the original ice cover, then later added to by subsequent freezing due to location and climate. The result was the total crushing destruction of the continent. Readers can find plenty online to stew over on the topic as they see fit. Reportedly, excavations have been ongoing for years and may be announced soon. If so, it might help explain the bizarre happenings in our current world orders as power centers seem to be frantically posturing to maintain their authorities. Governments and religions will be forced to rewrite their roles and enormous spin will surely result if this all comes to pass.

All of this, like most of what humans are told, may be bogus of course. Regardless, the concept does provide a speculative answer to the Atlantis mystery - where did it go? I suspect that much greater things would overshadow Plato if there is indeed a disclosure coming.

I would be interested in any info relating to those people making un-publicized trips to visit Antarctica, thanks in advance. Also, on the 'flash freezing' part, we know there have been a number of mammoths (and other mega-fauna but more rare) that have been found with food still in their mouths, fresh green plants including buttercups in blossom, indicating that the animals were suddenly surprised and frozen while in the act of eating green plants that could not have been in winter. Something peculiar happened, although these have all been found in the Arctic, I will not be surprised if some types of animals are found in Antarctica likewise suddenly 'flash frozen'.

Please do continue, and more coffee for me too! :coffee2: :thumbsup: :hello2:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Thanks amigo and no, I have not posted my own personal theory as I intend to publish it at some point. It is easy enough to figure out though, just from what Plato wrote.

Please do continue, and more coffee for me too! :coffee2: :thumbsup: :hello2:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I hear you but still I think he is telling a tale that was told to him that he enhanced a bit for better reading. Lots of people do and have done that. Makes for better reading.

Hey guys. Welcome to the post Stretch.

I wanna share this for you guys who have or have not seen it before.
I would like to hear your throughts on some of the other researchers ideas.

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To spice up the thread a bit, I added a pic I made a long time ago.

Not saying this is what Atlantis looked like, BUT IT IS!!!! :laughing7:


View attachment 1409861

Marticus, Thanks for the welcome!

From some of my reading in this HUGE thread, I see you have similar thoughts that Atlantis is way older than some believe and that Plato wrote what was handed down possibly many, many times and enhanced the story like the ones before him did. I also believe a volcano was involved in the destruction and just because Plato doesn't mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Plus I have photographic proof.... look above!!!

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