
Antarctica: 79º 58’ 39.25″S, 81º57’ 32.21″W
View attachment 1386167
Google Earth image

View attachment 1386173
Ground photo, sevzirfo

That is a most curious feature Steve, do you know if anyone has ever set foot there? Thanks for sharing it!

Marticus wrote
But i will admit. Im still more leaning towards my own theory. That atlantis. Shambhala. Mu. Lemoria. High brassil.
Are all the same place that existed before the last ice age. To which the stories come from their survivors

Don't we all tend to lean towards our own theories? So you are not guilty of anything we are not all subject to. Interesting theory, and I would agree that something that literally re-shaped the Earth happened at the end of the last Ice Age, which included massive floods and flooding, pretty much worldwide. It is the only explanation for why virtually all cultures have a flood myth, when many of these cultures had little or no contact with some others. Also, as is turning out to be the case, science is supporting a cataclysmic ending for the ice age, NOW anyway, and we can point to the massive freshwater flooding that resulted from the breaking of ice dams (our scientists refer to these as "meltwater pulses") one of which raised global sea levels considerably, and quite suddenly, <days, by one estimate, weeks by another> and coincidentally seems to match the time frame for Atlantis, perhaps also the flood of Noah. There are other bits of evidence too such as massive earthquakes and sudden submerging of land masses, for example in the island shelf collapses which have struck such far-spread places as the Canaries, the Hawaiian islands and a number of others which must have caused gigantic mega-tsunamis larger than anything in recorded history. One such shelf-collapse caused a tsunami that literally re-shaped many of the islands in the Caribbean sea.

On the other hand, I respectfully disagree with your theory that all of these legends or myths are referring to the same, singular civilization. In fact I would propose that worldwide there must have been at least six, possibly seven different cultures which had progressed well beyond hunter-gatherers living in caves etc. I am sure you would not propose that the Indian myth of a sunken land in the Indian ocean, of which there is some tantalizing evidence, is one and the same with the Atlantis located in the Atlantic? If you are indeed proposing this to be the case, I would ask what led you to conclude this, and then also, how the legend/myth got transmitted to the Mediterranean and Mexico?

Thanks in advance, and also to Steve for that enigmatic pyramid in Antarctica photos. Please do continue;


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

mARTICUS, LOOK TO TECTONIC PLATE ACTION.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

In New Zealand, the Australian and Pacific Plates push against each other along a curving boundary. How they meet each other changes along the boundary. At the southern end of the South Island, the Australian Plate dives down (subducts) below the Pacific Plate whilst in the North Island the opposite situation occurs with the Pacific Plate being pushed under by the Australian Plate. In between, through most of the South Island, the two plates grind past each other along the Alpine Fault. To watch a video of how the plate boundary has changed over millions of years click here


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Don't we all tend to lean towards our own theories? So you are not guilty of anything we are not all subject to. Interesting theory, and I would agree that something that literally re-shaped the Earth happened at the end of the last Ice Age, which included massive floods and flooding, pretty much worldwide. It is the only explanation for why virtually all cultures have a flood myth, when many of these cultures had little or no contact with some others. Also, as is turning out to be the case, science is supporting a cataclysmic ending for the ice age, NOW anyway, and we can point to the massive freshwater flooding that resulted from the breaking of ice dams (our scientists refer to these as "meltwater pulses") one of which raised global sea levels considerably, and quite suddenly, <days, by one estimate, weeks by another> and coincidentally seems to match the time frame for Atlantis, perhaps also the flood of Noah. There are other bits of evidence too such as massive earthquakes and sudden submerging of land masses, for example in the island shelf collapses which have struck such far-spread places as the Canaries, the Hawaiian islands and a number of others which must have caused gigantic mega-tsunamis larger than anything in recorded history. One such shelf-collapse caused a tsunami that literally re-shaped many of the islands in the Caribbean sea.

On the other hand, I respectfully disagree with your theory that all of these legends or myths are referring to the same, singular civilization. In fact I would propose that worldwide there must have been at least six, possibly seven different cultures which had progressed well beyond hunter-gatherers living in caves etc. I am sure you would not propose that the Indian myth of a sunken land in the Indian ocean, of which there is some tantalizing evidence, is one and the same with the Atlantis located in the Atlantic? If you are indeed proposing this to be the case, I would ask what led you to conclude this, and then also, how the legend/myth got transmitted to the Mediterranean and Mexico?

Thanks in advance, and also to Steve for that enigmatic pyramid in Antarctica photos. Please do continue;


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Generally speaking, I tend to support the idea that there may well have been a world-wide antediluvian civilization on earth, perhaps advanced beyond what many today would accept. Whether today's cultural and architectural anomalies - found in so many places - are remnants of a prior existing world civilization, or whether they originated from pre-cataclysm escapees from the iconic "Atlantis mother island" to new locations is unclear. One thing is clear though. It seems likely that there were major earth changes 12 or 14 thousand years ago that may have changed the planet in extremely radical ways. We have all sorts of cultural legends, religious traditions, etc, to attest to that idea, and plenty of valiant scientists continuing to solve the puzzles. The legends speak for themselves and are subject to interpretation. The scientific models are subject to the "next big thing" and unreliable, IMO. Being a conspiracy analyst, I do sense that it is quite likely that the powers that be are completely aware of world history and have suppressed the truth from the general populace.

Antarctica. Lots in the news lately. The pyramid rumors are intriguing, with not much reliable information available. Mainstream sources are pooh-poohing the idea. "Nothing happening here. Just move on." The so called "Ark of Gabriel" events from a year ago - the alleged discovery of an ancient artifact that resulted in an unlikely alliance between the Muslims in Mecca, the Greek Orthodox Church in Russia and the Pope, that culminated in a secret mission of sorts to Antarctica - is quite a story. The participation of all these players is documented, even though the purpose of it all is not clear. One thing's for certain: Antarctica was the destination.

Then there are the curious travels of the US government's top dogs recently. Obama ostensibly visited the Tierra Fuego area shortly after the so-called Ark of Gabriel "incident", and was rumored to have secretly continued to Antarctica for reasons unknown. On election day 2016, Secretary of State Kerry travelled to Antarctica to "witness global warming." He took a press-free, unexplained separate flight to an undisclosed location while he was there.

Question. by global warming i it to include the entire earth simultaneously or in reference to the latitudes ?

That is a most curious feature Steve, do you know if anyone has ever set foot there? Thanks for sharing it!

Marticus wrote

Don't we all tend to lean towards our own theories? So you are not guilty of anything we are not all subject to. Interesting theory, and I would agree that something that literally re-shaped the Earth happened at the end of the last Ice Age, which included massive floods and flooding, pretty much worldwide. It is the only explanation for why virtually all cultures have a flood myth, when many of these cultures had little or no contact with some others. Also, as is turning out to be the case, science is supporting a cataclysmic ending for the ice age, NOW anyway, and we can point to the massive freshwater flooding that resulted from the breaking of ice dams (our scientists refer to these as "meltwater pulses") one of which raised global sea levels considerably, and quite suddenly, <days, by one estimate, weeks by another> and coincidentally seems to match the time frame for Atlantis, perhaps also the flood of Noah. There are other bits of evidence too such as massive earthquakes and sudden submerging of land masses, for example in the island shelf collapses which have struck such far-spread places as the Canaries, the Hawaiian islands and a number of others which must have caused gigantic mega-tsunamis larger than anything in recorded history. One such shelf-collapse caused a tsunami that literally re-shaped many of the islands in the Caribbean sea.

On the other hand, I respectfully disagree with your theory that all of these legends or myths are referring to the same, singular civilization. In fact I would propose that worldwide there must have been at least six, possibly seven different cultures which had progressed well beyond hunter-gatherers living in caves etc. I am sure you would not propose that the Indian myth of a sunken land in the Indian ocean, of which there is some tantalizing evidence, is one and the same with the Atlantis located in the Atlantic? If you are indeed proposing this to be the case, I would ask what led you to conclude this, and then also, how the legend/myth got transmitted to the Mediterranean and Mexico?

Thanks in advance, and also to Steve for that enigmatic pyramid in Antarctica photos. Please do continue;


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:
Oro i would have to agree. You are right we all do seem to lean towarda our own ideas. I must say i am enjoying this. I think we can make some positive steps towards answers here. But please allow me to expand on my theory. Now most of us have all came across or heard about the giant stone monoliths and structures world wide.
Precise cut stone structures. Rock walls almost like fused together. Which there are not any real answers. I would highly recomend watching a series by Graham Hancock. Most likly availble on utube.
Called Search for the Lost Civilisation.
Its a 3 part series.
I do get some of my theory from grahams research. To which i expand on and question could some of these extreamly large structures be the results of atlantean knowledge.
Now the reason why i beleive they may have been all over the globe. Let me put it this way. If you are in a building and there is a fire. Do you try to run out the main exit or do you go for the closest on.
So if your on a large island and there is a cataclysm. You just run in any direction.
To how i beleive these storys came about. The survivors touched down on different lands around the globe. Possibly influencing other locals of the areas. Which is how we have these strange structures globly with no real explanation.

Im liking where this is going. Lets all continue

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mARTICUS, LOOK TO TECTONIC PLATE ACTION.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

In New Zealand, the Australian and Pacific Plates push against each other along a curving boundary. How they meet each other changes along the boundary. At the southern end of the South Island, the Australian Plate dives down (subducts) below the Pacific Plate whilst in the North Island the opposite situation occurs with the Pacific Plate being pushed under by the Australian Plate. In between, through most of the South Island, the two plates grind past each other along the Alpine Fault. To watch a video of how the plate boundary has changed over millions of years click here

Thats right tayopa.
Cant argue with that. So to where there are fault lines we have earthquakes and volcanos.
That could be our answer to the destruction of atlantis.
Now we have to go through the records to find any possible dates. A computer model of the impact would be great to get hold of also. Could help put an x on the map

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Giant monolith wall in russia

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Marticus, agreed and please do continue! (I have posted a lot in this thread so don't have much more to add) I too am a fan of Graham Hancock, heck not to try to brag but we both contributed to a book together that was published back in 2005 titled Underground, the Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations etc. I look forward to your expounding on your ideas, thanks in advance.


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

so i did i bit of poking around on the web and came across some ideas of earths land mass from 10 000bc. pre ice age. there are plenty more images and information available out there.

HA! GI Joe toy soldier...? Plants & Flowers are GIANT, too; eh...?
Just google russian monoliths. There are tons more pics of the same thing. That was just the 1st

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As for moving those monoliths, we only have to turn to Coral Gable in our time.

oops Coral Castle
Its an interesting place. But pumice doesnt really compare to 700t granite.
I also have to laugh at ideas of wooden rollers. Its just so ridiculous. I drive 40t excavators for work. When i track over a log it turns to pulp and im a fraction of the weight.

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How explained...?
He ALWAYS worked at night... MIND FORCE plus Earth/Sky Energies via Signs in the stars...? Pyramids were done over CENTURIES! Don't even get me started on Stonehenge & all the STANDING STONES, on LEY Lines... dang Druid Dudes!

He ALWAYS worked at night... MIND FORCE plus Earth/Sky Energies via Signs in the stars...? Pyramids were done over CENTURIES! Don't even get me started on Stonehenge & all the STANDING STONES, on LEY Lines... dang Druid Dudes!

The ley lines didn't exist UNTIL the structures were built. The structures were sited via a geometric pattern, which in turn CREATED the energy flows.

Ladies ( Dit, Unicorn ) and gentlemen

We now know that Atlantis was subducted by colliding plates, but what could explain the sudden movement ? this brings up the Interesting following facts,

The last ice age was terminated some 11,000 plus years ago, Planet's X orbit was calculated as being near Earth about that time, could it have caused a change in the Earths' polar orbit i.e. did the attraction cause the earth 's polar orbit to dencrease thus exposing the northern latitudes to more of the Sun's rays?

We now know that this axis is very wobbly in it's primary axis with a secondary minor axis. In other words one is very slow. measured in thousands of years, the other in only hundreds of years.

Could the passage of Planet X have had enough effect on it's passage near to Earth, on it's close pass, with the earth's orbit some 11,000 years ago ?

Planet X orbit has been calculated as being approximately 3,800 years, We can establish it's last pass by the Bible, Joshua's reference to the sun standing still for three days,. the sky reddish the Red sea incident, and at that time the sun rose in the West while it now rises in the East. All explainable by a near pass by Planet X's, passing near enough for it's gravitation to effect the earth, it's axis , and it's rotation .

Naturally this attraction would have an effect on the plates It is not due for some years on this next pass.

Just a random thought

... We can establish it's last pass by the Bible, Joshua's reference to the sun standing still for three days,. the sky reddish the Red sea incident, and at that time the sun rose in the West while it now rises in the East...
...or as explained in the 1950 book "WORLDS IN COLLISION" by Immanuel Velikovsky.
Branded as "pseudoscience" by the scientific community, Velikovsky addressed many myths based on historical events caused by planetary activity in the universe.
Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky

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