hmmm, isn't anyone going to shoot down my coveted theory on Atlantis, it has many holes or flaws. Free coffee to whorver does it attn Roy. Joe , etc.
Hmm I thought you did NOT want anyone blasting holes in your theory amigo, which is why I have not posted anything. I do see some issues with this theory.
On the idea of subduction causing the destruction of Atlantis, that is certainly a possible scenario, that the built up forces of subduction might well result in massive earthquakes and subsidence(s) of land. Without some evidence to support this idea however it is just that, a theory that MIGHT fit.
That mid-Atlantic ridge, and the area you keep referring to as a 'caldera' is also POSSIBLE to be the true location of Atlantis. However, most of the terrain in that area is extremely deep water now. There have been land subsidences in which land which was above ground, ended up thousands of feet below water (as has happened in the Hawaiian islands repeatedly, also in the Azores, and if memory serves the Canary islands as well) in the form of island shelf subsidence. In these cases, a sort of 'shelf' of land attached to an island, becomes undercut, OR becomes unstable due to such otherwise mundane things as subsurface water that builds up and creates instability. One of the Atlantis theories has it that this is what occurred with Atlantis, and points to the Canary islands as 'the' site. While I would not hesitate to agree that the Canary islands certainly could have been a part of an Ice age seagoing civilization, however they have never been large enough to fit Plato's description of the main island.
The trouble with the Atlantis story is that it is so many different things to so many different people. Modern authors have added on fantastic details that are not mentioned by Plato or any other ancient source. Also, we have it from Plutarch that Plato embellished the story of Atlantis, which we can find clear evidence (circumstantial though it is) that he was in fact stealing details from the ancient Minoan civilization, and perhaps of the city of Helike as well, to mix in with the ancient tale of the Ice Age civilization that was destroyed in earthquakes and floods. That some kind of awful catastrophe struck the Earth circa 10,000 BC (roughly, not going to calculate the exact date tonight) is pretty much a certainty, as our geologists and even historians are now grudgingly admitting. The nearly world-wide commonality of a great flood, which destroyed that which was before, and left a few survivors to start again certainly supports the contention that the end of the last Ice Age did not come with a whisper. In fact the evidence is pointing to more than one ancient civilization existing circa 10,000 BC, nearly all very close to the seas, and all destroyed at the same time in the same cataclysm.
Probably a majority of those with an interest in Atlantis, have found it already - in 1000 different places. I am not immune, and am fairly convinced that the evidence has been in plain sight for quite some time, but has not been recognized because we are all looking for the late Bronze age type of culture that Plato describes in detail, complete with triremes and chariots, when the real Atlantis was more like a proto-civilization with only the rudest types of agriculture (cattle herding for instance) along with fishing, trade and warfare/conquest to enrich and or supplement the supply of goods. Plato did provide enough evidence to locate his Atlantis, the original one and not some later state that he was borrowing details from, an example was the mention of elephants. No elephants have ever lived on Santorini/Thera, and not sure but think there never were any elephants on Crete either. Other hints are likewise included, which help locate the island of Atlantis too.
So please do continue, plug those holes in the theory etc. I won't steal your theory or location, certainly not without your permission first!