
Roy, We know where Atlantis is, and that it was was displaced by a subduction of under lying Plates, it appears that the North American plate is overiding the Afrcan & Asian plates in a counter clockwise rotational movement :laughing7: (explains why it over-rode the African and the Asian plate forcing Atlantis under the Atlantic ocean, while widening the distances between North America and Europe.

As for the passage of a planet "X" in the biblical times, it has happened before, If it was close enough to stop the rotation of the earth, then rerotating it in the oppsite drection, It was able to pull the earth's protective cover of the atmosphere to the side closest, posssibly leaving the oposite side (N) open to the temp of outer space which exposed the Mastodon, and probably early man, to the subzero temps -- quick freeze.

At the same time the matter of the red sea is similarily explained. :laughing7::laughing7:

As for the present heat spell, the polar axis has a elipitical orbit, at the momment we are entering a longer period of exposure of the northern hemisphere to the solar effect, causing the Polar ice cap, and the glaciers, to melt at an accelerated rate, In a short time (geologicaly speaking) it will continue it's shift into the section of it's wobble and we will enter into a new Ice age -so it has been so since time immorial So the Atlantis thingie isn't too exceptional, Plantic 'X' will prob eventually wipe out life on Earth

This should give you penty of material to find fault with :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: JOe, Sdc,Deducer,NP etc etc.

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Roy, We know where Atlantis is, and that it was was displaced by a subduction of under lying Plates, it appears that the North American plate is overiding the Afrcan & Asian plates in a counter clockwise rotational movement :laughing7: (explains why it over-rode the African and the Asian plate forcing Atlantis under the Atlantic ocean, while widening the distances between North America and Europe.

As for the passage of a planet "X" in the biblical times, it has happened before, If it was close enough to stop the rotation of the earth, then rerotating it in the oppsite drection, It was able to pull the earth's protective cover of the atmosphere to the side closest, posssibly leaving the oposite side (N) open to the temp of outer space which exposed the Mastodon, and probably early man, to the subzero temps -- quick freeze.

At the same time the matter of the red sea is similarily explained. :laughing7::laughing7:

As for the present heat spell, the polar axis has a elipitical orbit, at the momment we are entering a longer period of exposure of the northern hemisphere to the solar effect, causing the Polar ice cap, and the glaciers, to melt at an accelerated rate, In a short time (geologicaly speaking) it will continue it's shift into the section of it's wobble and we will enter into a new Ice age -so it has been so since time immorial So the Atlantis thingie isn't too exceptional, Plantic 'X' will prob eventually wipe out life on Earth

This should give you penty of material to find fault with :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: JOe, Sdc,Deducer,NP etc etc.

Don Jose,

Good post! So all of this took place in a single day?

Take care,


Roy, We know where Atlantis is, and that it was was displaced by a subduction of under lying Plates, it appears that the North American plate is overiding the Afrcan & Asian plates in a counter clockwise rotational movement :laughing7: (explains why it over-rode the African and the Asian plate forcing Atlantis under the Atlantic ocean, while widening the distances between North America and Europe.

As for the passage of a planet "X" in the biblical times, it has happened before, If it was close enough to stop the rotation of the earth, then rerotating it in the oppsite drection, It was able to pull the earth's protective cover of the atmosphere to the side closest, posssibly leaving the oposite side (N) open to the temp of outer space which exposed the Mastodon, and probably early man, to the subzero temps -- quick freeze.

At the same time the matter of the red sea is similarily explained. :laughing7::laughing7:

As for the present heat spell, the polar axis has a elipitical orbit, at the momment we are entering a longer period of exposure of the northern hemisphere to the solar effect, causing the Polar ice cap, and the glaciers, to melt at an accelerated rate, In a short time (geologicaly speaking) it will continue it's shift into the section of it's wobble and we will enter into a new Ice age -so it has been so since time immorial So the Atlantis thingie isn't too exceptional, Plantic 'X' will prob eventually wipe out life on Earth

This should give you penty of material to find fault with :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: JOe, Sdc,Deducer,NP etc etc.
A PROPHET! "High" on STAR-BUCK "MAX"! STILL not planning to be around; WHAT -- ME WORRY?

Question, if the North American plate is rotating counterclockwise on the Atlantis pivot, spreading the distance between North America and Europe, why isn't it shortening the distance to Africa in the south ???:laughing7:

Question, if the North American plate is rotating counterclockwise on the Atlantis pivot, spreading the distance between North America and Europe, why isn't it shortening the distance to Africa in the south ???:laughing7:
At ONE time, ALL the continents were ONE! Pangaea, or SOMETHING like that... MAYBE,
Pangaea WAS Atlantis... dunno.

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Question, if the North American plate is rotating counterclockwise on the Atlantis pivot, spreading the distance between North America and Europe, why isn't it shortening the distance to Africa in the south ???:laughing7:
Amigo:hello:,You need to stop using sun dials,:hello::laughing7:NP:cat:

Question, if the North American plate is rotating counterclockwise on the Atlantis pivot, spreading the distance between North America and Europe, why isn't it shortening the distance to Africa in the south ???:laughing7:

Well North America is actually moving closer to Asia/Japan, almost the same distance it is moving away from Europe. Also, the subduction idea bothers me, for the average subduction rate is only around 8 centimeters per year. That would not fly with a large island to vanish overnight IMHO. Interesting idea though.

Please do continue;
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Hi Roy, they have yet to explain the force needed to do this, they all convienently forget the earth's rotation, Gyroscoptic forces are tremendus The Earth is not balanced, the forces developed are constantly moving the land masses around. This also explains the polar axis wobble and part of the climate change.

Incidentally I still claim that subduction was responsible for Atlantis sinking,

Hi Roy, they have yet to explain the force needed to do this, they all convienently forget the earth's rotation, Gyroscoptic forces are tremendus The Earth is not balanced, the forces developed are constantly moving the land masses around. This also explains the polar axis wobble and part of the climate change.

Incidentally I still claim that subduction was responsible for Atlantis sinking,
MORE concerned about "Earth Wobble" & Polar Slippage... (singing song; "Slip Sliding Awayyyyy).

Hi Roy, they have yet to explain the force needed to do this, they all convienently forget the earth's rotation, Gyroscoptic forces are tremendus The Earth is not balanced, the forces developed are constantly moving the land masses around. This also explains the polar axis wobble and part of the climate change.

Incidentally I still claim that subduction was responsible for Atlantis sinking,

By that statement, do you mean literally that Atlantis main island, was driven under a continental plate suddenly, as in a day and night? Or do you mean indirectly, that the subduction caused earthquakes, which destroyed Atlantis and caused it to subside below sea level? Please clarify this, thanks in advance.

Agreed on the imbalances of the Earth resulting in wobbles, and I would add that it may well have caused the planet to rotate end over end as well, perhaps more than once, before it balanced again.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Hi Roy, they have yet to explain the force needed to do this, they all convienently forget the earth's rotation, Gyroscoptic forces are tremendus The Earth is not balanced, the forces developed are constantly moving the land masses around. This also explains the polar axis wobble and part of the climate change.

Amigo, :hello:Just think Hula hoop

You can see where 10 yrs in beginning Graphic design class has paid off. Oh well it IS readable

Subduction B.webp

Roy, these subducting forces are not evident on an everyday situation, but slowly build up until something gives, then you have a violent reaction such as happened at Atlntis.

Roy, these subducting forces are not evident on an everyday situation, but slowly build up until something gives, then you have a violent reaction such as happened at Atlntis.

Thank you for explaining, however I am still not clear on whether you are saying that the subduction caused earthquakes, which resulted in the destruction and submersion of Atlantis, or if the subduction itself, directly destroyed Atlantis by shoving it under a continental plate? I do grasp the concept that earthquakes result from the buildup of pressures along the fault lines of the plates, over TIME, but which do you mean as to the actual destruction of Atlantis? Was it that the subduction caused earthquakes, or the subduction directly destroyed Atlantis and this is why the island can not be found today? Thanks in advance.

Just OPINION (underline that) but I am fairly confident that you can actually walk around in Atlantis today, however it is not recognized as such due to the changes that have occurred over time.

Please do continue, I need another refill of the mug;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Don Jose

In accordance with the Earth's tectonic plates map , no any earthquake and subduction could been occured in the Atlantic plate . So look for a place in the marked subduction zones for the Atlantis . Except if was something else than an earthquake . Or maybe the fire rain of the Atlantis last hours could be attached to a volcanic eruption ?


Tectonic Plates of the World - JohoMaps

I see that our Grick dancing girl guy has posted a fatastic map. Notice that the Atlas ridge passes betwen 'Atlantis and the Azores', co-incidence? Tremendous pressure is/was reponsible for this ridge to form, perhaps My subduction theory, by itself, won't hold up, but the Grick dancing girls ( sigh, I'm in love ) guy has given me a new lead, smooch ( relatively speaking) and coffee :coffee2::coffee2: nyah Oro :laughing7:

Gracis Marus

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