
[The story]
This happened several years ago and was related to me. I've heard nothing about it since. You can believe it or don't. NP:cat:

You posted this tale previously on another forum (Lost Dutchman catagory?). How can you possibly expect people to "believe" when all the important details are blanked out? What's up with that? Even the most outrageous treasure tales in the pulp magazines provide enough information to make them sound like halfway believable adventure yarns. Heck, the 1909 Phoenix Gazette tale (sounding suspiciously like yours) provided plenty of names and places to help prop up Kinkaid's adventure. The same with Babcock's Chicomoztoc Superstition Mountains story. Even William White's crazy Caballo stories provide details. Roger Snow gives names, dates, places and first-person dialog. How are we supposed to take the stuff you posted seriously when you leave out the things that may make it worth pondering? Is THE MAN going to come get you if you spill the beans? Please explain.

Here i the latest copy of the Atlantic sea floor. Cactus, noice how the floor is tllted down to the right from the interection with the ridge and depresing down in the Vicinity of Spain, further showing a shearing just off the coast of Spain, yet still leaving a shallows connected with Span.This shearing explains why Atlantis was submerged and is now reposing some 12,000 under water.

It also shows the Azores connection, and part of the Caldera.


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12,000 '...? ANY "sub" reach it, yet...? WORTHY of R & I... maybe a UN type of "thing"...?

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to join in on this conversation and share some food for thought. I'm trying to read this thread from the beginning but it is taking quite some time. If some of these ideas have already been brought up I apologize but I just figured they may spark some insight in case they have not. And I figured I'd post it now instead of weeks later when I finally finish catching up on this thread lol

It seems that people keep thinking that we will find Atlantis in one piece as it was somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, but if what plato describes is true, the island didn't just sink, it went through a enormous disaster involving earthquakes and flooding. If the location described does in fact put it in the vacinity of the four continental faults then it could have been multiple faults shifting at the same time and may have literally tore the island apart. earthquakes are caused by shifting faults which tear landmass apart. Flooding is not a very clear description of what may have occurred, its possible that the flooding could have been caused by rain, tsunamis, elevating water levels, or land sumbersion. I like to rule out elevating water levels b/c we have the pairing of earthquakes, and mass rain is not likely to flood just one island nor the world, rain comes and goes and runs off into the ocean where it came from.

To describe what I think happend I want you to picture a few things:

-picture a glacier breaking away and sinking into the ocean
-now picture the california fault line breaking and the entire land mass sinking into the ocean
-and finally picture four fault lines (or at least multiple) shifting and causing whatever land mass above them to break apart, all falling away in seperate directions into the sea OR simply splitting apart and water filling in the voids

This is what I think happend to Atlantis and would explain how it happend so suddenly, abrutly, and leaving minimal evidence behind. It could explain how atlantis truly "sank", or was rather consumed by the ocean...and therefore we will not find it intact.

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On a second thought as to why we do not find any trace of them outside their "empire" and find it difficult to understand what technology they may have aquired. I look at it this way, in todays world we have 1st world countries who are well developed and technologically advanced and we have 3rd world countries and even primitive cultures who have hardly any modern technology. I believe that Atlantis may have been the only "1st world" culture of its time and when it went through such a sudden disaster, the lesser cultures would not have been able to pick up such advanced understandings. The reason we also do not find any magnificant sites left behind from them is because the land mass where they would have built these was obliterated. All the monumental sites we find today are on landmasses who have not been disturbed to such extent.

Plato said that Atlantis fought Greece and lost, did the Romans not sometimes lose to the "barbarians"? I bet as well if you gave a barbarian a piece of luxury or technology he would dismiss it not understanding its purpose or use. As would any remaining lesser culture to what may have been left behind when the Atlantean empire was destroyed.

Amigo:coffee2:Welcome, If you can imagine the shape and area around Atlantis,the reason the main part in the center is gone is because it was a ship, a UFO,It will never be found.NP:cat:

NP said "AmigoWelcome, If you can imagine the shape and area around Atlantis,the reason the main part in the center is gone is because it was a ship, a UFO,It will never be found.NP"

Do you believe this or is it the "Burro Juice" talking ? :laughing7: :alien:
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Amigo's:coffee2:There's no reason to come around if you truly understand, Atlantis has many locations,
But, Atlantis is this worlds most spiritual Jig saw Puzzle,created by ( ? ),but put into motion by the atlatians,for the spiritual rebirth and knowledge of all species.NP:cat:

What do you mean I am the closest so far? I hope this thread didn't turn into Aliens, it started off very factual.

no Aliens my friend don Schlechter. It was / is located approximately at the junction of the Americn, Asian, and African plates, probebly one of the mos active seismic areas known on the Planet It was a subsidience. caused by an overapping of the plates. It is approximately where it has always been claimed by Plato, off of the shallows of Spain. It was situated around the rim of a gigantic, anciient Caldera. It consisted of a series of islands probably extending to the Canary Islands in the souh.

Nope no aliiens mt friend.:coffee2::coffee2: nor were they as highly advanced as rumor has claimed .

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Amigo's:coffee2:NO NO NO NO ,MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE,COULD BE COULD BE,YES YES YES YES YES,:alien::alien::alien::alien::alien::alien::read2::read2::read2::director::protest::protest::protest::protest::smileinbox::smileinbox:lurk::lurk::lurk::walk::walk::walk::walk:YES NP:cat:

Incidentally, Atlantis is the basis for Mexico's call for a return To, the mythical homeland. Azatlan, Too many strange coincidences.

Across the sea, land of the White Herons, the shallows, bearded white strangers ( Which gave Cortez an advantage) etc., etc.

I claim the Aztecs are a distant decendents of the Atlantean survivors,who were stopovers on the travels of the lost tribes of Isreal.. There are many Archaic Jewish words in the west and Mexico with no explanation. In other words they inherted the remains of Atlantis and lived in the shallows off of the coast of Spain for a while, before moving on., and lost their Jewesh identity by intermarraige with the native Tribes they came in contact with in their migration to present Mexico.

This ought to provide fertile discussion ground for a while.

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Incidentally, Atlantis is the basis for Mexico's call for a return To, the mythical homeland. Azatlan, Too many strange coincidences.

Across the sea, land of the White Herons, the shallows, bearded white strangers ( Which gave Cortez an advantage) etc., etc.

I claim the Aztecs are a distant decendents of the Atlantean survivors,who were stopovers on the travels of the lost tribes of Isreal.. There are many Archaic Jewish words in the west and Mexico with no explanation. In other words they inherted the remains of Atlantis and lived in the shallows off of the coast of Spain for a while, before moving on., and lost their Jewesh identity by intermarraige with the native Tribes they came in contact with in their migration to present Mexico.

This ought to provide fertile discussion ground for a while.
And MUCH Coffee drinking...

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