
THE "Electric Universe",,,,,
Yep,, that's what it is all right.
And I think it was in the Egyptian times that it last manifested itself.
The colors used, the associated symbologies, references to planets and "other" things that were seen in those ancient skies.
SOMETHING definitely happened there, and if it happened there,,it assuredly did happen in other places as well.
Similarities in myth, from un-connected civilizations and societies. It IS all there for a reason.
No matter how many times monkeys breed,,, they are still making monkeys,,,NOT HUMANS
Never forget that simple rule and every argument in Darwinism falls.
There is no "missing link",,, WE were MADE in THEIR image. How more obvious does it need to be spelled out to you?

At one time, in Earths far,,FAR past. There WAS ONE grand civilization, with everything (probably more) that what we have now.
And offense was taken that MAN wanted to "be like the gods" and so all were scattered as to never being able to reach that pinnacle again.

Monolithic stone construction IS the only way to asure that a memory of what was,,,,remains to those in the future as to what was there.
The ruins remain today, and WILL remain long after the last vestiges of our "modern" society has long disintegrated into elemental dirt.

IMO,,,Atlantis was the ENTIRE PLANET,

THE "Electric Universe",,,,,
Yep,, that's what it is all right.
And I think it was in the Egyptian times that it last manifested itself.
The colors used, the associated symbologies, references to planets and "other" things that were seen in those ancient skies.
SOMETHING definitely happened there, and if it happened there,,it assuredly did happen in other places as well.
Similarities in myth, from un-connected civilizations and societies. It IS all there for a reason.
No matter how many times monkeys breed,,, they are still making monkeys,,,NOT HUMANS
Never forget that simple rule and every argument in Darwinism falls.
There is no "missing link",,, WE were MADE in THEIR image. How more obvious does it need to be spelled out to you?

At one time, in Earths far,,FAR past. There WAS ONE grand civilization, with everything (probably more) that what we have now.
And offense was taken that MAN wanted to "be like the gods" and so all were scattered as to never being able to reach that pinnacle again.

Monolithic stone construction IS the only way to asure that a memory of what was,,,,remains to those in the future as to what was there.
The ruins remain today, and WILL remain long after the last vestiges of our "modern" society has long disintegrated into elemental dirt.

IMO,,,Atlantis was the ENTIRE PLANET,

Well, we have Mu in the Pacific too. We don't know much about them either. Maybe Mu=Atlantis, or Atlantis=Mu? Makes sense when you think about a worldwide civilization. Another thing is the preponderance of ancient architectural ruins found in so many diverse global locations. Many were similar in that they were seemingly built with obvious advanced knowledge - but have been pretty weakly explained to us in many cases. IMO, these were just satellite outposts of the dominate society. When the cataclysms destroyed "Atlantis" and "Mu', these outposts were relatively spared, and the structures remained. Some of their inhabitants likely survived too, and lived on.

Upon further investigation I think,,(HEHHEH) that very possibly that Antarctica MAY have been the location of this fabled place.
In order to have this theory become a reality you will have to succumb to Charles Hapgoods "crustal displacement" argument.
Where a rapid and devastating sudden movement "relocated" the continents. This does (IMO) work with the tectonic plate and the slow moving continental theories too.
That at some point in the far past,,SOMETHING drastic happened that froze mammoths with buttercups in their mouths. (Just ONE example)
And the "buried tropical forests" deep in the permafrost in northern Alaska/Russia.
Then there is the enigma of the Peri Reis maps. Which I have read was compiled from much OLDER maps.
Great discussion,,,

g'd afternon SDC, I believetht that I pretty well demolished an alien force at work on the "Devils doorway" ( Amaru maru ) . It was / and is a simple work of nature. :coffee2::coffee2:

Joe coffee ? :coffee2::coffee2: . The reason that I don't subscribe to the Santorini theory is that according to the ancient Egyptian legend, Atlantis was destroyed by a submergence, not an explosion.

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I guess I wouldn't rule it out Joe, if only because we just don't know the true solution to the enigma and Thera does match some points with the legend. It clearly suffered a catastrophic volcanic explosion (about a thousand years after Plato) that wreaked havoc in the region. However, its impressive archaeological remains notwithstanding (especially at Akrotiri), I would say that Thera doesn't seem to live up to our idea of Atlantis's stature. Crete, which was equally devastated by the tsunami that the Thera eruption caused, seems like a better candidate, if you assume that Plato exaggerated much of his story for poetic license. Crete was the center of the Minoan culture and a sophisticated power in the region - much more so than Thera. On the other hand, neither island sank out of sight.

Atlantis has been "found" all over the globe (some of the sites are Atlantian colonies, IMO), but I'm beginning to lean back toward Plato's tale as being a reasonably accurate report of a true historic event. I suspect Atlantis actually was a world-dominating civilization, whose large island was totally obliterated and ended up being totally gone, gone, gone. I've always supported the Velikovsky cosmology, and Atlantis fits it well. Unless undeniable evidence surfaces somewhere, we'll likely never know.

my friend. The best theory that I have found on the frozen mamoths is that a giant asteroid passed sufficiently close to earth to causect the atmospherre to momentarily shift loseing it's protection / isolation to the temperature of pure space, thus instantly freezing the mamoth.

We have records of the sun riseing in the west and set in in the East, plus some 3 days in which the Sun did not move, so the earth probably stoped it's rotation ,then commenced to rotate again in the apposite direction as the " planitory body" left it's influence on the earth's friction less rotation field.

The earth probably, being at a different angle, started it's new rotation at a different angle in refrence to the Latitude/ sun, hence the Tropical Forests now found themselves at a new latitude.


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g'd afternon SDC, I believetht that I pretty well demolished an alien force at work on the "Devils doorway" ( Amaru maru ) . It was / and is a simple work of nature. :coffee2::coffee2:

I guess you're referring to the archaeological videos? I don't necessarily agree with Foerster's individual analyses of these sites, but the way he has filmed them is very good, IMO. In many "expert" videos, we tend to see a pyramid or something in the background and some expert standing in front giving a rehearsed speech. This guy climbs all over the place (like most of us would), with dogs barking in the background, people talking, busses going by, etc. What you get is a realistic tour of the ruins, with the camera pointing where a guy wandering around on foot might be looking - up and down, over here, over there. I haven't looked at a lot of these videos yet, but I did enjoy several filmed in South America (Peru and Bolivia), and especially some filmed in Baalbek, Lebanon (very impressive site). Sure, the guy is pimping his tour company too, but nonetheless, I like his approach. He seems more of a guide than an onsite commentator.

Hi again SDC, Atlantis was at the convegence / epicenter of the three plates. American, Asian , and African. A region of violent sesmic activies in the past. It consisted of a giant Caldera which lies almost exactly where it was supposed to be, off of the coast of Spain. The Canary islands are probably part of the Atlantis empire.

Interesting, Reb ... care to expound a little?
SCIENCE: We live in a MULTI-VERSE of TEN DIMENSIONS (SCIENCE sezs 11). Electric-Magnetic FORCE, holds it ALL together... AND! WE are Electro-Magnetic Beings... SPIRIT BEINGS having HUMAN Experiences... GOOD, BAD, & UGLY; THAT is my "start".

SCIENCE: We live in a MULTI-VERSE of TEN DIMENSIONS (SCIENCE sezs 11). Electric-Magnetic FORCE, holds it ALL together... AND! WE are Electro-Magnetic Beings... SPIRIT BEINGS having HUMAN Experiences... GOOD, BAD, & UGLY; THAT is my "start".

They're calling it the Science of Light. Same thing the alchemists were into. It's all about electro-magnetism - I agree, Reb. That's a good start - let's hear some more!

They're calling it the Science of Light. Same thing the alchemists were into. It's all about electro-magnetism - I agree, Reb. That's a good start - let's hear some more!

Ditto, blaze away with both barrels Reb! (More!) :thumbsup:

I honestly think Atlantis was real. Sure it seems Fabled and just a myth. Remember there probably is tons of gold because it was one of the worlds greatest trading centre. Lots of gold coins had to be used or stored somewhere. Always remember when treasure hunting. All legends are born from truth.

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HEH... the Science of Atlantis was the SECRET OF LIGHT. Will break it down to sections, so I don't lose the FULL info, AGAIN.
LIGHT! Let there MORE Light! Waves...? Light is "broken down" into Electro-Magnetic Light Waves of the RAINBOW (PRISM)... SIMILAR to ALCHEMY; look at the ALCHEMICAL PROCESS, and the resulting "colors". Angles of a PRISM are VERY interesting... "WHITE" Light Transformed into different SPECTRUMS (Wave Lengths) of colors; ADVANCED Physics! This is leading to materialization/de-materialization (TRANSMUTATION) of ppl, ships, places/ civilizations... from TIME/SPACE "limitations" in this MULTI-VERSE of 10 dimensions (SCIENCE sezs 11... OMG!)
In the early 1940's a US Navy Ship was de-materialized & then materialized in Norfolk, Va. (& back again, to Philly, Pa..); blame it on the "GREEN FOG" & Albert. And THAT was in this 2nd Dimension! MORE Later... "getting there"!

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