Hello Amigos, might want to get a

After several discussions with a fellow searcher, he agreed that my insight into the significance of this area was not to be underestimated. He shared his story with me. It is as follows:
"I was hiking close to __________ in a place that was geologically speaking interesting. It was a hot day and I decided to take a break and rest for a moment when I noticed a boulder up against a hill that looked odd and when I walked over to examine it I found a cross above it, not a normal cross but one with two crossbars. I was able to move the boulder with only a small amount of pressure. The boulder had been positioned such that pivot points were established to respond to a moderate amount of pressure. I was able to move the boulder and behind it was a tunnel that lead upward, where I could not see.
At that time in my life, I was stupid and took my flashlight and camera and entered the tunnel. I walked for about 15 minutes and found myself in a chamber that was massive. The sunlight came in from several portals in the mountain above the roof. In the middle was a temple and several structures that had Greek, Latin and a language I did not recognize. I took about 80 pictures and then turned to make my way out. Not far from the entrance I was nailed by a rattlesnake that I did not see. The venom must have been pretty powerful because I passed out in a few minutes.
All I remember after that was someone injected I think anti-venom into my shoulder and then just flashes of being in a helicopter. I woke in a hospital and two gentlemen who I guess had saved my life visited me and we spoke a while and they left my camera with me and just admonished me and left the pictures because they said someone as stupid as me they would trust.
I developed a relationship with the pilot and from time to time we would get together and hike __________ and the area around __________. We returned to the temple site and from what he shared with me that this at one time was a massive gold and silver depository.
Recently on a trip to __________ I visited the temple and right there on a rock chair was a letter addressed to me. My friend had written to say that they had now in their possession information that would protect several other sites they protected and they would not be around that much any more."
After his discussions with me he became concerned and more of his story occurred. Let's continue:
"I have a friend with ___________ in Washington who knows I am a serious person. I spoke with him and faxed him a number of pictures. He just called me and they are flying out two folks who I will meet with on Sunday and take them to the site. I was really surprised how they urgently wanted to get control of the site. I will keep you in the loop and thanks for all the help."
Later: "Just some stuff I read up on after my experience at ___________. Once I had a chance to work the symbols in the structure the story they tell is phenomenal. It gives you an understanding of why __________came here to begin with. In their language I could only recognize one word, Atlantis. The Greek and Latin is pretty easy to follow. The language of _______ is really hard to figure out but in a strange sense it is beautiful. Most of their sentences seem like a song. Hard to explain. Pretty crazy stuff. One of the reasons I have kept quiet for such a long time about all this is besides giving my word to the folks that saved my life is that stuff like this can cause a lot of trouble for someone like me. I am a retired Geologist. My friend from Washington called last night. He said they are bringing a small __________contingent to guard the site. He said my pictures have caused quite a stir. I hope I did the right thing. This is all getting a bit strange."
Later: "This is getting stranger and stranger. I just got a call at home from a ________agent. I was asked to stop communicating about this until they take control of the site. How do they know? I agreed. I will let you know how all this goes."
Later: "What an incredible weekend. We got to the site early Sunday morning before dawn. The helicopter ride was mind blowing. There were about 20 _________people including a number that were armed. Once we entered the site they set up monitoring stations in several places outside and have two men monitor the area from the main cavern. I underwent a lot of questioning about the people I met and my knowledge of the site. I am not sure they believed me. They seem to be making a real effort to track down who was involved in all of this. I told them I never got their real names and that I thought they were from ________. One of the scientists told me after studying the site for several hours that on the surface it appears that this is the first confirmed proof of Atlantis in recorded history. The _______ came here for some reason. How __________knew about this place they are going to try to figure out. I told those jokers that they could not do too much in the open. Helicopters all over the place. What did they expect. Just the other night they woke me up, flew me up there and wanted to know if the stuff they had was most of what was in there. Told them I did not know. Hell they blew a damn hole in the ceiling, dropped cables down and flew stuff out during the night in the biggest helicopter I had ever seen. I am afraid this place will never see the light of day at least not in our lifetimes."
Later: "I am OK but this is getting on my nerves. I have answered their questions on several occasions but they still keep on me. I am beginning to feel like a damn criminal. What ever they have found in there has really shook them up. There seems to be some kind of ________application to what __________were up to. And no one will talk to me. A few days ago a couple of hikers were near the site. I was in there answering what I could. The hikers got too close and were taken somewhere for questioning. These guys are hiding in rocks like Apaches. I am afraid these people just make people disappear if needed. Hopefully, in a few days this crap with my house will end soon and I can sneak out for a meal."
Later: "This is getting strange. Why these folks are still parked outside my house is getting on my nerves. What in the world did they find in there that has them so scared."
This happened several years ago and was related to me. I've heard nothing about it since. You can believe it or don't. NP