Found this information online, but it can be checked against what Plato wrote:
"So it was ordained that each such leader should provide for war the sixth part of a war-chariots equipment, so as to make up 10,000 chariots in all, together with two horses and mounted men; [119b] also a pair of horses without a car, and attached thereto a combatant with a small shield and for charioteer the rider who springs from horse to horse; and two hoplites; and archers and slingers, two of each; and light-armed slingers and javelin-men, three of each; and four sailors towards the manning of twelve hundred ships."
So just how big was this army of Atlantis?
Let's see... 60,000 allotments with 1 x leader = 60,000 leaders providing
10,000 chariots
20,000 horses with
20,000 mounted men
20,000 horses without car
10,000 combatants with small shield
10,000 charioteers being riders who spring from horse to horse
hoplites (There were no hoplites before the seventh or eighth century).
120,000 archers
120,000 slingers
180,000 light armed slingers
180,000 javelin-men
240,000 sailors
1200 ships, each crew was therefore 200 sailors, correct for a trireme.
That comes to a force of
10,000 combatants mounted on chariots,
10,000 drivers
20,000 cavalry
720,000 soldiers
240,000 sailors
Making total military personnel of 1,000,000 men. (assuming the leaders in the allotments stayed at home!)
And that was only supposedly one of the 10 kingdoms of Atlantis, "Such then were the military dispositions of the royal City; and those of the other nine varied in various ways, which it would take a long time to tell."
I believe we can all agree that the above was not possible in 10-12000 BC.

Also, there were no such countries as Egypt or Athens in that era.
Small tribes seems like a bit of a stretch from Plato's story, but
I would not take any of the above numbers to the bank, without first double checking them. I have not checked the above "facts" or figures, so they could be out of line. That's what you get when I'm at the store.
Take care,