[Quote from: cactusjumper on Yesterday at 03:33:36 PM
<I wrote earlier>
<snip>I would think that some 14,000 plus years ought to have been plenty of time, especially with a population boom, the beginnings of agriculture and even some evidence of trade across long distances."
Sure it's enough time. Where is the evidence to support Plato's vision of Atlantis.
Didn't I answer this earlier? I believe I pointed out that the evidence has not been found, and very probably with the excellent reason that it is under a lot of water. More on this in a moment.
Cactusjumper also wrote
Is Dolni Vestonice your best evidence that the story of Atlantis could be true?
Is that what I said? I said it is proof that man was making advances toward civilization FAR earlier than what is commonly supposed, and that to propose that mankind (in general) was at that level circa 26000 years ago, then went for 14000 plus years without making advances is a poor proposition. I did not say that Dolni Vestonici IS direct evidence of Atlantis at all, nor wish to give that impression.
Cactusjumper also wrote
The span of time is sufficient, but where is the evidence that the advance to reach the Atlantis level was ever anyone? Was any other culture using chariots or horses for racing in 10,000 BC?
I would point out here that it is YOU that insists we have Plato's Atlantis absolutely literally, or in the aborted Minoan version of many thousands of years later. I do not propose that Atlantis had chariots, advanced plumbing nor triremes, and believe that the real story of an Ice Age Atlantis would hardly be recognizable to such anachronistic ideas. Remember that Plutarch accused Plato of embellishing, but not inventing, the story of Atlantis? There are other ancient sources which tend to confirm the basics of Plato's story but you do not see any vast temple networks with giant canals, fleets of triremes, chariots or hot and cold running water in those other sources.
If you were to put together those other sources, leaving out what appears to be very anachronistic in Plato's Critias, you still have an Ice Age civilization; probably built of adobe bricks but certainly capable of being beautiful, navigating the waters and other points. There are clear evidences in the surrounding areas that some people were obviously not living in caves which I thought we covered earlier. Not that Jericho or Gobekli Tepe or the Qadan culture or the cattle herders of the grassy Sahara ARE Atlantis, but that they are the neighbors. To expect to find chariots and triremes, we might as well look for Cayce's magic power crystals and Atlantian flying machines while we are at it. A simile would be if we were to start hunting the relics of Victorian England for the time machine mentioned by HG Wells - we know that did not exist, but London certainly did. Let us not hobble ourselves with an impossible or extremely unlikely set of prerequisites. Then again, who knows? Maybe an actual Atlantian tomb will be unearthed, and be found to contain the very anachronisms mentioned, tomorrow? I will not say it is utterly impossible.
As to that issue about the Minoans first boats (or ships, depending on how you define that term) has it not occurred to you that if they had no large boats, how did the original colonists arriving circa 7000 BC manage to get there, and to bring along sheep, goats, pigs and cattle? They could not walk there. dontknow
Last point Joe but as I have said to you before, if we are to seek the literal, exact Atlantis described by Plato in both Timaeus and Critias with all the anachronisms in the second source, I would be the first to say that it almost certainly did not exist. I do think that some of the direct evidence has been coming to light in the last few years especially, off the coasts of Europe of a real Ice Age civilization that was the real Atlantis.]
As I also said, kinda, once you veer off the path of Plato's account, there is not much left but maybe, what if and it could be.
Before it's destruction, Atlantis had a great war with Egypt and Athens.......among others. Can you tell me what kind of armies those two nations could field in 10,000 BC? The answer is the first point where we have to start doubting the truth of Plato's entire story, as it is the beginning.
If you have to discount the era of Atlantis, how far do you move it into the future? In order to bring all the other details into a time where all the stars to speak, I believe those who place the story into the time of Thera and Crete and the events that overtook those two islands are closest to the truth.
In other words, no Atlantis......but something else. I believe that is what your own posts are saying.
Take care,