AT Gold vs Equinox 800

sorry but product bashing is very disrespectful and doesnt help any hobby...

sure the EQ might be better as it should be since it came out after the AT series....

Lets see more hunting and less product bashing... can I get an amen!!

Comparing 2 detectors to see how each performs === product bashing??? Give me a break... To be honest if it wasn't for videos like this we would all be stuck taking the manufacturers word for it... I choose not to do that .

Yes, to each his or her own. I have been very, very successful with whatever detector I have ever used. I've detected since the 80's. The most underused machine I owned was a White's TDI. It worked very well, but I just used it for the horrid Virginia red dirt, but didn't need it so sold it. I have owned all of the major brands with the exception of the new Makro series. They are of some interest to me, but I just don't need another machine at this time.

I know so many seasoned.....and very successful detectorists it isn't even funny. I don't go out and pee pee measure over finds or gloat. I have pride in the finds because I put a lot of time and effort into the hobby. It's nice to know you're using a machine that can hold it's own against most others.

Main reason being is that it ISN'T the 80's anymore when you could trip over silver coins at the old parks. It's getting more and more challenging everyday to find the goodies at old cellars or parks. I respect everyones knowledge and experience on here but sometimes a little humility goes a long way.

sorry but product bashing is very disrespectful and doesnt help any hobby...

sure the EQ might be better as it should be since it came out after the AT series....

Lets see more hunting and less product bashing... can I get an amen!!

I just don't understand why you would want to be in the head to head section if you don't want to hear peoples opinion...

Why do people take this so personal?

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I know so many seasoned.....and very successful detectorists it isn't even funny. I don't go out and pee pee measure over finds or gloat. I have pride in the finds because I put a lot of time and effort into the hobby. It's nice to know you're using a machine that can hold it's own against most others.

Main reason being is that it ISN'T the 80's anymore when you could trip over silver coins at the old parks. It's getting more and more challenging everyday to find the goodies at old cellars or parks. I respect everyones knowledge and experience on here but sometimes a little humility goes a long way.

I just understand why you would want to be in the head to head section if you don't want to hear peoples opinion...

Why do people take this so personal?

Good point didnt notice what section it was in, i always just click on new post...
I was a semi pro racer for meany years and have seen first hand what product bashing can do, maybe i was out of line here since this is a differnt hobby
sorry for my opinion and taking things SO personal...:BangHead:

Good point didnt notice what section it was in, i always just click on new post...
I was a semi pro racer for meany years and have seen first hand what product bashing can do, maybe i was out of line here since this is a differnt hobby
sorry for my opinion and taking things SO personal...:BangHead:


I gotta say i didnt expect this kind of action on a comparison thread but im grateful for all of it. I've been detecting for a while now and wish i knew about this place when i started. Ive used bounty hunter, whites, garrett, and now minelab and if I'd a known tnet existed before i would have saved a lot of time and money. There are some really good insights in this thread and like calabash said eairler just watch the finds change. I actually have an Instagram page strictly for my finds. Its "the_wandering_fools_treasures" i have been posting my finds with the AT Gold for a while. Lets see the new posts with the Equinox 800. Only time will tell. Thanks again guys.

I’ve owned 3 AT Pros and found some really good stuff with them, from 14K gold rings (3) and some old artifacts, one example was a late 1800s Four Roses Whiskey Tin Cup. The AT Pro was my first detector.
Whether I liked and enjoyed my AT Pro or not when I bought the Equinox 800, I knew enough about detecting that the learning curve has been very short. The Nox’s ergonomics was an improvement over the AT Pro for me as the AT’s were a bit nose heavy for me. That is why I kept the 5x8” coil on it all the time. Great coil by the way!

I was an early adopter of the Equinox so I had no videos or folks thoughts on the Equinox’s performance, balance and weight while using it. I took a chance on it because I had just sold my Excal and was really missing the Minelab experience.
I only hunt the Beach so I thought the Equinox would be a great replacement for the Excal that I had sold.
Turns out it has been my favorite beach and shallow water (very shallow, lol!) detector.
So I had some great finds with the atp and some gold, silver and coins as well as bottle caps, pulltabs and foil with the 800.
I guess I’m a fan boy for detecting in general and just stoked I can still get out there on occasion and do what I love.
Best of luck to everyone no matter what they swing!

I know people who used Harbor freight 9 function detectors and found great stuff. Had they used a better machine they probably would have found even more!

One day, hopefully soon, an AT detector will find at least one piece of metal in the ground. There are 1000's of AT detectors out there and the owners of said detectors must be wondering if they'll ever find anything.

Kajunoutlaw, if you look at the "banners" above, the Confederate plate on the far left was found with an AT Pro recently. I was standing 10' away when it was found. Soooo...that question is answered. I also did well but we were really working a small part of a field and it was on "his" side.

One thing of note, I don't waste my time in overly hunted parks. You do need an "edge" there, if you can ever get one, but, again, until technology changes again, that "edge" will disappear in a few hours as other people with "your" machine have already hit it. I noticed about 5 new Equinox's in my MD club in the same park(s). The "edge" is now history.

It's location, location, location. I was looking at three new properties just today. Guys, just get away from the computer and go dig. My next dig is in about 36 hours. Then another flight to dig, then a beach, then another flight, then the ground will be warm here. It tried to thaw today. Didn't quite make it past 2" deep though. There are days I wish I could find a machine that would really show me something, but for now that day has come and gone.

Did you post that from your Deus?.....or a computer?

It's dark here. I don't dig after dark. Mountain lions and bobcats live in the woods here. Plus I'm saving myself for Saturday for a group dig at a CW site. And for the next silver bird adventure.

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Smokey says that about the AT PRO as she charges her Deus for the hunt.....:laughing7: Love ya smokey!

The Deus is fully charged.:tongue3: Remember, when I first saw the thing I thought it was a joke, and the price a laugh. Wrong. I owned an AT Pro. It was a decent machine, but I couldn't get used to it and sold it. I owned a 600. It was a decent machine, but this old cat is getting old(er) and it hurt my wrist, and since I already had a very light weight machine, didn't need it and sold it. I decided last year not to do water anymore. I've seen too many folks come out of the water here and head right to an ambulance. Some folks do ok here in the water, but I think they're a lot younger and have someone to go out there with them. I've owned most major brands, but dang it, can only use 1 machine at a time. I need to get that fixed. I also can abide a stable of machines. I'm quite satisfied with what I have found both with my White's (old ones), Tesoros and Deus. These are the three brands I have owned the most of.

Now to get it straight, I just pointed out to kajunoutlaw the AT Pros can find good stuff. It is not wise to do the "my machine is better than your machine" thing.

It's a waste of time. Plus wait one year or so and most of what we have will be obsolete. These manufacturers are really working to outdo the competition.

That 2 lbs is a dream to swing ...I pick up a 4 lb detector and it feels like a cement block now.

One day, hopefully soon, an AT detector will find at least one piece of metal in the ground. There are 1000's of AT detectors out there and the owners of said detectors must be wondering if they'll ever find anything.
Then why do you have an At Max on your profile. Wow ya cant make this stuff up Really jeeeeze o weeeeze look at the garrett forum we all have tools we use foe hunting Ive found tons of silver gold relics with my at I sold some gold tp pay for a 1300 water heater and still have some left. Im happy with it.. I use other machines as well also the lighted screen helps at night when thats mostly the time I have to hunt. paying for kids in College and all gotta work all the time.Glad you got the 800 and love all the finds youve posted Its about having fun and the cool stuff we find and hope to find. Happy hunting all. Tommy

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Calabash, I'll have to take a pic of my finds like you did. But they are scattered everywhere. I put them in riker mounts and label them by location.

Plus it might make some folks just plain sick!

Like eating two bowls of cereal back to back.

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I already know you got some great ones. I put mine up there to let all the people know who are trying to school me on how to hunt iron that I already got it figured

Then why do you have an At Max on your profile. Wow ya cant make this stuff up Really jeeeeze o weeeeze look at the garrett forum we all have tools we use foe hunting Ive found tons of silver gold relics with my at I sold some gold tp pay for a 1300 water heater and still have some left. Im happy with it.. I use other machines as well also the lighted screen helps at night when thats mostly the time I have to hunt. paying for kids in College and all gotta work all the time.Glad you got the 800 and love all the finds youve posted Its about having fun and the cool stuff we find and hope to find. Happy hunting all. Tommy

I think he was joking, at least that's how I took it especially when I saw he had a Max listed on his profile lol.

To the OP: AT Gold vs NOX 800? I own the Gold and the NOX came out after I got it. Had the NOX been out when I was in the market I would have spent the extra money and got it. It is newer, better technology and made by a company with a great reputation in the industry.

I had an at gold I picked it up on a good deal. It isn’t nearly the machine my equinox 800 is. Not even remotely here on the treasure coast

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