Honestly, you can't openly compare "any" unit against another, their all specialist designs to keep you buying a new detector. You can compare a general function like a prospecting mode or a relics mode or even same units going head to head in single frequency modes using different single frequencies. My first response was to say "Yes" you can compare an AT-Gold to an Equinox 800 and they compare similar in function, but only in "gold prospecting mode" but the AT-Gold is a budgeted "Gold" machine, its primary design was not relic hunting, its an added marketing option that its higher frequency 18 kHz is able to hit smaller targets easier than say a 7.5 kHz machine, so just like the Fisher F-19 or the Teknetics G2 (both rebranded Goldbug machines) it was given the do all moniker, which was really goofy considering Garrett already had the AT-Pro rolling in popularity. Regardless if you hate Garrett's AT series or not, its the machines that caused the industry to make sure water proofing was an almost standard option. The At Max to me is the blending of the pro and gold models then adding the new wireless technology.
New models are in the works for both Garrett and First Texas products but let us first hope they both don't go the way of Tessoro, many people who worked hard to make the toys we use were laid off these last few years so we need to support our locally made items for our sport, weather its a shovel, boots or a machine. Now it cost money to design a completely new detector and the fact that a 20 year old MXT design can still compete in 2019 should tell you how difficult it is to make an even more amazing machine, and in those 20 years the best we get is multi frequency, faster recovery speed and water proofing, (Something we started to see some 25 years ago) Wireless technology both on the coil and in the headphones is the latest break through on the retail release side anyway. More depth has constrains both from the science and physics placed on the process of VLF machines. Anyway, most who know me here know I don't wade into the compare units pool because of what I do, the arguments will continue and I'm a lover not a fighter,,,,lol
Good Luck!
Stay Gold!
Regarding the quote in bold above - Agree, Garrett got the industry moving in the right direction that there is no reason why machines shouldn't be waterproof. ML took it to the next level to show that a water machine needn't weigh a ton. I think the AT Gold was the pinnacle machine for Garrett in terms of putting a decent relic machine out there (gold and brass and lead are all mid-conductors) and was a sweet spot at 18 khz. I think 20 to 30 khz is ideal for relic hunting. 8 to 14 for Coin Shooting.
What is holding Garrett back is they took the wrong approach with the AT Max, and frankly a step sideways at best and probably, actually a step back. Specifically, they should have at least made the Max a waterproof switchable multi-frequency machine a la Nokta/Makro Anfibio/Multi-Kruzer with perhaps an increase or allowance for semi-adjustable recovery - don't even mess with the familiar AT series tones. No significant technology investment really necessary (it wasn't like they were trying to put Multi IQ out there or anything). Just put a WP detector out there where you can switch from the AT Max (13.6 KHZ or lower, say 8 khz)) to the AT Pro (15 khz) to the AT Gold (18 khz) frequency and call that the Max and they would have had something competitive.
Instead, with the Max they marginally lowered frequency and upped the gain (which at a lower frequency increased susceptibility to EMI and chattiness) and added some wireless bells and whistles and came out with a slightly warmed over and more chatty AT Pro, then released it right when the Equinox announcement was made, and shortly thereafter, the Makro Multi Kruzer announcement - talk about taking the wind out of your sails.
Garrett could have done better if they were looking outward instead of inward and surveyed what was going on out in Europe as well as the US. Instead, they relied on their loyal customer base to call the shots ("we want a deeper AT Pro") rather than thinking outside the box to give their base something they didn't even know they wanted and that was more capable. Forgetting about technology for a second, ML decided to make the bold move of aggressively going for the mid-range detector market, so they not only introduced some new tech (Multi IQ) but they also aggressively slashed cost and prices to to gain a market foothold, even putting their high end detector offerings like the eTrac, CTX 3030 and Excalibur series in peril. (why should I get a CTX when the Equinox is cheaper, faster, lighter, and perhaps just as deep). Garrett did nothing of the sort. Warmed over the AT Pro and offered it at a higher price point. Then released it at the worst time possible. Ugh.
Believe me, if you could somehow take the functionality of the
SINGLE BUT SWITCHABLE 3 TO 5 FREQUENCY Equinox (i.e., forget about MultiIQ which is proprietary) and wrapped it in that wrist breaking AT series package, the Garret fanboys would hardly be able to keep from wetting themselves on their "revolutionary" detector. It would be a couple steps more capable than the max, yet still lag the Equinox in functionality, but it would at least be competitive and it would be great to have a US company out there trying to do something the French, Turkish, and Australian companies are doing. At least that's the way I look at it. I really hope Garrett, Fisher, or Whites can step up their game but it is looking increasing likely, that the overseas manufacturers are getting the upper hand, and, in the end that is bad for the detecting community if we start losing US brand choices. Those US brand manufacturers need to step it up, but they may already be in hospice care.