AT Gold vs Equinox 800

Really the best thing to do is not takes somebody's word for it. Don't put too much faith in those comparison videos because you don't know if the guy is swinging it properly in the video. I saw one of his think it was the AT Pro and I said he wasn't swinging it properly. Try both and see which one suits you best. I haven't used the Minelab but I would expect that being newer it ought to be better. I've heard some people complain they take a while to learn. But same with the AT Gold All Metal. Most people are afraid of the AM. If you don't learn it you are losing out. Clive Clynick has books. His Gold Jewelry one is pretty good. Clive said most of his best finds were made in All Metal going behind where others had been in Discriminate mode.

SWINGING IT PROPERLY.. that's almost comical....

Yeah, nice sharp, quick sweeps, not wandering around slowly. It's best to make a bit wider swing to take in some of the ground on each side of the target if you can. When you just hover over the target it does not work as well--unless you are in pinpoint mode. Pretty sneaky though. LOL

I didn't bother to view this one because of what i saw before on the AT Pro, didn't feel like getting upset over it. LOL The AT Gold is nice for the price, and easy enough to use. And I think it's better than the comparable Minelabs what is it X-Terra or something. Single frequency hits a lot of tiny targets and some coin hunters would not like that. A bit noisy so it helps if you know how to use the controls.

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Sushi, I believe my comments may have been taken out of text. I'm not claiming one over the other and I'm not referencing brands. In the end its impossible to compare items with over a ten year gap in design and technologies. You can compare them in their most relative comparisons and that is what I was referencing. I will make a reference outside our sport/hobby. A 1965 muscle car has more "in common" than not in common with a 2019 updated version. But in the end the newer design takes advantage of the refined design newer electronics and computer science to help it meet its mark. It was the initial design however and the rival designs of the competition that made the first design relative in the first place.

Lol,,,,ok I get it. No I was not saying the AT Pro was the same as the 800 Eq I was saying the difference in the AT Gold and AT Pro in comparison to the 800 & 600 Eq is the same "Huge" gap in technology! As I was stating you can compare the science of detecting but not the technology. And the AT Pro is not the most over-rated detector it is the most over "saturated" detector. Huge difference there too! Garrett made sure that thing has been everywhere, I'm surprised it wasn't featured on a Game of Thrones episode somehow, its on every other show or cable channel out there. But hate it or not its still a good detector. I do still stand by my original statement that while its a blessing the 800 & 600 are water proof, the shaft/handle does feel flimsy fully submerged. (I would use caution fully submerged)
Good Luck!
Stay Gold!

Yeah, nice sharp, quick sweeps, not wandering around slowly. It's best to make a bit wider swing to take in some of the ground on each side of the target if you can. When you just hover over the target it does not work as well--unless you are in pinpoint mode. Pretty sneaky though. LOL

I didn't bother to view this one because of what i saw before on the AT Pro, didn't feel like getting upset over it. LOL The AT Gold is nice for the price, and easy enough to use. And I think it's better than the comparable Minelabs what is it X-Terra or something. Single frequency hits a lot of tiny targets and some coin hunters would not like that. A bit noisy so it helps if you know how to use the controls.

Yeah trying to deceive people when the swing on the AT GOLD... comical.....:laughing9::notworthy: BTW I got a NEW video coming up PLEASE watch it and comment...thanks ahead of time.

Yeah, nice sharp, quick sweeps, not wandering around slowly. It's best to make a bit wider swing to take in some of the ground on each side of the target if you can. When you just hover over the target it does not work as well--unless you are in pinpoint mode. Pretty sneaky though. LOL

I didn't bother to view this one because of what i saw before on the AT Pro, didn't feel like getting upset over it. LOL The AT Gold is nice for the price, and easy enough to use. And I think it's better than the comparable Minelabs what is it X-Terra or something. Single frequency hits a lot of tiny targets and some coin hunters would not like that. A bit noisy so it helps if you know how to use the controls.

This video is one you should check out and comment on . I hope the swing meets your standards.

The last video is again, another eye opener. A fella at the detecting club asked me about buying my AT Pro, I did not want to sell it, (I still have every detector I've ever bought) instead I loaned it to him to work with for a month or so with both coils, but I did tell him, for around the same price point, to really look into the EQ 600, way more machine in every way. I'll see him in about two weeks, and will hear his thoughts. Again, I will recommend the EQ, as it will cover any type of hunting he might do. Whatever he decides is his choice, I'm just stating what I believe is fact. I still like my Safari, or did, because I have not used it since buying the 800 last year. Another good and fair video calabash, as always.

Sell the garrett, they are garbage once you use a good machine OP.

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Alright everyone thanks for the advice. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Equinox 800. Cant wait to get this machine into the wild. Thanks again

Calabash you even say you are sponsored by companies to promote machines people are very gullable people who still dont know how to get out of park mode and say how much better there machine is when many dont even know how to use it lol The funny part is it will take a year to 2 yesrs to learn to operate I have threshold notch out iron discrim can change frequencies there are so many festures and easy to use the 800 is great too but if you dont learn how to use it most machines will be moe funtional in alot of scenerios like a caddilac if you dont know how to shift or use the pwer windows ot the a/c a pinto would be a better car in most cases lol

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Ask any of these people whats the difference between multi and single frequency is how ground mineralization effects your hunting what the halo effect means I have both and know how to use them alot of hype about the eq they are both great machines I like the pro better for target seperation both will pick up most targets if the coil is over it 800 will take people a long time to learn the shaft is wobbly I dont like the long ice cream cone control box plus garret stands behind there products like no one else that matters I would love to do a side by side with the 800 lol

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You can defend the garrets all you want BUT they are lacking in the iron hunting department. Your assessment of the learning curve on the Equinox is flawed. IMO I dont care about the customer service either , I care about pulling targets from the iron. You need to spend some more time with the Equinox and maybe then you will see the light....:tongue3: You said you like the pro better for target separation....That's funny...did you see the video???? :laughing7:

Calabash you even say you are sponsored by companies to promote machines people are very gullable people who still dont know how to get out of park mode and say how much better there machine is when many dont even know how to use it lol The funny part is it will take a year to 2 yesrs to learn to operate I have threshold notch out iron discrim can change frequencies there are so many festures and easy to use the 800 is great too but if you dont learn how to use it most machines will be moe funtional in alot of scenerios like a caddilac if you dont know how to shift or use the pwer windows ot the a/c a pinto would be a better car in most cases lol

A couple things here I NEVER said I was sponsored by companies to promote machines...…. The other thing is your trying to tell folks it will take them a year to two years to learn a machine and you dont know how long it will take someone to learn a machine as we all learn at different rates. The learning curve on the Equinox is easy if you do your homework and practice with it. BTW NOTICE I have 4 different brands in my video . I see you only defending the one...who is more likely to be the fan boy folks???

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One question A2 coins?? Do you hunt pre 1860s iron loaded relic sites all the time??? If not why are you over trying to disprove what I say about a machine and its iron hunting capabilities? We live in the iron and pull good relics from it on a regular basis.. I know how to hunt iron and I know what machines are good in it and have the relics from it to prove it. Please do show us a video of your AT MAX smoking the Equinox in the separation department. I will be waiting and for kicks run it with the iron audio on...:laughing9:

One I dont use iron audio only if I get an iffy signal and want to see if its iron iron is loud and clear I use notch out do you promote machines for different brands yes or no? I do respect you as a very knowledgable detectorist I like to use different machines depending where I am the deus is a great iron machine the anfibio is a little deeper and easier to use than the 800 most people if they dont learn thier machines would be better off with a radio shack model.but dont know it I do lean more towards garrett I agree I like how straight forward it is and learn every machine has good and bad. I hunt around iron alot by the huron river thats not an easy way its true most machines will take alot of hours to learn and minelab is right ip there . Alot of people even after 2 to 3 years dont even understand alot of the basics on thier machines I like to defend my machine I know well how to use it. Good post Calabash I liked your recent finds you posted. Keep it up my friend. Tommy I also have lots of great relics and coins ect HH

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Can you guys put the fight on freeze frame for a few while I get some ice cream?

As we all know, the BEST MACHINE FOR DETECTING is a shovel.

Sorry, couldn't help it!

For you Smokey sure No fighting I like Calabash hes a good guy . We all have our machines tools methods and I respect the people that can stand up for what they believe. In the Military some swear by the m 16 others a 9mm side arm some a knife ect ect its just as much the person place and situation thats right for that person

freeze frame....:laughing9:

I promote machines that excel in what I do .I am not sponsored by any company and if I was I would only be swinging that brand BECAUSE that is how that deal works. Hence notice the hoover boys.... I was offered by a guy on a hunt to promote garrett and I respectively declined....told him I already owned the best.

Alright everyone thanks for the advice. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Equinox 800. Cant wait to get this machine into the wild. Thanks again

You will love it.

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