Arrogance, Hypocrisy or Tyranny

If it's the will of the people, then let's VOTE and repeal it. Oh ... wait, they tried that 40 times.

Or how about this. Give it a try for a few years. If it's a bad as everyone says it will be, then vote and repeal it. At least then people would be working on EVIDENCE rather than ASSUMPTION.

Easy peezy. And wouldn't that just stick in those horrible Democrats' craw?

But no ... the House Republicans would rather watch the nation burn than the off-chance Obamacare does something good for the poor.
It isn't about doing something for the poor. It's about "where's the money going to come from?". We can't even guarantee SS down the road, how can we afford free healthcare for the poor? We're already borrowing, or printing about 40% of every Federal dollar spent. Now we add more freebies. Pretty soon, nobody will reason to. Taxes and insurance premiums will eat it all. Better to just kick back, and go fishing. And, once it's in place, there's no way it will ever be undone. Once people become accustomed to something, it's impossible to take it away.

It isn't about doing something for the poor. It's about "where's the money going to come from?". We can't even guarantee SS down the road, how can we afford free healthcare for the poor? We're already borrowing, or printing about 40% of every Federal dollar spent. Now we add more freebies. Pretty soon, nobody will reason to. Taxes and insurance premiums will eat it all. Better to just kick back, and go fishing. And, once it's in place, there's no way it will ever be undone. Once people become accustomed to something, it's impossible to take it away.

You're right, we shouldn't have a federal retirement program. It should be returned to the insurance program that it was.

And you're right, we are spending way too much money, mostly on defense. If we stop with this silly military industrial complex we'd have plenty of money for worthy causes, like poor people.

And any assumption that the poor are lazy ... well, I already addressed that with Dave44. It's just a myth. Very low correlation. Even basic sociological research will reveal the that.

The point is this: Obamacare was both passed and deemed constitutional. The House republicans refuse to give way for a law that was passed. They do need to cut the budget, I AGREE. But it doesn't have to start with Obamacare. Could it? Sure! Democrats have stopped that, though. Why not offer some defense cuts? Oh ... it's because they're unwilling to negotiate. The very accusation that started this thread.

T.H. Any truth to the rumor that his dog handler gest 100,000.00 a year
plus perks?

BO closes down anything that hurts the American people, but his wife's stupid website is still on line. He took amber alert off line but kept his wife's website play toy on line.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

The federal "Amber Alert website" was indeed taken down by gov, it was restored after the public uproar over it being down.

Each state and county runs its own amber alert that reports missing children, those were not down because they are ran by state and local gov not the feds....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I am wondering if many, many post makes anyone right............. sounds liberal when one repeats the same things over and over until they believe it.

I pledge allegiance, to the Flag, of The United States of America. and to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands, one Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.

( not just the majority )

You're right, we shouldn't have a federal retirement program. It should be returned to the insurance program that it was.

And you're right, we are spending way too much money, mostly on defense. If we stop with this silly military industrial complex we'd have plenty of money for worthy causes, like poor people.

And any assumption that the poor are lazy ... well, I already addressed that with Dave44. It's just a myth. Very low correlation. Even basic sociological research will reveal the that.

The point is this: Obamacare was both passed and deemed constitutional. The House republicans refuse to give way for a law that was passed. They do need to cut the budget, I AGREE. But it doesn't have to start with Obamacare. Could it? Sure! Democrats have stopped that, though. Why not offer some defense cuts? Oh ... it's because they're unwilling to negotiate. The very accusation that started this thread.

I guess you are going to have to show me where you addressed the poor being lazy thing?
The law was passed by crooked politics, it was found constitutional by changing alot of the original argument, that should not have been allowed. Kathleen Sebelious still claims it is a penalty, not a tax.
It appears you are not up to date on American affairs,, especially with the Amber Alert retort. How long have you been out of the country?

I get a kick out of BO saying I am perfectly willing to have a conversation,, after they do everything I want.
By the way, Why are the Democrats trying to make kids with cancer suffer so?

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Backlash: Obama’s Approval Rating Collapses to Just 37%…

A few weeks ago, we reported that Obama’s approval fell to 39%. That was one of the first polls showing it had fallen that low. Now, the Associated Press is reporting that his approval rating has fallen even lower, down to just 37%.

It’s clear that Americans are sick and tired of spiteful, destructive policies intentionally designed to hurt as many people as possible. Over the last week, Obama has essnetially tried to even take on WWII vets at the WWII memorial and Vietnam vets at the Vietnam memorial. Bad call.

Still, there’s more room to fall. Obama’s approval rating is already lower now than Bush’s was at this point in his presidency. That means by pretty much every standard, Obama is hated more than Bush — even the media can’t change this.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

You're right, we shouldn't have a federal retirement program. It should be returned to the insurance program that it was.

And you're right, we are spending way too much money, mostly on defense. If we stop with this silly military industrial complex we'd have plenty of money for worthy causes, like poor people.

And any assumption that the poor are lazy ... well, I already addressed that with Dave44. It's just a myth. Very low correlation. Even basic sociological research will reveal the that.

The point is this: Obamacare was both passed and deemed constitutional. The House republicans refuse to give way for a law that was passed. They do need to cut the budget, I AGREE. But it doesn't have to start with Obamacare. Could it? Sure! Democrats have stopped that, though. Why not offer some defense cuts? Oh ... it's because they're unwilling to negotiate. The very accusation that started this thread.
Actually there have already been some fairly large cuts in the defense budget, due to sequestration. And, it's much easier to stop a program that hasn't yet been started, than to cut the ones already in place. The first thing we should do is STOP offering new freebies....period. Obanacare was offered when people weren't even asking for it. That's why they had to do all the shenanigans to get it passed, even with majority control of the entire government.

I'm in favor of a national negotiative power for health care. I'm not a particular fan of how Obamacare was done. The fact is, however, that IT IS LAW. To refuse to fund it is hostage-taking.

Any argument of the it's-hard-to-get-rid-of-a-program-once-it's-in-place variety is fear mongering and avoids the point: it IS in place. It's there. If you're so convinced it will fail, then let it. It'll disappear fast enough. Destroying the economy by default (double entendre intended) rather than enduring SPECULATIVE problems arising through Obamacare is irrational. It's illogical. It's reckless. And as I said before, the thinking is VERY similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood here in Egypt.

FYI: I wasn't satisfied with Obama's first term, and didn't vote for Obama's second. (That ought to continue to blow Dave44's mind.) I'm not surprised if his approval rating is at 37%. I'm also not shocked that the GOP's approval rating is the lowest since the Gallup Poll started: a whopping 28% (yes, a full 9 points lower than the president and 10 points lower than last month). So you have a point of comparison, the Dems are down 4 points from last month to 43%.

As TH accurately says:

It’s clear that Americans are sick and tired of spiteful, destructive policies intentionally designed to hurt as many people as possible.

I'm an independent. I'm a moderate. What you all don't see is me retorting to the Liberal propaganda on facebook, which I do often. I'd probably retort here, too, but the TNET regime has lopsidedly given no place for that voice except in reaction to the many "2nd Amendment" posts.

The fact that so many put FULL blame on a single party is absolutely ridiculous. I blame both. Insofar as Obamacare is LAW, it is the responsibility of the House to figure out the funding, not ruin the economy in some last-ditch, hail-mary, ideological opposition.

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a decent read notices that "UNION", "CONFEDERATION"," GOVERNMENT"...are the favorite terms of our founding personnel...not one mention of a hurts huh?

Not sure why you still can't seem to find where our Constitution says we are a Republic......Maybe this will help.. Article 4, Section 4

United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4

"the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4).

Note it does not say a republican party, it says a REPUBLICAN form of government:......... A Republic......

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You do realize, ammo, that the House controls the money? The House decides funding. Not you or me. Your opinions about how you perceive this maneuver are not based in reality. Your moderate claims while claiming the Republicans are terrorists do not hold water either.

As I have stated, I am a liberal,, You are extremely left of me.

Pippin, I like you, bud, but I'd probably let the "republic" thing go.

Dave44's a liberal! Ha ha ahahahhaaa! Good one!

You do realize, ammo, that the House controls the money? The House decides funding. Not you or me.

Of course the House holds the purse strings. Then the responsibility for the shutdown is entirely in the hands of the House.

Oh ... wait. That's not right. Or is it?

Of course the House holds the purse strings. Then the responsibility for the shutdown is entirely in the hands of the House.

Oh ... wait. That's not right. Or is it?
Again,, the House fully funded every wish of the king, except the BOcare Corporation. Seems like with a fully funded government there shouldn't be a shutdown?

You said "except" and "fully funded" in the same post. So ... why not try cutting expenses elsewhere? Oh, it's because they, too, are not negotiating. The ball is in the House's court.

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