Arrogance, Hypocrisy or Tyranny

Vice President
2. Speaker of the House
3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate
4. Secretary of State
5. Secretary of the Treasury
6. Secretary of Defense
7. Attorney General
8. Secretary of the Interior
9. Secretary of Agriculture
10. Secretary of Commerce
11. Secretary of Labor
12. Secretary of Health and Human Services
13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
14. Secretary of Transportation
15. Secretary of Energy
16. Secretary of Education
17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs

The OP suggests that Pres. Obama is making life difficult because he is not getting what he wants in budget negotiations.

In theory, this government shutdown is about the US budget. What has Pres. Obama asked for above and beyond the budget negotiated last time around?

Perhaps I'm wrong (provide sources), but I believe it's the radical portions of the Republican party who refuse to return to the previously negotiated budget--the one in which Democrats made major concessions. The Republicans demand more cuts. Not only more cuts, but they want the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). If they can't repeal it, they wish to alter it.

Obamacare was legally passed. Its constitutionality was challenged but upheld. MANY times have the republicans attempted to legally repeal the act (over 40 separate votes), but the elected representatives of the people of the United States have rejected the repeal.

It is the will of the majority that Obamacare be enacted.

Unless you can prove that Pres. Obama has asked for more than the concession Democrats made during last budget negotiations, it is then clear that a minority opinion (extremists) are holding the US government hostage in exchange for concessions that are not the will of the people.

Unless you can prove that Pres. Obama has asked for more, that, friends, is terrorism.

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What were the concessions by the Democrats? How often have the dems held the national purse in the last 7 years? How many of those times did they come up with a budget?

I am sorry, I didn't see that last part. Did you just call Americans terrorists? I guess you were referring to the ones that bribed and used tricks to pass the Bo care fiasco?

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What were the concessions by the Democrats? How often have the dems held the national purse in the last 7 years? How many of those times did they come up with a budget?

I am sorry, I didn't see that last part. Did you just call Americans terrorists? I guess you were referring to the ones that bribed and used tricks to pass the Bo care fiasco?

You specifically avoid the question. What is the Democratic side asking for that is MORE than previously agreed upon?

If nothing, then it is the Republicans causing the shutdown unless they get their way. If getting their way involves repealing a law that is the will of the people, then they are attempting to force a minority view on the majority.

These are precisely the kinds of tactics the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in Egypt.

Again I ask: what are the Democrats asking that is more than previously agreed upon?

Is everyone forgetting this entire shutdown thing is about Obamacare funding? The Republicans put forth a bill that would fund the entire government as usual but left out the funding for Obamacare. Pres. Obama could sign the bill and everything would be as it was before...but...with no Obamacare funding. He is skillfully, (along with his friends in the liberal media), making it out to be his opponent's fault while they are trying to fund the entire Government just with no Obamacare.

And anyway, good folks, Obamacare is not about affordable is about Government control of US citizen's lives, no more, no less. After Obamacare is implemented anything that the Democrats do not like they will claim is "causing too much strain on the Government healthcare system, and will be abolished without constitutional process, (second amendment will be among the first things to go, because "gunshot wounds will be said to be breaking the healthcare budget")...and adversely, anything the Democrat politicians do want will happen because it will be said to be "good for the Government healthcare system" ,again, enacted without constitutional process, which is virtual dictatorship...viola! Every socialists dream for America!

Obamacare equals dictatorship!....Wake up America! :headbang::icon_salut:

So what are you saying the democrats agreed on? They only keep the BOcare a law by changing it to fit the people they are pandering too. Bo care has evolved so much that it does not resemble the original bill anyway. Again, what has been agreed to?

Is everyone forgetting this entire shutdown thing is about Obamacare funding? The Republicans put forth a bill that would fund the entire government as usual but left out the funding for Obamacare. Pres. Obama could sign the bill and everything would be as it was before...but...with no Obamacare funding. He is skillfully, (along with his friends in the liberal media), making it out to be his opponent's fault while they are trying to fund the entire Government just with no Obamacare.

And anyway, good folks, Obamacare is not about affordable is about Government control of US citizen's lives, no more, no less. After Obamacare is implemented anything that the Democrats do not like they will claim is "causing too much strain on the Government healthcare system, and will be abolished without constitutional process, (second amendment will be among the first things to go, because "gunshot wounds will be said to be breaking the healthcare budget")...and adversely, anything the Democrat politicians do want will happen because it will be said to be "good for the Government healthcare system" ,again, enacted without constitutional process, which is virtual dictatorship...viola! Every socialists dream for America!

Obamacare equals dictatorship!....Wake up America! :headbang::icon_salut:

Now that is uncomfortable to the AMMO. The Gov is fully funded, the only thing the spineless Republicans want is to put off the start of the fines, taxes, penalties to John Q public like th BO has done for his cronies. He is changing BOcare as he goes along.

If nothing, then it is the Republicans causing the shutdown unless they get their way. If getting their way involves repealing a law that is the will of the people, then they are attempting to force a minority view on the majority.

It is not the will of the people...most Americans do not want Obamacare...It is the Republicans who are trying to preserve the will of the people!

Now that is uncomfortable to the AMMO. The Gov is fully funded, the only thing the spineless Republicans want is to put off the start of the fines, taxes, penalties to John Q public like th BO has done for his cronies. He is changing BOcare as he goes along.

I mostly agree with you, but a few Republicans are showing a spine and want Obamacare completely repealed, I'm on their side.

Well, that is true fiddler,, and I agree. But the leadership would cave with a kiss and a promise. Unless they really are starting to understand the will of the people.

Funny though, alot of people forget that the purse strings belong to the House. They forgot it from 2006 till 2010, now they are upset adults(maybe teenagers at least) took the checkbook.

The truth hurts the most, doesn't it PWP...............:cat:

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The OP suggests that Pres. Obama is making life difficult because he is not getting what he wants in budget negotiations.

In theory, this government shutdown is about the US budget. What has Pres. Obama asked for above and beyond the budget negotiated last time around?

Perhaps I'm wrong (provide sources), but I believe it's the radical portions of the Republican party who refuse to return to the previously negotiated budget--the one in which Democrats made major concessions. The Republicans demand more cuts. Not only more cuts, but they want the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). If they can't repeal it, they wish to alter it.

Obamacare was legally passed. Its constitutionality was challenged but upheld. MANY times have the republicans attempted to legally repeal the act (over 40 separate votes), but the elected representatives of the people of the United States have rejected the repeal.

It is the will of the majority that Obamacare be enacted.

Unless you can prove that Pres. Obama has asked for more than the concession Democrats made during last budget negotiations, it is then clear that a minority opinion (extremists) are holding the US government hostage in exchange for concessions that are not the will of the people.

Unless you can prove that Pres. Obama has asked for more, that, friends, is terrorism.

Would you kindly try and keep up with the "will of the people"/

A lot of people are finally starting to realize what we are trying to do?

Democrat Voters Confused: ?I Didn?t Realize I Would Be The One Who Was Going to Pay For It Personally? |

A quote from the article:

Cindy Vinson and Tom Waschura are big believers in the Affordable Care Act. They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.
Yet, like many other Bay Area residents who pay for their own medical insurance, they were floored last week when they opened their bills: Their policies were being replaced with pricier plans that conform to all the requirements of the new health care law.
Vinson, of San Jose, will pay $1,800 more a year for an individual policy, while Waschura, of Portola Valley, will cough up almost $10,000 more for insurance for his family of four.

“I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today,” Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.
“I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”
Both Vinson and Waschura have adjusted gross incomes greater than four times the federal poverty level — the cutoff for a tax credit. And while both said they anticipated their rates would go up, they didn’t realize they would rise so much.
“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”

All I've read in the press is contradictory, at least.
Obama: I will not budge on ocare
Obama: I'll talk about anything
Obama: Will not concede on ocare

From what my simple mind understands, the rep's are asking for an extension of implementation, and to take away the freebies given to big buss and buddies, make it more equal for all, work out the kinks.

O keeps changing horses in the middle of the stream(for his "special interest groups"), and says to the taxpaying people, No, take the force-fed medicine, or go away and die. He seems to be the stalemate here.

Ocare, seems to me, as "forced taxation and penalties". WE, the people, did not vote for it, a FEW, "so-called represenatives" of the ppl, pushed it through. Those few have spoken for the many, but they do not adequately represent the many, imho. Too many, have been asleep or complacent, for too long.

MM, it's always good for someone else, but not in MBY, right!? Or now, that they are feeling, what they have wrought, kinda bites, doesn't it?

It is not the will of the people...most Americans do not want Obamacare...It is the Republicans who are trying to preserve the will of the people!

If it's the will of the people, then let's VOTE and repeal it. Oh ... wait, they tried that 40 times.

Or how about this. Give it a try for a few years. If it's a bad as everyone says it will be, then vote and repeal it. At least then people would be working on EVIDENCE rather than ASSUMPTION.

Easy peezy. And wouldn't that just stick in those horrible Democrats' craw?

But no ... the House Republicans would rather watch the nation burn than the off-chance Obamacare does something good for the poor.

Well, that is true fiddler

Hey, can knock republicans and I'm okay with that...but knocking "fiddlers" them's fightin' words" (:wave:, just teasin') I think my user name is being misunderstood here, I don't fiddle around in junk shops, I play fiddles I find in junk shops...Because I can't afford to buy from music stores, ($5000 and up for a decent one!) that my healthcare costs will skyrocket I will be a "junk shop fiddler" forever!

P.S. Don't like fiddlers? Old Irish saying: "When the fiddler is drunk...the party is over". :cool:

P.S.S I think I misunderstood your post I thought you were saying I was fiddling around with different opinions, not afraid to admit I got it wrong, I agree with you.

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"life is suffering"... first noble truth
I want to say, that is a fallacy!
Just something someone made up, and everyone else decided to swallow. Sorry, I am not living when I am suffering. I thrive, as will all of humanity, with mutual cooperation and symbiosis. It does NOT have to be suffering! Tell 'em I said so! :laughing7:
But, this constant competition thing, we'll all destroy each other.

Ammo, sounds like a sound suggestion. I guess if the majority truly did want this thing repealed, we better wake up and do it, not just talk about it.

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Ocare needs to be "fair for all citizens". That is exactly what Boehner (boner) said. Repubs started with asking for the sky and will settle for "fair to all citizens".

The pres delayed it for just some folks??? How is that fair? I sure wish he had to get the approval of the people in order to make ANY change.
I remember well, the prez, saying that "if you like your current insurance, you can keep it". Funny thing is I received a letter from my health insurance company that says "Changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA) continue to take effect in 2014. To meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date."

I'm with all the folks who think it needs delayed and be........FAIR TO ALL CITIZENS.

Now, PLEASE! Someone shut down the insurance industry so that I can get an extra holiday and be paid for all the time off when I come back to work! That is the way the real world works, isn't it??

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