Armed Texas Dad Takes on THREE Home Intruders

Just like my martial arts training. Our instructor had special class for just black belts.

Class was on what to do if you felt your life or family member's life was threaten. All moves were crippling and life threatening, we were taught all the points to strike that could result in death. He told us to only use these moves if we felt our very life was threaten, but if we used them, use them with full lethal intent ....

As far as a firearm, If your not prepared to use the firearm with deadly force don't carry it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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I would have just given them the money and sent them on their way. Who knows what really happened but I don't own anything that is worth risking the life of my wife, child, or puppy.

Did you seriously just write this? What makes you think that they would have been happy with just taking your money? Maybe they had it in their agenda to rape your wife, child and puppy too and then killing you. You sir, need to stop being so naive. Read the news occasionally. You're not living in Mayberry.

You must REALLY be living under a rock. And to think we have folks like you actually voting in this country. :(

Jersey Ben,
As I understand it, New Jersey is a "duty to retreat" state. Even in your own home, if at all possible. You gonna try that first? Really?

Texas, YEAH. Does anybody remember Miss Congeniality? Great couple of lines:
"He had a gun".
" It's Texas, EVERYBODY has a gun".
Guess the robbers didn't see the movie...

Jersey Ben,
As I understand it, New Jersey is a "duty to retreat" state. Even in your own home, if at all possible. You gonna try that first? Really?

Feels good to be in TX, doesn't it? We can put a bullet in your ass for stepping on our property without permission. Not that I would ever do that, but it does feel good to live in a state that understands our basic rights as a human.

One thing is for sure.... if you come thru my door, I will not spend a fraction of a second thinking about who you are or what your motives might be. You'll have at least 30 rounds of lead coming your way in no time at all.

This here would never happen in my home:

If that's what you're into, then your wife needs to find a new husband. My wife would have put this guy in a body bag as soon as he came thru the door.

Jersey Ben,
As I understand it, New Jersey is a "duty to retreat" state. Even in your own home, if at all possible. You gonna try that first? Really?

This doesn't change a thing, it only strengthens what Crispin was saying about letting them take what they wanted, as in many places this is the law.

All this means is that you cant just shoot first and ask questions later.

It also changes nothing about having a gun for protection in your own home, as we are allowed to do in NJ. You just cant blow someones head off if they come through your door. See the difference?

The main point in this whole argument is that you guys seem to think it is still the "wild west" while the rest of us realize that it is actually 2013.

This doesn't change a thing, it only strengthens what Crispin was saying about letting them take what they wanted, as in many places this is the law.

All this means is that you cant just shoot first and ask questions later.

It also changes nothing about having a gun for protection in your own home, as we are allowed to do in NJ. You just cant blow someones head off if they come through your door. See the difference?

The main point in this whole argument is that you guys seem to think it is still the "wild west" while the rest of us realize that it is actually 2013.

You guys?:dontknow: do you know how many states have the castle law, or like Florida with the stand your ground law? 25 states alone have the "stand your ground law", which means your allowed to protect yourself anywhere your legally allowed to be, it isn't just the members posting here, it is millions and millions of us....

Someone enters our homes with intent to rob or harm us they are litterly putting their lives on the line and the consequences are on them. Sorry, but when someone enters my home with bad intent, that is what they are going to get in return, bad intent in spades.... I am not going to cower in a room waiting to see if they intend to do anything to my family, the first thing they get to take is all the ammo I can send their way.....

This is what happens when your not armed, hope they want hurt your family or wait on 911............

Monday, Jul. 01, 2013
Woman raped, men injured during armed home invasion in Grandview

A home invasion that police said included torture and rape shattered the quiet of a Grandview neighborhood early Sunday and left four people injured.
Attackers raped a woman, scalded three men with hot grease and injured one of the men with a power tool. The invasion in the 11800 block of Delmar Avenue lasted more than three hours, authorities said.

At least three armed suspects broke into the single-family residence about 2 a.m. At 5:30 a.m., one occupant of the house ran to a neighbor’s home and called 911.
The rape victim, 21, was taken to a hospital. Also transported for treatment were three men ranging in age from 25 to 57. One of the men suffered ankle injuries when he was assaulted with a power tool, according to police.

None of the injuries was believed to be life-threatening.

Police said the attackers fled the neighborhood after stealing a vehicle that later was recovered unoccupied in Kansas City. Grandview police detectives remained at the house collecting evidence well into the afternoon.

The Southview Manor subdivision, where the home invasion occurred, is a well-manicured neighborhood of split-level houses on winding streets. Police said they had made calls to the residence in the past.
“There’s not much activity on this whole street. That’s why it’s surprising,” said neighbor Jerel Davidson, who had been sleeping in the home across the road and said he heard nothing unusual.

Davidson said the male victims in the house were members of a family that lived there about six years.

Woman raped, men injured during armed home invasion in Grandview

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Having studied the news as a major subject of interest most of my 64 years, is it just broader news coverage, or are these incidents becoming epidemic? 400 fight in Greensboro, multiple killings every single week in Chi-Town, home invasions every single news day, a great nation falling apart by division, Big Brother crawling up my britches leg with surveillance, where are we going.

Of course we should give up the right to bear arms?????

The very next victim could be any one of us, at any time.....

Is there a cure for blindness?

Having studied the news as a major subject of interest most of my 64 years, is it just broader news coverage, or are these incidents becoming epidemic? 400 fight in Greensboro, multiple killings every single week in Chi-Town, home invasions every single news day, a great nation falling apart by division, Big Brother crawling up my britches leg with surveillance, where are we going.

Of course we should give up the right to bear arms?????

The very next victim could be any one of us, at any time.....

Is there a cure for blindness?

I was born with the right to defend my love ones and myself, it is guaranteed by our constitution and there is no liberal, politicians, or any government going to take that right away from me while there is breath in my body, they may get my guns, but only after they are empty or I am expired....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Did you seriously just write this? What makes you think that they would have been happy with just taking your money? Maybe they had it in their agenda to rape your wife, child and puppy too and then killing you. You sir, need to stop being so naive. Read the news occasionally. You're not living in Mayberry.

Dear Mr. Miller,

I assure you that I am as much naive as you are wise. My simple point is that three to one odds is not a good ratio. If all three are armed you better be an all-star with your firearm to take all three out before one of them opens fire on you. Be careful who you sling insults at on this website. Some of us bite back.



Dear Mr. Miller,

I assure you that I am as much naive as you are wise. My simple point is that three to one odds is not a good ratio. If all three are armed you better be an all-star with your firearm to take all three out before one of them opens fire on you. Be careful who you sling insults at on this website. Some of us bite back.



Part of required training here is being aware you don,t shoot some one who verbally threatens your life. They must also have the means and ability. As well as being sure some one entering is a threat to your life and not a space cadet or some family member, key holder ect.
Hard to believe, a friend of a friend dropped off drunk at his apartment complex showered and passed out on some womens couch naked. OOoops wrong apartment.
That said article above states they showed A gun. Means and ability there?. Seems there was for one. If together in sight and range, known gunholder first for sure,now there are two and if another is armed response lag means one,i,ll take those odds.
That one if armed better shoot straight. No i was not there but timing on home owners part worked. i have seen some pitiful handgun shooting,it takes practice and more practice,then add stress.
After a self defense shooting one must avoid being mistaken for a criminal when the police arrive(hint,don,t be waving a weapon around).
Next expect an unpleasant meeting after the police station where your gun stays, with the D.A.. A lawyer and vast capital could be required. Followed quite possibly even if shooting justified, by civil law suits. In a nearby shooting home owner moved due to locals reaction. Its not to be taken lightly,legally or morally this holding a right dearly.

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I was born with the right to defend my love ones and myself, it is guaranteed by our constitution and there is no liberal, politicians, or any government going to take that right away from me while there is breath in my body, they may get my guns, but only after they are empty or I am expired....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

TH, my point reamins unchanged.

I believe we all have that right to keep a firearm in our homes for personal protection. I also do not believe that right is being infringed upon.

The fact that there are laws in place that do not allow private citizens to act as "judge, jury, and executioner" is a testament to our system in place that allows for checks and balances of a 3 part process.

The fact that these laws exist have nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. My point is this: You still have the right to keep a gun in your home. How you behave with your gun, that is what is being challenged.

In the end, no one is trying to take away your right to keep a gun in your private home. I even personally think it is right worth fighting for.

You guys might want to take another look at who is in this "kool aid club" you keep referring to...

Dear Mr. Miller,

I assure you that I am as much naive as you are wise. My simple point is that three to one odds is not a good ratio. If all three are armed you better be an all-star with your firearm to take all three out before one of them opens fire on you. Be careful who you sling insults at on this website. Some of us bite back.



Crispin, you saw my post above on the home invasion, rape and torture.

I will not take that chance with my wife having to through that or my family, it is my job to protect them.

I have .45 cal with 14 round magazines loaded with hollow points and two 9mm with hollow points in 14 round mags as well as my 12 ga auto shotgun, all are loaded and in different parts of my home, I am never more than 4-8 secs from a loaded firearm in my home and less time if I am away from home.

I have CWL and just like the Am Express ad says I never leave home with out it..... I carry a pistol everywhere I can legally carry and that includes all stores, flea markets, malls, theaters, parks, even theme parks....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

TH, my point reamins unchanged.

I believe we all have that right to keep a firearm in our homes for personal protection. I also do not believe that right is being infringed upon.

The fact that there are laws in place that do not allow private citizens to act as "judge, jury, and executioner" is a testament to our system in place that allows for checks and balances of a 3 part process.

The fact that these laws exist have nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. My point is this: You still have the right to keep a gun in your home. How you behave with your gun, that is what is being challenged.

In the end, no one is trying to take away your right to keep a gun in your private home. I even personally think it is right worth fighting for.

You guys might want to take another look at who is in this "kool aid club" you keep referring to...

Ben, you asked who wants to take away our rights to have a gun and I posted videos of politicians that want to take away our very right to even have one in your home....Anyone who thinks they don't want to totally disarm us is naive.

Your also wrong on the law, look up "Castle Law" and "Stand Your Ground Law", on the books of 25 states.

You threaten our wives, our families, ourselves or another citizens life we are the judge, jury, and even executioner if needed, that is the law.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Crispin, you saw my post above on the home invasion, rape and torture.

I will not take that chance with my wife having to through that or my family, it is my job to protect them.

I have .45 cal with 14 round magazines loaded with hollow points and two 9mm with hollow points in 14 round mags as well as my 12 ga auto shotgun, all are loaded and in different parts of my home, I am never more than 4-8 secs from a loaded firearm in my home and less time if I am away from home.

I have CWL and just like the Am Express ad says I never leave home with out it..... I carry a pistol everywhere I can legally carry and that includes all stores, flea markets, malls, theaters, parks, even theme parks....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Family know how to shoot too?

All very interesting. But back on topic- there was an original topic. Can anyone remember?

Who invades someone's house and demands 'THE MONEY' without prior information? I'll bet the shooter (even I forgot his name) knows who it was or why they thought he had 'the money'.

Crispin, you saw my post above on the home invasion, rape and torture.

I will not take that chance with my wife having to through that or my family, it is my job to protect them.

I have .45 cal with 14 round magazines loaded with hollow points and two 9mm with hollow points in 14 round mags as well as my 12 ga auto shotgun, all are loaded and in different parts of my home, I am never more than 4-8 secs from a loaded firearm in my home and less time if I am away from home.

I have CWL and just like the Am Express ad says I never leave home with out it..... I carry a pistol everywhere I can legally carry and that includes all stores, flea markets, malls, theaters, parks, even theme parks....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


I have no doubts that with your training you would be able to eliminate three targets efficiently and effectively. However, I know the average gun owner does not have the training that you do. I know what evils one human can do to another. In fact, I know it a lot better then most around here. I'm ground zero for the survivors. I hear the stories that vets are not allowed to diverge to anyone except a physician. I'm just pointing out that three to one odds is not so great. Again, I'm not saying one should not start shooting in that situation. However, I am saying, that once somebody starts shooting they cannot undo that. Perhaps throwing ones wallet to one of the suspects would have been enough....perhaps not. Perhaps it was gang or drug related and he recognized. None of us know the facts of what happened. Just some food for thought.

As for shooting at somebody on the doorstep through a locked door. Sounds like George Zimmerman type behavior to me. The Stand-your-ground defense was waived in the current trial.

Protect yourself, protect your family, and protect the second amendment. Always remember, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.


All very interesting. But back on topic- there was an original topic. Can anyone remember?

Who invades someone's house and demands 'THE MONEY' without prior information? I'll bet the shooter (even I forgot his name) knows who it was or why they thought he had 'the money'.

Go back and read original post, there is no question asked.

"The money" could easily be generic question for any money in the home.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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