Anyone ever use long range detectors in their quest for the mother lode?

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Yep, that bundle of crap is sure great at finding the money in your wallet! I think everyone else here knows the treasure found with these is the sucker who buys them.

Thats not Schist bedrock It is either granite of sandstone, with exception to the stuff in the green pan, the gold you are showing is most definately placer gold yet the hole you show is in no way in a placer deposit your lack of ability in identifying geology just puts you further in the hole you have been digging.And the fact that you can try to say that carls write up is meaningless just shows how biased and ignorant you are. passive electronics amplify voltage so what it doesn't mean they can make a 9v battery magical enough to make that plastic box "PLUG INTO THE GROUND:dontknow:"...and pick up on the anomolies in that ground from 21ft away, the lights and meters in the box will work though. I know you didn't say there was a brain connection that is what the manufacturers say about the main reason for the way that those star trek phaser guns you love so much work....ok spock set phasers to .....DUMB. By the way I was being a smart alek I do not have an out house.....I will challenge you I live smack dab right in top of a mesothermal vein system on a side ore body that is part of the motherlode, I live in pocket get in touch with me bring your magic box to my house I will set up and host and film you not finding any thing with your magic box......I know you will not accept MR. Spam but, I will put it on the table. BY the way I actually believe there are people who can feel where things are some who know it can use it to a varying degree. and I still know that an l.r.l can not find items buried in the ground .

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I have made similar offers to others in the past and to date, none have ever taken me up on it. I have about 15 pounds of silver I will bury in a field. All you have to do is walk to it with your LRL and dig it up and it's yours. Any metal detector sold today could find it, can your LRL?

Thats not Schist bedrock It is either granite of sandstone, with exception to the stuff in the green pan, the gold you are showing is most definately placer gold yet the hole you show is in no way in a placer deposit your lack of ability in identifying geology just puts you further in the hole you have been digging.

Yeah, I didn't look at the pics on my computer before. That is definitely NOT a placer deposit, and there is no way that gold came from that spot.

g'morning Steve, coffee over there ---> <(_)P. As to Lrl's, yes, 'in theory' they should do just what they say, but unfortunately at this point in their development they are actually "dowsing enhancers", consciously or not. Yes some do work by triggering latent dowsing ability.

Try one, if it works for you, what do you care whether it conforms to accepted electronic theory or not, BUT TRY before buying one.

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'morning Jason coffee" May I suggest that you post the circuit of the original crystal radio receiver for balance in no of parts needed to work. ? the no of parts have no bearing on whether some thing can work or not. But possibly can show the state of development. There are cases of teeth fillings acting as a diode detector.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Jason, may I suggest that you know of the old cliche' "Gold is where you find it", many times at variances with established geological recognition. There is never a situation where it is 'impossible' either by direct or indirect .deposition. Substitute 'not likely' for impossible.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

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Contactlight, I have been around this forum since some time in the '80s.... under the old format/owner(s). I am fully aware of who Carl is. I have personally talked to him on more than one occasion. An electronic engineer is called CREDENTIALS, in MY books. I have also seen a video presented by one ART who pushes LRLs. The video shows him putting gold under a rock at his feet and then using an LRL to "point" at it. That does not even come CLOSE to proof they work. Carl's credentials vs. Art's video.... the choice is OBVIOUS. TTC

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Oh, I have also conversed with Dave (Woof). I also consider Dave's credentials as IMPECABLE. He also calls LRLs, as written in this thread, a scam. TTC

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G'morning Jason coffee" May I suggest that you post the circuit of the original crystal radio receiver for balance in no of parts needed to work. ? the no of parts have no bearing on whether some thing can work or not. But possibly can show the state of development. There are cases of teeth fillings acting as a diode detector.

Don Jose de La Mancha

The problem here is that electronics operate on scientific principles. It is known what every part of an electronic circuit does. It is obvious from the link I provided that the electric components of the LRLs do nothing. Some of them weren't even connected in the circuit. There is nothing about it that can send a signal, receive a signal, or provide interaction to the user. Nothing about it can cause it to rotate on it's in response to anything. If you want to use dowsing L-rods, that's fine. But don't slap together a bunch of random electronics, charge an obscene amount and claim that it does anything more (or less) than a bent coat-hanger.

But to answer your question, here it is. It has specific components that are connected in a complete circuit (unlike the LRL)


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I'd like to give you more than one like, Jason, for your latest post. Nuttin' wrong with good solid electronic principal vs. unproved theory! TTC

What proof? My dredge has pulled more gold than that. Oh! That's it, my dredge must be an LRL, because it's impossible for a gold laden river to have gold in more than one spot!

The proof I gave you is the dissected electroscope whic you continue to ignore. You claim the author was biased, but where is the bias when he shows the useless garbage inside those things. He didn't give opinions, he gave facts. You seem to be confusing those two.

No the proof you provided is worthless because its just an opinion by Carl not actual evidence of anything!,it wouldnt hold up in a court of law I can guarantee you that it would be thrown out! furthermore just because he is an electronics engineer and he says the insides of an Electroscope are garbage doesnt mean a damn thing because he could be lying or twisting the truth around and since hes the electronics expert he knows very well that no one is going to challenge him because very few people are experts on electronics. It doesnt matter if Carl says the electronics cant work,the circuits arent set up to do anything blah,blah blah,in the end its still only an "opinion" that cant be validated because he never field tested the instrument to prove beyond a doubt it does nothing.Furthermore you or pvillehunter are not qualified to render any verdicts on this because neither one of you are electronics experts im sure of that. Field testing is the only credible proof that a device doesnt work, not biased opinions Mr. Jason.
I also have a small dredge that I use from time to time and thats not all the gold that I have ever found with my electroscope or working rivers etc. Thats just a small sample of evidence that shows that the Electroscopes really work and guess what? its a hell of alot more evidence than what you or that other guy pvillehunter has provided here to disprove my case. Show me a metal detector that can hit 1.7 grams of gold at 25 feet distance? Please astonish me I would love to see this detector. Heres the thing,even if someone did invent this detector some day or has already invented it you still need to be right over the gold to pick up on it! Detectors only work if you are over the target they dont point you in the direction in a straight line for you to follow to know where to dig from a distance! Or did you forget about that fact? The gold in the pics was right below where the electroscope indicated,so are you going to sit there and tell me honestly that right where the device pointed to and went around in a circle I dig down 4 feet and theres a pocket of gold sitting right there on the bedrock where it indicated? And thats what ?an incredible coincidence when there was no other gold in any of the test holes within 25 feet of that one? Come on man give me a friggin break here! Im not the smartest guy in the world Mr.Jason but Im not the dumbest either so please dont underestimate my intelligence now. So heres the bottom line now with you and the other guys like pvillehunter that want to keep trashing my posts and what im trying to share here for the benefit of "open minded reasonable people who could benefit from this information". You still have not provided me with any concrete solid proof that all Lrls are a scam,nothing but your mouths running is what Im seeing. Show me your evidence that Mr. electronics expert Carl is telling the truth about the inside electronics of the Electroscopes,explain to me how you know for a fact that the electronics cant possibly work and do anything. And show me some kind of field testing that you or pvillehunter has done on the electroscopes that prove that they dont do anything because if you have not really tried one of these devices or tested it out for yourselves then how can you claim they do absolutely nothing? No more biased opinions or talk,lets see some evidence now of your claims otherwise please just leave me the hell alone and go dig some trash with your outdated technology.

Yeah, I didn't look at the pics on my computer before. That is definitely NOT a placer deposit, and there is no way that gold came from that spot.

This claim is in the Boise Basin area,this area was hydraulic ed and worked by the Chinese a long time ago,its right outside of historic Idaho City. I have further pics that proves I was there.There are ancient gravel streams running thru the area but most of the area was worked with hydraulicing and Long toms that were set up below the gullys to capture the gold flowing from the washed gullys in the small hills there.Some of the gold is smooth showing indication of travel but alot of the gold is course,perhaps I made a mistake on what the bedrock floor is (I am not a geologist)but I was told it was shist with quartz mixed in its very soft the false top of the bedrock but when you get down to the solid bedrock its very hard like granite. That gold came from there right in the middle of that hole where that small depresiion is,I have no reason to lie about this because If I was going to lie I could have shown a hell of alot more gold than just 1.7 grams. I can verify that im a member of this club,also there were members there when I found that gold as I showed it to them,so stop running your mouth Jason because you are talking trash here.

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