Anyone ever use long range detectors in their quest for the mother lode?

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Regarding your opinion about all long range locators

Where's the proof? EVERY LRL user I have ever talked to, always claim that they can't find anything when you go with them because of the "negative energy" of the observer or other such garbage excuse. Let's see yours work with someone watching you find and recover something. So far you have given a lot of talk but I haven't seen results.

You say you have talked to Lrl users and there is no evidence from them at all but is just talking to a few individuals who use Lrls reall proof of all Lrls being a scam? What kingd of evidence is that really of anything? Would that hold any water in a court of law? You ask about "proof" So if I post here some pics of some of the gold that I have found with my Lrls this will be enough proof for you and the other skeptics here that some of these devices actually do work? I seriously doubt that no matter what I post here it will ever be enough because thats not the real issue going on here.The real issue here is the" limited mind set" and no picture proof is going to ever fix that problem. I didnt get on this forum to try and prove to all of you skeptics that some Lrls really do work,because I know that thats a losing battle with you people,no proof will ever be enough it will just go on and on the debate on this like it has for the last so many years.I got on here to get in touch with Arthur and get some technical information from him and then I simply stated some facts about what I have discovered and Carl Morelands real agenda and then all the BS with the skeptics gets going and so I have simply responded to stand up for my truth. At this point I really dont care what any of you skeptics think or believe about Lrl's. Stay in your limited structured view of things,dont be open to any improvements,as far as Im concerned you can all keep digging trash for the rest of your lives. And if you really want to know about the effectiveness of Electroscopes just go to their website and check out their finds page there is already plenty of documentation and evidence there and they have plenty of videos on their devices in action and happy customers Idont need to do an infonercial here for the Electroscope company.You demand proof otherwise you say these devices are all bogus and scams,well here is my challenge to you as far as all the proof you want from me. Do you have any proof you can send me of field tests that you have done on Electroscopes or anyone else you know thats used them proving that they dont work at all? Do you have any shred of evidence besides just people that you have talked too that use these things that they absolutlely cant do anything? If you cant provide me with any physical evidence or video documentation that Electroscopes are a scam then your opinions on these devices are just opinions, worthless and just hot air,thats all I need to tell you buddy. You want proof then give me some proof for your arguments against these devices and I will provide my evidence no problem because you types of skeptics always trash what doesnt fit your accepted view of science etc but just like Carl and his agenda,you never really do any actual field testing on any of these devices you just shoot your mouths off and say they are all a scam because you really dont want to be open to the possibility that some of these Lrls might really work.

. Do you have any shred of evidence besides just people that you have talked too that use these things that they absolutlely cant do anything? If you cant provide me with any physical evidence or video documentation that Electroscopes are a scam then your opinions on these devices are just opinions, worthless and just hot air,thats all I need to tell you buddy. You want proof then give me some proof for your arguments against these devices and I will provide my evidence no problem because you types of skeptics always trash what doesnt fit your accepted view of science etc but just like Carl and his agenda,you never really do any actual field testing on any of these devices you just shoot your mouths off and say they are all a scam because you really dont want to be open to the possibility that some of these Lrls might really work.

Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

Right there. Complete dissection and examination of an electroscope lrl PIECE OF GARBAGE.

Insulting your skeptics back will get you nowhere. Using appeal to belief as an argument is also a fail. Just because a lot of people believe something does not make it true. Time on market also means nothing. LRL marketers are well versed in the law and what they can and cannot legally claim in ads. You are getting exactly what is being sold so in that regard no scam is taking place.

The truth you own belongs to you and you alone. Be happy in it. If you do not like sarcasm and criticism then I suggest you avoid the subject, because that is what you are going to get. As an anonymous poster you have no credibility and no, I am not going to email you for photos or anything else. The burden lies with you to prove your claims, not on others to disprove them.

Frankly, threads like these are just time wasters, as they never do anything but get people stirred up. They would be entertaining were it not for the bad feelings that arise. I think I will go find some gold instead. You all have a great day!

Very well said . I believe I also saw a post on here about a well know name in LRL's that proved by taking the LRL apart to inspect the internal workings & parts . The electronics inspector claimed there was NO POSSIBLE WAY the instrument could do as claimed with the sum of it's parts . You say we dig nothing but trash with Metal Detectors . Even if that were true ( posts with pics of coins & jewelry ) , it's still 100% more than you have posted of YOUR finds with a LRL . Please if you can , prove us wrong ..:dontknow:

Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

Right there. Complete dissection and examination of an electroscope lrl PIECE OF GARBAGE.

Carl Moreland is not being honest and he has an agenda to discredit all Lrls and put doubts in peoples heads that every single one of these devices is a worthless piece of garbage. Do you know why he has dissected all of these things and said that none of them do anything at all? The answer is very simple:its because hes an engineer for a major metal detector manufacturer,some of these Lrls are a big threat to these companies profits because of what they can do and how they can out perform almost all conventional detectors especially the Electroscopes so his job is to make sure that not everyone out there believes that they really work thats why he created that website its not about helping people not get scammed like he claims its really about buisness and politics. So tell me something Mr. Jason,are you an electronics expert? Do you know anything about how electronics work to provide Carls dissections on these devices as absolute proof that none of them work? Just because Carl opens up these things and says that the electronics inside dont do anything you are gullible enough to believe the man? Carl doesnt have any shred of evidence besides his mouth that these electronics inside these things do nothing. He doesnt have any video documentation of any field tests that he has done on any of these devices proving without a shadow of a doubt that they cant do anything,the man is not speaking the truth he knows very well that some of these devices really do work but his agenda is to trash them because most likely of who he is working for. How can Carl say that every single Lrl he has examined is a scam without doing any actual field testing on the devices to prove that statement? Would that evidence hold up in court? Come on man where is your common sense here? He just says the electronics dont make any sense at all and therefore its bunk?What kind of evidence is that of anything? Dont be so gullible believing all this crap,use your head and do your own research to determine if its really true. Thomas has sold thousands of Electroscopes worlwide for over 30 years and many happy customers are on his website with pics of finds and hes still in buisness today that evidence right there suggests they must really be doing something now wouldnt you think?

Bottom line: Just because the electronics and the wiring inside an Electroscope doesnt make any sense to you or any other skeptic out there ,doesnt mean that the Electroscopes are fake especially if you are not really an electronics expert in the first place to say its all BS!

Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

Right there. Complete dissection and examination of an electroscope lrl PIECE OF GARBAGE.

I seriously doubt that you are an electronics expert to provide Carls dissection as real proof of anything. Just because Carl says the wiring doesnt make any sense,well what proof is that? Does that prove as concrete evidence that the Electroscope doesnt do anything at all? Yeah sure. This is not really proof of anything Mr. Jason, Real proof that the device does nothing would be documented video taped field testing and strangely enough Carl has not done any field testing at all on any of these things,just dissections,debunking,and biased opinions thats all he has provided.Now isnt that something to wonder about? hmmmm...........

Carl Moreland is not being honest and he has an agenda to discredit all Lrls and put doubts in peoples heads that every single one of these devices is a worthless piece of garbage. Do you know why he has dissected all of these things and said that none of them do anything at all? The answer is very simple:its because hes an engineer for a major metal detector manufacturer,some of these Lrls are a big threat to these companies profits because of what they can do and how they can out perform almost all conventional detectors especially the Electroscopes so his job is to make sure that not everyone out there believes that they really work thats why he created that website its not about helping people not get scammed like he claims its really about buisness and politics. So tell me something Mr. Jason,are you an electronics expert? Do you know anything about how electronics work to provide Carls dissections on these devices as absolute proof that none of them work? Just because Carl opens up these things and says that the electronics inside dont do anything you are gullible enough to believe the man? Carl doesnt have any shred of evidence besides his mouth that these electronics inside these things do nothing. He doesnt have any video documentation of any field tests that he has done on any of these devices proving without a shadow of a doubt that they cant do anything,the man is not speaking the truth he knows very well that some of these devices really do work but his agenda is to trash them because most likely of who he is working for. How can Carl say that every single Lrl he has examined is a scam without doing any actual field testing on the devices to prove that statement? Would that evidence hold up in court? Come on man where is your common sense here? He just says the electronics dont make any sense at all and therefore its bunk?What kind of evidence is that of anything? Dont be so gullible believing all this crap,use your head and do your own research to determine if its really true. Thomas has sold thousands of Electroscopes worlwide for over 30 years and many happy customers are on his website with pics of finds and hes still in buisness today that evidence right there suggests they must really be doing something now wouldnt you think?

Bottom line: Just because the electronics and the wiring inside an Electroscope doesnt make any sense to you or any other skeptic out there ,doesnt mean that the Electroscopes are fake especially if you are not really an electronics expert in the first place to say its all BS!

Soooooo , in a nut shell , you have nothing to show of the finds you've made like the detectorists with metal detectors have . Thanks , that's all I need as proof . Oh , by the way , I have a couple L shaped coathangers I'd like to sell you for $500.00 . They have found thousands of dollars in treasure . No , I don't have any proof , but that should'nt keep you from believing me now should it ? .....:dontknow:....:laughing7:

Insulting your skeptics back will get you nowhere. Using appeal to belief as an argument is also a fail. Just because a lot of people believe something does not make it true. Time on market also means nothing. LRL marketers are well versed in the law and what they can and cannot legally claim in ads. You are getting exactly what is being sold so in that regard no scam is taking place.

The truth you own belongs to you and you alone. Be happy in it. If you do not like sarcasm and criticism then I suggest you avoid the subject, because that is what you are going to get. As an anonymous poster you have no credibility and no, I am not going to email you for photos or anything else. The burden lies with you to prove your claims, not on others to disprove them.

Frankly, threads like these are just time wasters, as they never do anything but get people stirred up. They would be entertaining were it not for the bad feelings that arise. I think I will go find some gold instead. You all have a great day!

I disagree with your comment about the time the device on the market means nothing Steve. Being in buisness for 30 years and selling thousands of units worldwide is a very impressive record. Especially if you have pages and pages of letters and picture after picture of finds to show as evidence of your devices working. I have met and corresponded with several Treasure Hunters around the country who have been using Electroscopes for many years and they have personally shared some of their finds with me thru pics, documentation etc. So are you going to honestly tell me that these thousands of Electroscope customers and users around the world are all liars and gullible people who have been scammed out of their hard earned money by the electroscope company with nothing to show for their instrument? Come on now Mr.Steve I think that you are a little smarter than to tell me you really believe that pile of crap.

P.S. Do you want to know why very few Lrl and Electroscope users who have found gold,silver,coins etc. have never bothered to post any of their finds on forums like this one over the years? Well now I think that the answer to that question is pretty obvious dont you think? Why would they want to subject themselves to all the Lrl bashing and BS that goes on here? Its not a very friendly place here on this forum for Lrl users now is it Mr. Steve?,my threads are confirming that,you skeptics dominate these sites and I have yet to see any Lrl user be treated fairly here or feel welcome either.

Soooooo , in a nut shell , you have nothing to show of the finds you've made like the detectorists with metal detectors have . Thanks , that's all I need as proof . Oh , by the way , I have a couple L shaped coathangers I'd like to sell you for $500.00 . They have found thousands of dollars in treasure . No , I don't have any proof , but that should'nt keep you from believing me now should it ? .....:dontknow:....:laughing7:

Did I ever say that I didnt have any evidence? Have you read any of my posts at all? I have plenty of evidence and some of my friends who use these devices also have proof that they work. Send me a private message with your email address and I will gladly email you pages of pics and some of the holes the gold found came out of,or are you to afraid now to find out the truth?

Why a private E-mail ? Post on here like everyone else . Just think of all the good advertising the pics would create for LRL's ....:dontknow:

what a can't fake electronic engineering and circuits...if they aren't designed to work then they won't work. If there was some magical brain to electroscope connection that activated and caused that piece of crap to work it could absolutely be investigated and proven by science. You have no proof and that is why you don't show any and you are phishing for personal emails?????? you need to go elsewhere you have no legitimate business on this forum....pack yourself in a tin can and go to Hawaii where all the other spam is actually consumed.

If Carl's dissection, and comments, were false and misleading, why hasn't the manufacturer sued him for defamation? And if they have, can you post the litigation documents instead of your rambling rhetoric? TTC

If Carl's dissection, and comments, were false and misleading, why hasn't the manufacturer sued him for defamation? And if they have, can you post the litigation documents instead of your rambling rhetoric? TTC

I asked a guy who works for the Electroscope company that question and he said that their was some type of lawsuit or court related case awhile back between Carl and the Electroscope company,more than that he would not elaborate on and I didnt want to get too much into the whole thing or push the issue because it sounded like a personal topic to them.
The bottom line with this thing with Carl is this as I mentioned before in my posts here: You cannot trash or discredit something without the proper documentation,field testing,etc.and provide that as evidence that a particular product or device is a scam or doesnt work as advertised, because that is not proper scientific testing or evidence at all. Dont take my word for it,do your own homework here,go to Carls website and study his claims on Lrls,you will notice a pattern with him,pay close attention to his analysis on each Lrl he takes apart and his final conclusions which are all the same nonsense; "the device did nothing near my gold bar which was sitting on the coffee table,conclusion its garbage and its a scam". What? what kind of test is that? For one thing some of these devices have to be plugged into the ground away from magnetic field power lines to work properly. Some of the Lrls he examines he doesnt do anything with them he just takes them apart and says this: the electronics dont make any sense therefore it has to be garbage. What a load of BS from this guy,you really call that proper field testing? Carl doesnt have any shred of credible evidence to back up his claims ,in reality its only his "electronic engineer" opinion that hes stating that these devices are all scams and that is not credible evidence of anything in my opinion. Only proper documented field testing with more than one witness present would be credible evidence of some of these devices being useless.Why dont you get in touch with Carl and ask him this question: Carl why dont you have any documented video taped field testing done on any of these devices with any witnesses present and not just your own biased associates? I seriosly doubt if you will even get an answer on that one and even if you do it will be his usual cop out why thats not really necessary etc, etc.

P.S. Carl was invited many times by a well known Lrl manufacturer many years back to Nevada to participate and witness the effectiveness of this guy Robert Yockums Omni Range Master at a scheduled event with many people there,it was all to be filmed with many witnesses present,well guess what? Carl kept offering lame cop out excuses why he couldnt go even after Yockum changed the dates to suit Carls needs he still kept making excuses why he couldnt attend. Now isnt that a strange coincidence? Dont you think thats odd? If you dont believe me search on this forum somewhere I read the whole thread awhile back the conversations between Carl and Robert Yockum look under Long Range locators,its on here somewhere.

Why a private E-mail ? Post on here like everyone else . Just think of all the good advertising the pics would create for LRL's ....:dontknow:

I think I might just post a few pics tonite of some of the gold Ive found with my elctroscopes on here,in this way I can ask some of you skeptical know it alls to provide me with the hard evidence that all lrls do nothing.

Give it up, nobody here believes a word you are saying. You are completely ignoring all the evidence put forth of the LRL scam. You must be a schill for electroscope. Go peddle your crap in back of magazines, next to the x-ray glasses, where it belongs.

Gold pics 094.webpGold pics 095.webpGold pics 092.webp$T2eC16ZHJHcFFkZB0uuWBRd14bE0gw~~60_57.webp$(KGrHqJHJE0FB5Z6yOR8BQk260BV9w~~60_57.webp
Heres a few pics of some of the gold Ive found with my Electroscopes. 2 small nuggets with fines was 1.7 grams in a pocket on white shist bedrock. Depth was appr. 4 feet down,distance Electroscope locked on target was 21 feet away from the top of the hole before it was dug. No metal detector was used to get the gold out. If you look at the picture of the hole right in the center below the Electroscope laying there is a small depression to the left of the hammer,thats where the gold was in that pocket. I know this is not a large amount of gold to demonstrate but heres the amazing thing about this discovery. First it proves that the electroscopes really work as this hole was dug in the middle of a Club claim with diggings all around the area no one ever knew that gold was there but the Electroscope locked onto it from 21 feet away (appr.4 feet down to bedrock) so total of almost 25 feet distance. Now is there any metal detector in the world that can pick up on 1.7 grams of gold from 25 feet away? No I dont think so. Last picture of the gold nuggets in the pan was found in N.Carolina by my friend Mike with an Electroscope totaling 8 grams of gold in one day,please try to convince him that electroscopes are a scam I doubt if he will listen to you. Im a newbie at using these devices and Im still learning to master them but on my first day out on an Idaho club claim I hit $150.00 worth of gold within 25 minutes of using this device.Not a bad paycheck for 2 hours of work. So for all of you skeptics on this forum that want to trash what I have tried to tell you,heres a little proof,so now please provide me with some concrete evidence that these devices do absolutley nothing,I dont want any opinions I want hard evidence because if you cannot provide me with this then your opinions really dont matter much.
model 20 pics 004.webp

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Give it up, nobody here believes a word you are saying. You are completely ignoring all the evidence put forth of the LRL scam. You must be a schill for electroscope. Go peddle your crap in back of magazines, next to the x-ray glasses, where it belongs.

What evidence? So far I havent seen any credible evidence at all on this forum that all Lrls are a scam and certainly not from you Mr.Jason,you provide nothing but opinions and I seriously doubt if you know anything at all about electronics to be defending Carl.So show me the documented proof you have that Lrls are all scams,where is this proof you are talking about? Hey i just posted some of my proof that some Lrls do work so now its your turn to show me something besides your inflated ego here.

what a can't fake electronic engineering and circuits...if they aren't designed to work then they won't work. If there was some magical brain to electroscope connection that activated and caused that piece of crap to work it could absolutely be investigated and proven by science. You have no proof and that is why you don't show any and you are phishing for personal emails?????? you need to go elsewhere you have no legitimate business on this forum....pack yourself in a tin can and go to Hawaii where all the other spam is actually consumed.

You dont pay attention to my posts do you? I never said there was any magical brain Electroscope connection,where on earth did you come up with that nonsense? Please dont put words in my mouth.Electroscopes have nothing at all to do with dowsing or the brain,its an electronic device that picks up on electrostatic fields of buried metals(you even have to put a battery in in to make it work) "passive electronics"is what Thomas calls it,he spent 10 years doing research and development on this technology before he perfected it,he even did some work for the Navy I believe with his devices,go to his website, his history with research and development on these instruments is all documented there.
I am not someone phishing for emails to send you spam Mr. Outhouse man,if I was I wouldnt need to spend so much time on here with arrogant self righteous know it alls like you to get email addresses. There are sophisticated electronic means available today to do that job,in case you are still stuck in the 50's and didnt know that. You dont know as much about everything as you think you do especially about recent developments for sophisticated Treasure Hunting,this is why my defense of Lrls is such a threat to your boxed belief system. What Im telling you here about the Lrls and Carls dishonesty is all a big threat to your belief system thats why you want to tear me down because deep down inside you are afraid that it might just be true and you could not face the possibility about being wrong now could you?. Well guess what Mr. Pvillehunter,some Lrls really do work and some big treasure hunting companies have used them over the years to make major recoveries but they are smart to stay low key because of the "edge" that these devices provide them. Now getting back to your statement about Carl being so honest and it being impossible to fake electronic engineering and circuits.Answer me this question: Do you understand electronics? Do you have any background at all in electronic engineering to be shooting your mouth off here that Im full of crap and you believe Carl and that Carls not being dishonest? You keep asking me for my evidence that Lrls really work, well heres my challenge to you and all of your supposed knowledge. Send me evidence with a detailed explanation in layman's terms why Carls explanation of the electroscopes circuits and wiring does absolutley nothing. And I dont want some biased BS thats pretty much just repeating what Carl is saying I want an actual sensible explanation of how you know for a fact that the electronics inside the Electroscope do absolutley nothing. And heres another challenge for you if you think you can handle it: Show me documented video evidence of the Electroscopes being tested in a field by a reputable unbiased person and the proof that these devices do absolutley nothing. If you cannot provide me with any solid physical evidence like what I am requesting then you know what? Your opinions that all Lrls are a scam are just a bunch of hot air rising like the gas in your famous outhouse. Nothing more needs to be said,im think Im done dealing with backward thinking individuals like you on this forum because you are not ready to make progress,you want to stay stuck in the dark ages.

What proof? My dredge has pulled more gold than that. Oh! That's it, my dredge must be an LRL, because it's impossible for a gold laden river to have gold in more than one spot!

The proof I gave you is the dissected electroscope whic you continue to ignore. You claim the author was biased, but where is the bias when he shows the useless garbage inside those things. He didn't give opinions, he gave facts. You seem to be confusing those two.

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