Anyone ever use long range detectors in their quest for the mother lode?

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ALL LRL ARE A SCAM! Prove that statement wrong. You can NOT build a scientific instrument that behaves on beliefs.
Jason,more power to you and your structured,limited,narrow minded view of reality.You make a comment without actually reading my statement completely,if you can take the time to go back and read what I posted, I specifically said that some of these instruments have nothing at all to do with beliefs,they are working with "passive electronics". I already have proven to myself repeatedly that not all Lrls are a scam,too bad you will never ever benefit from this discovery because of your "closed mind" How can you make that statement you made without ever doing any actual field testing on one of these devices? Are you going to honestly tell me that thousands of Electroscope customers around the world over a 30 year period of purchasing and using these devices are all liars? Dude give me a friggin break here.How can that guy still be in business after 30 years if hes a scammer? Are you going to tell me now its because thousands of customers around the world have all been gullible suckers that have been scammed? Yeah right man. The reason Thomas has sold thousands of these locators and is still in buisness after 30 years is because his Lrls do work whether you like it or not and thats a proven fact dude.Go to and take a look at a bunch of pictures that are posted there of gold and silver coins,nuggets,jewelry, etc that were found over the years by different customers. I have my own gold pictures that I can show anyone to prove these things work,just send me your email and I will send them to you and the hole they were dug out of. A friend of mine once said something that stuck with me and I think it fits perfectly right in with this thread. He said: "You dont have to be stupid to be ignorant"

If LRLs worked, everyone who owns one would be rich. Heck, if they worked, the inventor(s) wouldn't be selling them, they'd just be quietly amassing their fortune.

Bottom line, if it sounds too good to be true you can bet that it is.

post your pictures here that is the point of this website and forum.............

Yeah well there goes another biased no "field testing needed"opinion for the skeptics camp. Well I have news for you Steve,not all Long Range locators are a scam,thats like saying you found a counterfiet $20 dollar bill one day in your wallet so now all money coming into your wallet are counterfeits.I mean come on now, where is the logic here with this way of thinking? I own 2 Electroscopes and they work period,it has nothing at all to do with belief it has to do with passive electronics and the the instrument that was designed to pick up on electrostactic fields of buried metals.Now do I understand the science to how this actually works? No I dont but if it works and I can see actual results,then who cares?And guess what I discovered about these things? They can pick up on a gram of gold from 21 feet away plus another 4 feet into the ground,now is there any metal detector out there in the world that can do that? Now you can start to understand why Electroscopes have received so much bashing and attacks over the years from great honest guys like Carl and others its because they are a big threat to major detector manufacturers if everyone out there suddenly realized what these things are really capable of! Can it possibly be an incredible coincidence that Carl Morleland is an engineer for a major metal detector manufacturer? It is a known fact that every living thing or non living mineral on this earth puts out an energy field and some of these fields can be detected by certain long range locators and other types of specialized instruments. Do I have to be Carl Sagan to know this? Does this have anything to do with belief or disbelief? No its a known fact that even your own body puts out an intense magnetic field or "Aura" of energy.You can even hook a volt meter up to your fingers an see an electrical current on the meter. Do I believe in all long range locators? No I dont, I myself was a skeptic untill one day a friend of mine showed me 6 morgan silver dollars he found one day with an Electroscope then I decided to open my mind a little and try one.And do you know what I realized after I learned how to use one of these things correctly and I found my first gold with it? My God how many years of time have I wasted with a conventional detector swinging a coil for hours and hours day after day digging junk targets to find a little gold if I was lucky!All because I listened to so many skeptical closed minded people! There are some long range locators out there that are a scam I can admit that but does that mean that every single one is bogus? Well only a fool would truly believe that. So In conclusion here Ill quote Einstein "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"

And you became a millionair with the finds of your LRL when ?

Of course they work!! How else does the tooth fairy find those teeth?!?!?

I’m a natural skeptic. If you want to convince me about anything, you will have to show me. I’ve seen some strange things in life for which I have no explanation short of referring to spiritual mumbo-jumbo.

Two examples. (a) 30 years ago camped near Algonquin Provincial Park where there are known graphite deposits, I met a guy doing the garbage pick-up rounds one morning. He noticed a detector in the back of my truck and came over to chat about his graphite prospects. He casually mentioned he could dowse for graphite. I said to him “Oh… well lets see you do it” and he did so using a freshly cut Y shaped tree branch. He said that I should be able to do the same, so he blindfolded me, spun me in circles, and walked me around a few times and then holding each upper part of the “Y” with the main stem out in front I detected a chunk of graphite. The stem was yanked down to the ground exactly over the graphite with such a force that it was all I could do not to let go of it. (b) About 20 years ago, doing an inspection of a major landfill site just north of Toronto, I asked about the location of the main discharge line to the street sewer for sampling purposes. The engineer grabbed two L shaped steel rods, holding one in each hand by the short stem of the “L” with the longer rod directly in front. When he came over the discharge pipe, these rods each immediately swung to the outside parallel to the underground pipe. To make a long story short… I tried it, and it did the same, exactly pinpointing the pipe location.

I’ve never been able to duplicate these feats on my own. Those L shaped rods were gifted to me and I now use them for probing old bottles in prospecting country, particularly useful in deep leaf mould deposited in hillslope crevices. I’ve tried talking to those rods about finding silver nuggets and ores over here in Ontario… but no dice.

So… I like to think I’m receptive to new or unexplained ideas, but you still gotta show me.

All the chatter in the world about LRLs does not mean a thing without unequivocal documentation. Criticizing Carl Moreland does not add to the credibility of LRLs either. I also don’t subscribe to the notion that there should be any conflict between prospecting-capable metal detectors and LRLs. Given that LRLs actually work on a consistent basis, they ought to compliment metal detectors.

These instruments cost money. As do prospecting-capable metal detectors, that are known and proven consumer products. In short… they work, we understand how they work… that information is readily available… and they do so reliably and consistently. It all makes sense.

So… there’s no need for a mystery here. Pronouncements about LRL performance capabilities without a shred of independent, unequivocal documentation carry very little weight with readers… such posts about various metal detecting instruments are far too common on these forums. One doesn’t know what to believe.

If you want credibility... then you must document the validity of your claims accordingly.

Why not simply have two or three of the known guys on this forum join you for a field evaluation. Have them bury a few gold nuggets of different sizes at between six inches and a foot depth, GPS those locations so the nuggets can be relocated when the testing is complete. Then you find them with your LRL unit… video documentation would be a good idea. Report the results back to this gold forum. What could be easier to do?


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If LRLs worked, everyone who owns one would be rich. Heck, if they worked, the inventor(s) wouldn't be selling them, they'd just be quietly amassing their fortune.

Bottom line, if it sounds too good to be true you can bet that it is.

Everyone who owns a long range locator would be rich? What kind of nonsense is that?Is everyone in the world who owns the best metal detectors rich? You still have to do the research on good sites,track down leads etc.Even good placer gold producing areas dont guarantee 25 ounces of gold just sitting in one spot. So just because you have a tool thats better at tracking gold down than a metal detector doesnt mean you are going to get rich in one day,what an ignorant comment. Bottom line: If it sounds like narrow minded ignorance.... well you know the rest.

And you became a millionair with the finds of your LRL when ?

No one said anything about becoming a millionaire,now did they wise guy? This is simply a way better tool than just a conventional metal detector. I cant believe the mentality of some of the people on this forum,what a waste of time this is. Stick to your detectors and stay in ignorance for all I care. Dont be open to any improvements,keep on digging all of those trash targets and hoping that the next swing of the coil will be something besides a lead bullet or a bottle cap.You skeptics deserve your outdated dinosaur metal detectors and all of the wasted time in the heat digging trash for all of your criticism and arrogance.

post your pictures here that is the point of this website and forum.............

There is really no point in posting anything for the simple fact that no matter what I provide as "proof" you narrow minded skeptics will find some way of discrediting it. You'll say "oh how do we know that you really pulled that gold out of that hole with your Lrl"? or how do we know your telling the truth, blah,blah blah. Ive seen what you people have done over the years to some of the good honest Lrl users on this forum who tried to help everyone here by sharing what they have discovered with theyre Lrl's and how you consistently have tried to make them look bad with insults,mockery etc.Well im not going to play that game and waste my time with ignorant closed minded skeptics because they really dont want to know the truth they are afraid that maybe im right and some of these Lrs might really work,you see because that would mean that they would have to admit that maybe everything they think they know might just be wrong and thats a big threat to the ego and their pride to admit that maybe you might be wrong about something. The truth is not for everyone and only wise men will open they're minds to the possibilty of something greater than just "accepted science". So to those open minded reasonable few,I say send me your email address and I will gladly show you the picture evidence I have of what these devices are capable of.

If LRLs worked, everyone who owns one would be rich. Heck, if they worked, the inventor(s) wouldn't be selling them, they'd just be quietly amassing their fortune.

Bottom line, if it sounds too good to be true you can bet that it is.

Maybe the inventor enjoys tinkering around in his lab making these things,you ever thought of that Mr.Smart Alec? Maybe he enjoys sharing his knowledge and helping other people around the world who want help in their treasure hunting or prospecting. Maybe hes already wealthy and doesnt just want to sit around his huge house watching TV all day wasting his life,did that thought ever cross your brain? Everyone needs something productive to do in life and Thomas is a really nice guy and I dont think that for him its all about the money,he actually enjoys doing this. Not everyone in the world believes that becoming a millionaire is the answer to a complete life and happiness,I know that might be really hard for you to find room for in your limited belief system.

I’m a natural skeptic. If you want to convince me about anything, you will have to show me. I’ve seen some strange things in life for which I have no explanation short of referring to spiritual mumbo-jumbo.

Two examples. (a) 30 years ago camped near Algonquin Provincial Park where there are known graphite deposits, I met a guy doing the garbage pick-up rounds one morning. He noticed a detector in the back of my truck and came over to chat about his graphite prospects. He casually mentioned he could dowse for graphite. I said to him “Oh… well lets see you do it” and he did so using a freshly cut Y shaped tree branch. He said that I should be able to do the same, so he blindfolded me, spun me in circles, and walked me around a few times and then holding each upper part of the “Y” with the main stem out in front I detected a chunk of graphite. The stem was yanked down to the ground exactly over the graphite with such a force that it was all I could do not to let go of it. (b) About 20 years ago, doing an inspection of a major landfill site just north of Toronto, I asked about the location of the main discharge line to the street sewer for sampling purposes. The engineer grabbed two L shaped steel rods, holding one in each hand by the short stem of the “L” with the longer rod directly in front. When he came over the discharge pipe, these rods each immediately swung to the outside parallel to the underground pipe. To make a long story short… I tried it, and it did the same, exactly pinpointing the pipe location.

I’ve never been able to duplicate these feats on my own. Those L shaped rods were gifted to me and I now use them for probing old bottles in prospecting country, particularly useful in deep leaf mould deposited in hillslope crevices. I’ve tried talking to those rods about finding silver nuggets and ores over here in Ontario… but no dice.

So… I like to think I’m receptive to new or unexplained ideas, but you still gotta show me.

All the chatter in the world about LRLs does not mean a thing without unequivocal documentation. Criticizing Carl Moreland does not add to the credibility of LRLs either. I also don’t subscribe to the notion that there should be any conflict between prospecting-capable metal detectors and LRLs. Given that LRLs actually work on a consistent basis, they ought to compliment metal detectors.

These instruments cost money. As do prospecting-capable metal detectors, that are known and proven consumer products. In short… they work, we understand how they work… that information is readily available… and they do so reliably and consistently. It all makes sense.

So… there’s no need for a mystery here. Pronouncements about LRL performance capabilities without a shred of independent, unequivocal documentation carry very little weight with readers… such posts about various metal detecting instruments are far too common on these forums. One doesn’t know what to believe.

If you want credibility... then you must document the validity of your claims accordingly.

Why not simply have two or three of the known guys on this forum join you for a field evaluation. Have them bury a few gold nuggets of different sizes at between six inches and a foot depth, GPS those locations so the nuggets can be relocated when the testing is complete. Then you find them with your LRL unit… video documentation would be a good idea. Report the results back to this gold forum. What could be easier to do?

Jim,no matter what I document,post etc,it will never be enough for the skeptics,the truth is not for these people because they are not ready for it,they will still find a way to criticize,debunk or dismantle it,the root problem here is not whether some Lrl's can be scientifically documented to work,the root problem is the narrow minded mentality and the know it alls attitude and you cant fix that very easily. I can put a picture right now of a nugget I found with my electroscope and these people will say its bogus,I bought it on ebay,its all fake etc,etc. You see it would be a waste of time my friend thats what I am discovering here on this forum. If you are really serious about seeing my evidence for these devices working,just contact me personally,send me an email address, in this way Im not wasting valuable time with people who are only on here to criticise and inflate they're egos.

you are the one being insulting and calling people names....millions of dollars are spent on marketing by the main detector companies and results drive their business.there are numerous wealthy wage earning and paying treasure hunters and prospectors who spend top dollar on equipment because it helps them have succsessful ventures. Huge mining corporations would climb all over eachother if they could " learn" to use an lr detector.....a very sophisticated industry that would jump on such viable economically benificial technology.Yet it is still experienced and learned geologists and prospectors that make the paydays for the big dogs with use of chemical testing, a 10x loupe and a gold pan because that is what works.And I promise you considering the main reason this forum exists, that if someone was finding nice finds with Long Range Locators they would have no shame in showing off their finds on this forum. G.P.R works used by cache hunters and archeologists....whole buried cities have been mapped, the burial chambers of the Terra Cotta Army in China has been shown to have a map of Period specific China, with waterways of mercury and silver and gold very precisely laid out for the anchient Emperors afterlife.Before they dig in mexico they use G.P.R. there are numerous financed people who would absolutely use a L.R.L if it was a viable tool.I have seen dowsing work and I have seen amazing finds with a detector.I have been prospecting more than half my life and have never even known someone to use a L.R.L...i have found ounces with research, experience,blood ,sweat, and knowledge I have seen Pounds of gold come out of safes and in briefcases. I know two people who made a living hunting caches and research was as you said the most important tool followed by a V.L.F. and a shovel.and if you put a L.R.L. in their hands it would be about 5 minutes at most before they dropped the snake oil on the ground. Pictures and an honest verifiable story goes a long way on this or any forum, and so far you are all talk..and no show....put up or shut up....or you are no better than that silly little ad in the corner of the page, in that magazine that sits in my outhouse library. I've been flipping through those pages going on twenty years,passing gas while I pass up those passive electronics.

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There are all kinds of ppl. with claims that would love to dig alot of gold out of that claim bring the L.R.L. out to one close to you and lets see were the gold is, would love to see one at work . I think that is all that is being said ,a good tool is ok ,a great tool is worth buying.

Regarding your opinion about all long range locators

you are the one being insulting and calling people names....millions of dollars are spent on marketing by the main detector companies and results drive their business.there are numerous wealthy wage earning and paying treasure hunters and prospectors who spend top dollar on equipment because it helps them have succsessful ventures. Huge mining corporations would climb all over eachother if they could " learn" to use an lr detector.....a very sophisticated industry that would jump on such viable economically benificial technology.Yet it is still experienced and learned geologists and prospectors that make the paydays for the big dogs with use of chemical testing, a 10x loupe and a gold pan because that is what works.And I promise you considering the main reason this forum exists, that if someone was finding nice finds with Long Range Locators they would have no shame in showing off their finds on this forum. G.P.R works used by cache hunters and archeologists....whole buried cities have been mapped, the burial chambers of the Terra Cotta Army in China has been shown to have a map of Period specific China, with waterways of mercury and silver and gold very precisely laid out for the anchient Emperors afterlife.Before they dig in mexico they use G.P.R. there are numerous financed people who would absolutely use a L.R.L if it was a viable tool.I have seen dowsing work and I have seen amazing finds with a detector.I have been prospecting more than half my life and have never even known someone to use a L.R.L...i have found ounces with research, experience,blood ,sweat, and knowledge I have seen Pounds of gold come out of safes and in briefcases. I know two people who made a living hunting caches and research was as you said the most important tool followed by a V.L.F. and a shovel.and if you put a L.R.L. in their hands it would be about 5 minutes at most before they dropped the snake oil on the ground. Pictures and an honest verifiable story goes a long way on this or any forum, and so far you are all talk..and no show....put up or shut up....or you are no better than that silly little ad in the corner of the page, in that magazine that sits in my outhouse library. I've been flipping through those pages going on twenty years,passing gas while I pass up those passive electronics.

Bravo! What a speech! I congratulate you on your lecture of experience and wisdom.Me saying that the skeptics and their sarcasm on this thread are speaking out of ignorance is not insulting or calling anyone any names,its simply stating the facts.Please dont twist the truth around here now. You people that slander and criticize users of Lrl's are the ones that have been insulting and ridiculing us Lrl users on this site for many years now,just go back and read the threads anyone mentioning Lrl's or just asking a simple question like "does anyone know anything about these devices and if any of them actually work or not" is bashed or attacked with sarcasm or made to look like a fool for being interested in this topic. Well its time someone finally took a stand on this and put the truth on the table. I didnt get on this forum to convince or prove what I have discovered about some Lrls to anyone,they work for me and they work for several of my friends who have been using them for many years now period. I am simply sharing my discovery and putting the information out there for those few open minded people who can benefit from this. But sure enough you skeptics start the sarcasm and the mud slinging and all of the other B.S. as usual.Well enough is enough already,you guys need to stop this crap and respect other peoples opinions and beliefs even if you dont agree with them! This is what ticks me off about you people,you dont have to believe in Lrl's you can believe whatever the hell you want to believe but what right do you have to criticize and bash those of us that do believe in their effectiveness and have found treasure with them? And then after all your smart alecky little remarks that you make you expect us Lrl users to just take it and stay quiet? Cant you just be decent people for once and say its not for me and I dont believe in it but good for you if it works for you without all the cynicism? Just like your last comment about the snake oil heres a perfect example of what im talking about here,is that really necessary? I dont really give a rats ass if you dont believe in lrls or not and heres a news flash for you,many caches and placer deposits have been found with lrls over the years just because these people arent on here posting pictures and bragging about these finds doesnt mean its all bogus. Only a fool thats found a very large amount of money would be posting pictures on an internet forum and bragging about it to everyone,if you are such a professional as you claim to be well it seems mighty suspicious to me that you dont know that first rule of thumb about treasure hunting! Maybe this has something to do with all of the time and gassy air you have spent over the years sitting in your outhouse flipping thru magazines? I have evidence of my lrl's working and I have no problem sharing it with reasonable open minded respectful people, but to post it here and have to consistently deal with people like you with all your criticism and skepticism? No thanks, I have already seen what you have done to good people like Arthur for example over the years on this forum,how many times that elderly guy has been disrespected and insulted by you people,even after he posted videos of his lrls in action etc. If anyone is really serious about finding out the truth im sure they will contact me and this is my filter for all of the BS that goes on with people like you,so no I wont shut up and I will speak my truth Mr. whether you like it or not.

There are all kinds of ppl. with claims that would love to dig alot of gold out of that claim bring the L.R.L. out to one close to you and lets see were the gold is, would love to see one at work . I think that is all that is being said ,a good tool is ok ,a great tool is worth buying.

Thanks brother for your open minded comment,I feel a little better now after seeing that there are still a few reasonable and respectful people still left on this forum.

Hi Contactlight,

Pretty amazing how my simple little comment rates such a response. You guys carry pretty big chips on your shoulders. If your LRL units work for you, great. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.

Just tired of all of the sarcasm and the criticism of Lrls on the different forums like this one over the years Steve.Not all Lrl's are a scam,some actually do work like the ones I purchased,and that truth has to be told here.

Where's the proof? EVERY LRL user I have ever talked to, always claim that they can't find anything when you go with them because of the "negative energy" of the observer or other such garbage excuse. Let's see yours work with someone watching you find and recover something. So far you have given a lot of talk but I haven't seen results.

I am not a skeptic.....and I am extremely open minded. My point is that if true professionals aren't using something that has been available for decades, than there is a good chance it just doesn't pass muster. It is quite obvious that you are emotionally involved and therefore very biased.No one was attacking until you came along. You have been very rude to people here calling names and using insinuating terms.You have been challenged to set up an unbiased test, to go meet someone and film a discovery for some verifacation, yet you spin it by saying no proof will matter.Horsefeathers about how people won't post their large finds it happens all the time and is not the number one rule.If it where such a wiz bang thing-ama- jig you would atleast hear about their use in Europe where signifigant caches are found all the time. and due to property ownership and recovery rules there is a very steadfast open on the table program in place, and hunters have to show their finds, due to the fact that most discoveries are made on some one elses land and the land owner gets his fair share as does the discoverer.Yes, in the States there are fellows who will not show what they find some on their own land, some with permission,Some on federal land. I would not argue that, yet their are major finds made that do get shown.As far as Placer discoveries go, most of the time volume is key and even if your L.R.L. did find a patch of nuggets or an eroded hillside reef buried at such a depth that a minelab couldn't pick it up, you would have to dig a signifigant hole to recover it, and that creates a whole new set of issues for the hunter that makes the discovery tool used irrelevent...and once again would turn the detecting industry on its ear....and all of these arguments would be over....and man would we have have to eat some humble pie.Until then we are right you are spam and are trying to prove that a wortless piece of plastic and dials is a viable valuable tool that has made zero true discoveries...accept the challenge presented or go kick a can down the road and then into the bushes and see if you can find it with your doo-dad.13 posts and your the expert on a very old treasure hunting site....go to the l.r.l thread and stay. oakview asked for opinions and that is what he what if people don't agree with your baseless factless arguments...thats just the way intelligent ,knowledgeable people deal with illogical people like you.

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Just tired of all of the sarcasm and the criticism of Lrls on the different forums like this one over the years Steve.Not all Lrl's are a scam,some actually do work like the ones I purchased,and that truth has to be told here.

Insulting your skeptics back will get you nowhere. Using appeal to belief as an argument is also a fail. Just because a lot of people believe something does not make it true. Time on market also means nothing. LRL marketers are well versed in the law and what they can and cannot legally claim in ads. You are getting exactly what is being sold so in that regard no scam is taking place.

The truth you own belongs to you and you alone. Be happy in it. If you do not like sarcasm and criticism then I suggest you avoid the subject, because that is what you are going to get. As an anonymous poster you have no credibility and no, I am not going to email you for photos or anything else. The burden lies with you to prove your claims, not on others to disprove them.

Frankly, threads like these are just time wasters, as they never do anything but get people stirred up. They would be entertaining were it not for the bad feelings that arise. I think I will go find some gold instead. You all have a great day!

Post the pics and first hand accounts of success, seeing is believing.

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