Another reason I dont care for "Diggers"


Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
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Golden Thread
Lewiston, Idaho
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Multiple Tesoros and Whites
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Metal Detecting
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I think it give property owners the impression that their property is littered with valuables.I recently lost access to a site that I have been searching for over thirty years because the owner was upset that I wasn't sharing all of the valuable finds with him.This was a childhood friend and I even offered to give him all of the finds,probably 8-10 silver coins,a minnieball and some wheaties.I explained if I ever find anything family related I always return it.Still,he had that "you're holding out on the valuables"look and wasn't interested in my claimed finds.This incident really hurt and I really haven't done any hunting since.

You haven't gone back? Now he knows you have been screwing him. ;)

Here we go again. I can't believe the storm of controversy the subject of the " Diggers " brings up every time. Its not like they are tying you to a chair and making you watch the show. I may not have even gotten into metal detecting if the hobby of metal detecting wasn't approached in this show. I know these guys personally and live in the same town and believe me they don't act that way when here at home with no camera crews. Oh I almost forgot we don't want anymore new people getting into metal detecting anyway because that will be less for the rest of us to find.

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Here we go again. I can't believe the storm of controversy the subject of the " Diggers " brings up every time. Its not like they are tying you to a chair and making you watch the show. I may not have even gotten into metal detecting if the hobby of metal detecting wasn't approached in this show. I know these guys personally and live in the same town and believe me they don't act that way when here at home with no camera crews. Oh I almost forgot we don't want anymore new people getting into metal detecting anyway because that will be less for to find.
Can you get in on some of these hunts?

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Seems like at least once a week Theresa new thread on.the tv show diggers why

Seems like at least once a week Theresa new thread on.the tv show diggers why

Some people think these shows puts a bad light on our hobby..

Shows are not produced for people already in the hobby

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Naw I understand but all someone has to do is search it I'm sure there are hundreds of threads starts arguments & so forth life's to short to be unhappy & complain, truth is its not really hurting the hobby only if they really want to believe it is.

I disagree. I think it is a very bad thing for "the hobby." The more attention we get the harder it becomes to practice our hobby. More and more restrictions, more and more newbie’s digging holes in easily accessible parks and private properties without permission, proper technique or ethics. The only people that profit from these shows are the advertisers and metal detector manufacturers.

Maybe kind of like when Martha Stewart had Fire King on every show. After that nobody could get any without paying through the nose. ;)

Can you get in on some of these hunts?

In my dreams. Guess I don't know them quite that well. But I could act crazy if that is what it takes to make money doing what you enjoy.

Naw I understand but all someone has to do is search it I'm sure there are hundreds of threads starts arguments & so forth life's to short to be unhappy & complain, truth is its not really hurting the hobby only if they really want to believe it is.

Your thread asked why? Opposing opinions. Many people sincerely believe these shows hurt the hobby...

Just as long as members don't insult or attack each other in the threads...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Your thread asked why? Opposing opinions. Many people sincerely believe these shows hurt the hobby...

Just as long as members don't insult or attack each other in the threads...

ABSOLUTELY!! :thumbsup:

Ya I suppose I basically answered my own question, freedom of speech, & to each is own makes no difference to me I still enjoy myself everytime I go out

I think a big part of the dislike is the new people the show brings into the hobby. Storage hunters don't like the show Storage Wars and so on. Then people start saying, oh, it causes this and it causes that, when the bottom line is they don't want the competition...and I fully understand that...people like and dislike the show for a variety of reasons but I think the added competition is a huge factor to the ones that don't like it.

I think a big part of the dislike is the new people the show brings into the hobby. Storage hunters don't like the show Storage Wars and so on. Then people start saying, oh, it causes this and it causes that, when the bottom line is they don't want the competition...and I fully understand that...people like and dislike the show for a variety of reasons but I think the added competition is a huge factor to the ones that don't like it.

Yes true but we all got into it from one reason to another & I get that the shows bring more of a hey swing this,machine get rich quick & those people don't know how to properly digplugs,take the bad targets with them not leave holes every where & so on, I got into it for the love of history,being able to be the first one to touch something that hasn't been or seen daylight in years kinda cool to me, ill also show my apreciation to.the land,owners,ect. If only there were a happy medium somewhere, ya I can also see what ur saying with the competition but that's just gonna be there with any & everything in the world theres competition, nature of the beast I guess. I just ignore & go on my merry way take one day at a time, I been involved in some major accidents in my life medflighted twice life support a couple times so I see things a little different mayb,just seems there could be other things to get mad about or dislike something more major then a couple of meatballs on a tv show that there being told to act that way mayb its not them mayb under contract to do so, & in return they get to try machines, detect awesome places, heck I bet more then half people here would act very silly to go to the places these shows have been

I don't like them because I feel the majority puts our hobby in a bad light but I have no problem with people that do like it.

My TV has this cool feature, I press a button and the TV changes to a different station....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I have seen threads on Diggers in the past but never replied because up until this weekend I never watched the show. Saturday I caught two episodes. A few observations... The lingo threw me for little Ahh ok got it..... Next I've never heard anyone call a plug a clump before seeing the show,, maybe that's a regional thing. I just found that a bit odd. And to be honest, I would have expected better plugs. I get shtick and having catch phrases and all that. But if that's the majority of what you have going for you well you need to bring more to the table.

It's unlikely I will watch it again, not because it's so terrible but because it falls short of its potential to be awesome. It COULD be amazing with all of the places they have access to. It COULD be much more informative and educational. They COULD balance the fun of the hobby with the work this hobby requires. They COULD but they don't. Maybe they could learn something from a show like River Monsters.

I would think it would be a better show if they could have one hour episodes. They have to edit out huge amounts of good tips and techniques. They don't have but like 15 minutes of actual show time and half of that is spent on useless info. If they had a full hour they could show how to properly cut and replace a plug and go into more detail of the finer points of how to actually metal detect successfully. Right now its to much hoopla and wiz bang action and antics to actually be informative. And the overall corniness of their lingo is almost too much for me to stomach. My wife hates it just for that reason and will not watch it. I watch occasionally, but I don't make it a point to.

I saw an episode the other night. They have amped it up from the first episodes in regards to the latest ones. I wonder how much more crazy can they act? I am kind of curious, kind of like watching wrestling.

BTW, after watching one of the last episodes they reminded me of something that has always perplexed me: Is it pronounced "Roots", or "Rutts"? You know those dangly things hanging from a grass plug?

It is interesting how many people seem to think that I just started detecting and usually it is after they talk about "Diggers". I think that the show has brought a lot of publicity to metal detecting. Good or bad, I don't know.

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It COULD be amazing with all of the places they have access to. It COULD be much more informative and educational. They COULD balance the fun of the hobby with the work this hobby requires. They COULD but they don't. Maybe they could learn something from a show like River Monsters.

While I do agree with you to some extent ... I would like to see maybe a little more informative talk

keep in mind a couple things about the show.......

* It's a 30 minute TV show ... not a 2 hour documentary ... gotta pack in a lot of somewhat entertainment in such little edited time.
* Plus they detect places where like the OP said We Will NEVER have access to ... you think those places are giving away those right without getting plugs, and wanting the airtime to promote the area, the events, the history from the people who caretake these historical places ... that's why you see more education on the "Location" being hunted and not the hobby of detecting.
* The show is not so much about the hobby of metal detecting ... though Garrett loves it, they don't promote the Hobby of detecting all that much or oddly enough even the detectors themselves (which surprises me that Garrett Doesn't make them touch on the AT Pro / Gold machines more often).

If this show was maybe an hour then you may see more about the informative information or detector education along with more about the hobby that uncovers these treasures ... BUT it's TV and the sites want the historic information provided more-so then the hobby I would assume and to gain access they must do so I'm sure.

They get to show the fun that this hobby can be for up and coming gentlemen detectorist along with giving valuable history about our american past time in the locations they get to hunt (yes OP don't be jealous cause you don't have a TV show and can;t hunt those awesome places) and get to plug Garrett without saying anything using the AT Pro/Gold as primary hunting machines ... I really think it's a win win for everyone really even us average old viewers ... so stop being so critical guys ... it's unbecoming of the type of guys we really are in this hobby I believe to nit-pick something like this.

I think you all take this crap way to serious ... It's a TV show and it needs to fill many gaps and criteria in a 23-24 minute span of time ... what they do and cover I feel is enough and the most valuable to all areas of the hobby, history and showing how fun detecting can be!!!

Ann Thaghts Aul I Gautda Sey Abought Thaat!!! :icon_thumright:

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I noticed many are pointing fingers @ the diggers for being a sour taste towards the future of detecting. I'm fairly new to detecting, about 3 months. I saw a video on you tube where a guy from California in his 50's dug a plug & got frustrated cause he couldn't find the target & threw the plug in the bushes ( Leaving a hole in the ground ) & later dumped sand on a sidewalk to find his treasure. It's his ethic's that destroys the detecting hobby. Imagine if hundreds or god forbid thousands did this on a daily/ weekly basis. Right off the bat detecting just looks bad, 95% of my detecting is under the radar and unseen for preservation towards our hobby.

Leave it the way you found it!

"Storage hunters don't like the show Storage Wars and so on"

This is true. Having sold collectibles and antiques for 15 years on eBay, although I don't buy storage units these people do visit the Estate and traditional auctions I attend and have heard this complaint first hand. The prices of storage units and even junk units that in the past could not get a bid now sell for crazy money.

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