It COULD be amazing with all of the places they have access to. It COULD be much more informative and educational. They COULD balance the fun of the hobby with the work this hobby requires. They COULD but they don't. Maybe they could learn something from a show like River Monsters.
While I do agree with you to some extent ... I would like to see maybe a little more informative talk
keep in mind a couple things about the show.......
* It's a 30 minute TV show ... not a 2 hour documentary ... gotta pack in a lot of somewhat entertainment in such little edited time.
* Plus they detect places where like the OP said We Will NEVER have access to ... you think those places are giving away those right without getting plugs, and wanting the airtime to promote the area, the events, the history from the people who caretake these historical places ...
that's why you see more education on the "Location" being hunted and not the hobby of detecting.
* The show is not so much about the hobby of metal detecting ... though Garrett loves it, they don't promote the Hobby of detecting all that much or oddly enough even the detectors themselves (which surprises me that Garrett Doesn't make them touch on the AT Pro / Gold machines more often).
If this show was maybe an hour then you may see more about the informative information or detector education along with more about the hobby that uncovers these treasures ... BUT it's TV and the sites want the historic information provided more-so then the hobby I would assume and to gain access they must do so I'm sure.
They get to show the fun that this hobby can be for up and coming gentlemen detectorist along with giving valuable history about our american past time in the locations they get to hunt (yes OP don't be jealous cause you don't have a TV show and can;t hunt those awesome places) and get to plug Garrett without saying anything using the AT Pro/Gold as primary hunting machines ... I really think it's a win win for everyone really even us average old viewers ... so stop being so critical guys ... it's unbecoming of the type of guys we really are in this hobby I believe to nit-pick something like this.
I think you all take this crap way to serious ... It's a TV show and it needs to fill many gaps and criteria in a 23-24 minute span of time ... what they do and cover I feel is enough and the most valuable to all areas of the hobby, history and showing how fun detecting can be!!!
Ann Thaghts Aul I Gautda Sey Abought Thaat!!!