It's a TV Show Guys!
And do you really think anyone other then active metal detectorist of guys or gals "thinking" about getting into hobby stop on that show and watch it? There a thousand damn channels on TV.
Overall I think it's a fun show for us to watch instead of watching youtube videos of people pulling out bottlecaps from parks all day.
It;s cool to see these new old places that have so many artifacts and treasure that have never been unearthed but now are due to NatGeo having a TV show and a set of guys who have been this A Long Time uncover these treasures for them.
Ya we will never get to detect in Dodge City, or locations from the Hatfields & McCoys battle ... but they do cause it;s TV and the historians get to keep all the relics that are unearthed for their future displays etc.
Lets realize that they are kookie cause it basically a "reality show" and they need to make it fun.
And really it's not bad for the hobby at all cause we all something fun to watch that revolves around the sport we love ... plus no new people that are not somewhat level headed etc. don't say "Ohh Hey, I want to disrespect peoples land and trespass so lets do what those Digger guys do and buy an expensive ass metal detector with huge headphones just to do so"
Let's get real here! LOL
But like many have said ... If you like it or enjoy just watching a fun show about history and guys who do what we do get to go to those places then watch it! .... but if you don't like the guys because of their antics and kookieness then I have no clue what it is you watch on TV now a days cause all that the damn boob tube is full of now a days ... and the alternative is to just not watch it and move on.
I for one thing it's awesome and after 15 years removed from the hobby that show alone got me all pumped up again and now looking to dive head first fully back into the hobby remembering how Exciting it was to pull out a coin from the ground from the 1800's or early 1900's .... if it wasn't seeing them crazy guys have so much fun I would have just forgotten about how much fun I had and never got back into it.
Overall this forum should be for Detector talk ... not Tv Show talk ... I searched Diggers on this forum and ohh my lord this subject has been beat to death!!! LOL
Just let it all go, go grab your detector and go find those NECTAR SECTORS on your own!!!! 
(had to get at least one nutty quote myself ...LOL)