🥇 BANNER Another first


Sr. Member
May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Keene New Hampshire
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro
Garrett AT Propointer
Lesche Sampson T shovel
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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Upvote 96
I went with History Hunters of NH a small detecting group I recently joined.
We stared hunting at 10am and around 4PM when I was tired and ready to throw in the towel I got a 85-82 signal on my AT Pro using my 5x8 coil.
So I decided to test my new action camera and did a small live dig.
And me and my buddy were blown away.
8 inches down after scanning with my propointer I saw shiny and it finally brought out some excitement in me after a long day of digging junk.

Link to my live dig and also my first detecting video so keep in mind I'm no pro lol

Your first video is a banner dig? How sweet is that?

Thanks everyone
I think I'm gonna keep it but get it graded and slabbed when I get some extra money..thinking about passing it on to my son when I return to the dirt lol

Got invited to a hunt in Vermont and hit silver!!!
1828 silver quarter
Here's some pics

That's a "Dream" coin right there.
The Condition is almost 'Perfect ' In My Book for a dug Coin.
Def, Banner

Wow just wow . No need to say anything else :notworthy:

That's a HO HO HO anytime. That's the kind I dream of. gratulations all day.

Amazing thanks for posting. I hit my first Bust coin last week. Half dime, 1834. Unbelievable feeling. Your coin would make me go into cardiac arrest. $500 is low. If you do end up selling it to buy yourself a new machine, don't take less $750... Let's see what the 'experts' have to say about the coin. Congratulations.

Well, it is a dug coin and not terribly rare. However, it is a very desirable coin, overall. It is still a great find. I would estimate a value of between $600-750 for this coin in this condition.

I finally watched the video and I can't help but feel a little let down. Can we just pretend the video never existed and just enjoy this coin? Amazing coin. Just superb. Recreating the dig is just not worth it. I would have been more OK with it if there wasn't the 'acting swinging' before hitting the target. If you're going to recreate the dig, have the target already located and say, "I'm going to show you what I just dug, check this out", then recreate the dig.

Just my unsolicited advice. Not a rant, and certainly not questioning the authenticity of the find!

Carry on. :)

I think the guy found the coin, and wished he had caught it on video. It was just a bad reenactment, and it should have been mentioned as such in the first place.

Just saw the video. Man handling that thing like that almost guarantees it was damaged in some way. Never rub a silver coin like that - not even a 1964 Roosevelt.

We have rules that were being violated.

Not a single report or pm to mods on views that was expressed in posts deleted...

Thread is temporarily locked..

TreasureNet - Real Or Fake?

Plus once a Thread is Voted Banner , Messing up a bannered thread is another reason to
earn a
ban .

If you don't have Congrats Or info or questions on the Coin.
I advise you to Move on !

If your post Disappeared You either Broke a rule,
Quoted someone who Broke a Rule
Or replied in response to someone who broke a rule.
No Need to Explain. If you Earned a Ban you Won't be able to
till 2016 anyway.

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Nice Find Waynos ! And congrats on Earning Banner :thumbsup:

I'm surprised I didn't ruin it wiping the dirt off...if I knew it was rare I would have freaked out lol

I would have Wiped the dirt also. it is automatic in order to see what it is & the date.
It's obvious from the First view in your Hand, it was caked pretty good with
almost 200 years of dirt

dirt like that doesn't just fall off :unhappysmiley:

I would have Wiped the dirt also. it is automatic in order to see what it is & the date.
It's obvious from the First view in your Hand, it was caked pretty good with
almost 200 years of dirt

View attachment 1215094
dirt like that doesn't just fall off :unhappysmiley:
Sometimes when I get a caked coin if I squeeze the edges it will pop rite off..doesn't work everytime.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

same here, But with coins, I need to try and find out what I have so I know whether to
drop it in my Finds bag Or place it separate.
I don't have the patience To Bag it & tag it till I get home and Professionally Clean it :tongue3:

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That's awesome

Congrats to Waynos. I've been following his posts on another forum from NH since he first started digging a while back, and he's the most decent, honest, sharing, and transparent person I've come across. He is the epitome of integrity and works his butt off for his finds.

Thanks everyone
After careful consideration and some fair words from a moderator I removed the video from YouTube cause I understand why it's authenticity could be questioned.
There are many things I would have done different had I known.
It was the first video I ever made so I'll chalk it up to a learning experience.
If anyone felt I intended to deceive please accept my apologies. That was never my intent.

I'm am happy enough with my find and could care less about the video

That's a dandy of a find!!!
Did you find it over near Bratt.???
We don't mind you coming over across the river
but for now on you have to leave
your machines on the east side.:laughing7:
Im in the Rockingham area, few miles north of you.
Again congrats, that's a beauty!

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