Ancient ?

I'll try and dig that info back up. Some info is so bogged down by modern beliefs that it is hard to come by, as well as hard for me dig back up.

I've spent about 6-7 years of my spare time doing a lot of research on ancient , post ancient, modern societies and cultures, beliefs, rituals, religions, symbolism, mythology, language/alphabets, Surveying /measurement systems, secret societies, witchcraft, occult, numerology, etc, etc, including some things on Templars, Freemasons/Masonic groups, Jesuits, French, Spanish, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Sumerians, and off shoot cultures, you name it, pretty much I've spent some time on it. Books, Internet, Archaeological publications, TV shows, whatever. I might be a little light on Asian cultures such as ancient Chinese or Mongolian, although Iv'e looked into it.

There's a lot of crap out there, And I mean crap. Hard to even wade thru what is probably right or wrong. There is a lot of disagreement (by the so called scholars) in it all as well as a lot of just plain ignorance of older customs/beliefs.

One problem is nobody really has any background of what is really out there, and they are dumbed down by the system of information that has been streamlined. Another problem is the far out ideas that come into play by people on shows like ancient aliens and fake stories and media just out to get a mouse click for an advertising dollar. It just makes any non mainstream idea look like it's coming from a nutcase.

Been there too, done all that.

IMO, most/all of the mythologies we're aware of are corrupted versions of actual human memories of the distant past. IMO, those true events likely date to before the Younger Dryas Event 12,000 years ago, which annihilated a worldwide advanced human civilization at that time. Those who aren't caught up in phony academic dogma are linking that cataclysm to a cyclic micronova of our sun - the YDE being the most recent. The humans who survived the cataclysm and its effect on the planet rebooted and progressed to where we are now. Those survivors who maintained knowledge of the past moved faster and founded our well-known "ancient civilizations". Those who didn't and had to start from scratch moved much slower and became "primitive", even to our current times. The structural archaeological evidence found all over the world is not the only the tangible evidence of these ideas that remain - hard science is making great strides explaining much the planet's mysterious history. The information is available to all curious minds, but it conflicts with much of what we've been taught.

All of these comments, of course, are my opinions only. As always, I could be wrong.

I photoed this recently righted stone at Vera Cruz in 1974 and have been wondering about it ever since. Myth? Memory?

Scan 10-cleaned (1).webp

And they just kept thinking that
and thinking it
and thinking

kept thinking that .

But it's not a Thought , it's a Knowledge ,

~~~~ El Chato / Pedro Navarez ~~~~

" finishing that work , return to the spring so you may climb the slope , look for the cave , do not be mistaken , for there are 2 other Caves , but this is the Deepest ,
Inside , and not far inside , inspect a plot of the floor where you'll find a few stacked rocks , remove the rocks and dig down to the Boards .

remove the boards, there are Atajos of silver bars
remove the bars and dig down a few feet , to the Boards , remove these and remove the Silver Bars .

Dig again to the next level of Boards , remove the Boards and there are two Atajos of Finished Silver "

Bone Cave

sorry , the vertical tunnel is now empty .

18 Atajos of Silver , POOF GONE !

El Chato Canyon is what I call that Canyon .

see pic
this is the Mouth of El Chato Canyon .

In following missives here , I'll refer to this Canyon in that way .

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Steve's Bone Cave where 18 Atajos of Silver was recovered .

see photo

Note upper right corner of Photo , see that Rock hanging there ?

Dead Fall ?
Hmmmmm,,,,, ?
Berrry interestink , eh ?

View attachment 1780715

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Seems I bragged about giving clue on the Stone Turtles and then went digress for a bit .

let's return to those ( White Hearts Pic reminded me of Iconography built in Honour of Gods )

First , readers may want to use a search engine with the term : " Drogo Stones " and read a little of Serrada's Text on those , Border of Tibet and China .

Posit a Query for a start

Tanit Temples , the Stone Effigy of her , Goddess ?

or was some race of Beings just having fun with Rocks ?

Incentive to create structures such as Churches , Temples , The Freaking Vatican even , comes from experiences with what may be referred to as : " Supernatural Beings "

right ?

As stated , " If " a person can suspend their controlling mentally induced belief's , open their minds to things that frighten them , get passed
the Brainwashing ,
They may learn the Truth .

Toto did well in the Wizard of Oz , with a simple tug on the Curtain , the Wiz's true identity was revealed .

I don't imagine the " Munchkins were all that Happy at first , and the Wiz either , but , It all worked toward the good , the Wiz no longer
had to conceal his Identity , probably cured his Psychotic Control Unit Mind set , and could not socialize with his Happy Munchkin Friends openly .

The Munchkins ?

Well , no longer would they have to leave offerings such as food and other gifts , at the Door Step of the Great Wizard , he could just come
out to the Cafe and Munch with the Munchkins .

The Turtles are in the shape of the Craft , elevated on stones as to denote the anti-gravity properties of the Craft .

These Turtle Icons , set up by the Tortugas Indians way before Spanish Contact , were set at sites where the Craft visited often .

Why build a Cathedral to a God if none exist for you ?

Again , suspension of long endured ingrained mind washing is not an easy mental disorder to cure for one's self .

First is the Self Confrontation that you've been a Fool to believe and follow a Myth .

That you've been fooled and Controlled .

Yeah , I know the symptom too .

quote myself : " you cannot build a solid foundation on Mystery "

The Frailty of a False Doctrine , requires constant threat , extortion , as well as Burning Witches at the Stake , to maintain it's power over others .

The POO's of the World ( power over others )

IF a wise guy pulls up hard evidence that the Power is pimping a Lie , then the Doctrine requires adjusting to maintain it's so called Validity .

We've witnessed that in all venues across the Table as we've supported those with power over us .

The Blind can see , they through self preservation , are afraid to acknowledge the sights .

I refer to that condition as " Wilful Ignorance "
Wilful Ignorance is perhaps the most devastating affliction a Race of beings can engage .

I'm taking a Break , Swaziland is calling ,

I'd like to spend some time in Mozambique .

Here , have a Little Bobby while I'm away .


View attachment 1780745

and that , THAT ^^^^^^^ right there , is the Actual Factual Knights Templar Shield and Cross .

For a Fact .

not those wimbly Maltese Crosses that " Curse of Oak Island " is pimping .

were they here ?

Pfft , I'm here , and I'm one of them .

would I know this stuff if I was the Laginas or Wolter ?



I photoed this recently righted stone at Vera Cruz in 1974 and have been wondering about it ever since. Myth? Memory?

View attachment 1780697

The Makara, Bearer of many 'Gods', worldwide. Its original form out of Egypt, then Eastern Asia, then many places around the globe...even into Mesoamerica. Morphing through the millennia from crocodile, to elephant, serpent, bird, flying serpent, feathered serpent, double headed eagle, eagle with serpent, turtle, and so on. The back story synonymous with the Tree of Life. The Life Giver. The Tree of Knowledge. The Other with Two Faces to the Native Americans.

A Craft....or a Celestial Metaphor?

Opinions vary.

Bone Cave
sorry , the vertical tunnel is now empty .

18 Atajos of Silver , POOF GONE !

El Chato Canyon is what I call that Canyon .

see pic this is the Mouth of El Chato Canyon .

View attachment 1780707

No, this is not the mouth of the canyon where Bone Cave is.

El Chato huh? First you put him in the Organs. Then the Caballos. Now the Cookes Range. Where next?

Here is something i have seen that is rare to me on turtles. One is flipped on his shell, poor guy. The other looks like he is down and out DOA. He is is propped up in the air,legs hanging straight down, neck stretched out, with head supported up, and slits for eyes. I have no ideal what dead turtles represent, but have only found 2 so far. Have always wanted to go back to them to get more photos, but never have. Strange.

Wow , spin it , like a Bottle , a Goddess for a Kiss .

~~~ Song ~~~

~~~ Unchanged Reality ~~~

" Sadness Dances across the Keys
Black or white or maybe in between

the Chords Dance through notes
forged with sights seldom seen

and the drums begin to scream
as my heart bust it's Seams

and the Sky tonight ,
fills with Stars
as we dream

There's some reason behind
every move we make

and there's a reaction
to reason , that I just don't get

If not but for Verses Sublime
I'd have no reason to carry out
the next few lines

What Cord is this site hung on

can we flip or spin it , to meet our desire
or is it , that it's stuck in a repeat reality
built with permanence , forged with fire

It's all very ancient
but not as old as my Soul

Reasons once spent
can't be regained

Like Words for rent
we suffer that which we maintain

Hey Look Up

is that our reflection
in that Star filled Sky

or some bygone Mystery
that now
is thought to be
just another Lie ?

You're not meant to question
nor built to handle being truly free

and I'm not here to form for you
a better reality

I'm just a Teacher
and this World is not my Class

Can't say what you are
you cloak your anger with a smile

Can Say ,
There seems to me
you're in perpetual state of War

and I just left for awhile
through your Worlds
sealed back door

Hey Look up

Is that a reflection of us
Melded into a Distant Star

and here we came
to land in a World

Leave on it
another of our Scars ?

The Keys , Black and White
My Fingers dance across them
perchance to change our reality
from dark to light

Yes ,,,

" Sadness Dances across the Keys
Black or white or maybe in between

No Matter the Tune we sing
We're always stuck in the exact same Scene

This Movie is rated
but I can't say it here
Words seem to offend
when the listener can't get them clear

Hey , look up
A Goddess riding by

She's laughing at you
to avoid having to Cry ~~~~ End

insitu , within moments , penned just to pen something just now .

Look up World , is that Dead Star your last Reality ?

View attachment 1781006

Wow , spin it , like a Bottle , a Goddess for a Kiss .

~~~ Song ~~~

~~~ Unchanged Reality ~~~

" Sadness Dances across the Keys
Black or white or maybe in between

the Chords Dance through notes
forged with sights seldom seen

and the drums begin to scream
as my heart bust it's Seams

and the Sky tonight ,
fills with Stars
as we dream

There's some reason behind
every move we make

and there's a reaction
to reason , that I just don't get

If not but for Verses Sublime
I'd have no reason to carry out
the next few lines

What Cord is this site hung on

can we flip or spin it , to meet our desire
or is it , that it's stuck in a repeat reality
built with permanence , forged with fire

It's all very ancient
but not as old as my Soul

Reasons once spent
can't be regained

Like Words for rent
we suffer that which we maintain

Hey Look Up

is that our reflection
in that Star filled Sky

or some bygone Mystery
that now
is thought to be
just another Lie ?

You're not meant to question
nor built to handle being truly free

and I'm not here to form for you
a better reality

I'm just a Teacher
and this World is not my Class

Can't say what you are
you cloak your anger with a smile

Can Say ,
There seems to me
you're in perpetual state of War

and I just left for awhile
through your Worlds
sealed back door

Hey Look up

Is that a reflection of us
Melded into a Distant Star

and here we came
to land in a World

Leave on it
another of our Scars ?

The Keys , Black and White
My Fingers dance across them
perchance to change our reality
from dark to light

Yes ,,,

" Sadness Dances across the Keys
Black or white or maybe in between

No Matter the Tune we sing
We're always stuck in the exact same Scene

This Movie is rated
but I can't say it here
Words seem to offend
when the listener can't get them clear

Hey , look up
A Goddess riding by

She's laughing at you
to avoid having to Cry ~~~~ End

insitu , within moments , penned just to pen something just now .

Look up World , is that Dead Star your last Reality ?

View attachment 1781006

Lol, ill give that a try.

Quote Steve : " No, this is not the mouth of the canyon where Bone Cave is.

El Chato huh? First you put him in the Organs. Then the Caballos. Now the Cookes Range. Where next? "

So ?


Slipping down an Avenue
somewhere between

another city and a Mile
beyond , that one
Brightly lit in green

Lights out tonight
no one on the streets

Maybe I'm dreaming
or this City is not for real

Walking alone
no one to stalk my steps

Walking through a Clone
of a City , I once came to know

As a Child , I'd muse those lights
seeking to find an answer
of what made them glow

Tonight I'm not so amused
with the blown lights
of this dead town

Ghost Town People
are not real
they used to be
but they've since left long ago

and if you ever meet them

it's then
that you'll know
you as well have gone
from a City of Yesterday

where empty skies
still seek to once again Glow
for you see ,,,
There's always that Price
that you and it must Pay

Dead City
Turned out the Lights

and the sidewalks
once so pretty
no longer a Pretty sight

Dead Town , muffled and sealed in it's fate

what must the Traveller feel
when they've found they arrived
far too late

Detroit City
Dead as the Door Nail Song

Detroit died of it's Sins
No one left to sing along

Ghost Town people
don't walk
they glide

Dead People Gliding
without direction dictated by their pride
they're Dead
and yet they can sing
I can hear their Voices

right inside my Head ~~~~ End

Untitled for now .

~~~ Pen one live , no title as yet ~~~

Gonna Face that Mountain
Gonna Climb high as I can

Come Sundown

Drink from it's Fountain
become a brand new Man

Gonna Face that Woman
with smile from my Heart

Gonna Challenge my Being
to be all I can be
it's past time I got this start

for that Woman
a new Heart , I'll give
and she'll soon see ,,,

we were meant to be
together , walk this Road
Together ,, into Loves overload

wake to find

This Morning , I start a brand new run
Run until I top out
Oh that Mountain's gonna Fall
to my footsteps
to my Will
to the Spirit within
gonna regain that Woman's Love Again

( Chorus insert )

Gonna Take Passage
Gonna Sail back Home
Gonna Find me Flying
and this time , not alone

Gonna take time
Gonna do it right
Gonna Find my Lover
Hold her with all my Mite ,,,

Going Home now
Put that Mountain behind me

Get Back to my Lover
Holding for her , a brand new me

Yes , this Travail is passed

Get me Home
Take a Holiday
just the two , to spoil her
in my own way ,,

Sailing Homeward
The wait is almost
more than I can Stand

~~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~

View attachment 1781124

Hey Beepers, your buddies are out here tonight. There is a giant Disco ball just sitting there in the Sky.OIP.webp

I dont know what this is, but its way bigger,brighter and lower and closer than all the other stars.12192019 1096.webp:dontknow:

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